i-i ne Uanadian Cthampon, Irday, November 8, 2002 CONGRATULATIONS C.I.ratng 0 yars~ ~Happy Birthday atRB Fnuia Ilup 95 yrs youngl j Ieb Renne and Jeu" Hadgeî I alu r i ifr ar ý i er (hu Lh 1er Milieu IBrandir wuu ike ýTl IanS homenin S ,iedî,î. caiu oeu oul edcaint ucLoelrom FOR Sae: Al brick de- '-. tached 3 bedroom bun- iCCEPTiNG applica- ROCKWOOD, Suniny 1 gaow Air conditioned. ions for 2-bdrm apta. on bedroom, et-lt kitchen Downtown Ml/ion, ada/it floons, avalable MILLSIDE TOWER $795lmonth.. Bache/on $215000 or rent Dec 15/$915 a month & 82 MILISIDE DRIVE apartmeni wth deck $1250+UtiitieS. Imme Jan 1/$925 a month. $600lmonth inclusive diately. Carme/a 905- For appoînment ca/I ai- 1 &2 Bedroom Apis- Also storefront/office. 876-1653. ter 6pm 905-878-5345. Close to Downtown. 519-856-4900. -vACTON Apartments For Front Door SUBLET-one-br. apt: t'uRent: 1 bedroom 5avail- Downtown Miton. Avaî/- - ah/e December lat. (905) 876-1249 ah/e Nov. 13th-$99500. Acro Open 7 dlays/week. A/li nc/usive. Dîno-905- -_aM-ay prvi, s DCA -vseo BARN for renit. 6 tail barn. tack room, water and eleciricity, hay/off, 6 paddocks on 4 acres, quiet, hacks onfo acres of trats, 2 minutes 10 M oh a wk /4O01l $Bollmonth 905-854- 3574. FURNISHED, protes- sional office spaoe tor rent, shared hoardroom & receptioniat. Ca/I Mike af 905-876-3500. $$ GOVERNMENT - Funds $$ Grants and boans information to start and vvpand your husiness o. /armn. 1-800- 505-8866. CALI inc/air-Cock- hurt 1-866-357-0471. t-yr 4.10, 5-yr 5.30. ARM 1.99 A/s equiy mortgage programa. re- gardless of income or redit 2 hedroom aparimenf aval/ah/e dan. t mith ha/cony. Utiiies inc/ud- ed. $900.00. Ca/I 905- 876-4682, No doga. 2 hedroom spacioua large. rîghi suites. New/y decorated with many upgrades. Uitiî/ties inc/uded. No doga. 416-918-5913. Doga. 519-853-4374 APARTMIENT for Rani. ulovember 15. 905-875- 2468. 3 hedroom, 1 112 bath. $1000 p/us uti/î- tîea. No appliancea. FOR Rent: /arge 2 bed- room aparfment. Re- decorated, app/iances inc/uded. ln Downtown Mil/ton. Private entrance. $1000/month p/us hy- dro. Aval/ah/e Novem- ber 8. 905-878-2804 days: 905-332-6310. evenînga. GEORGETOWN Victor- ian lange 3-hedroom apartment, main iloor, fireplace. laundry room, large sunroom. $1200 includes heat. Acion large 1 hbedroom spart- ment $600 plus. Ca/I 519-853-5080 or 519- 853-5352. GLEN EDEN COURT APARTMENTS 122 Bronte Street, South, Mil/ton We are flow accepiing applications for For more information andlor ta make an appoinînient, Please cati 905-878-5375 Buld/ng Managers Leonard & Penny LARGE 2-bedroomn aparrment wîfh laundry roomn. $900/monfh utili- ies included. 1 -hed- roomn, $450, 1 -hedroomn, $550, uflifies included. Very quief locations in the evenitg. Avalah/e December 1/02. Con- tact Rot 905-878-8862. FOR rent: Acion 3 hedroon 28 acres, paddock hart. $1lOOOlmonth plus utîlîties. Cal/ Phîf ai 416- 742-0247 est. 10. For Rent - 1 hedroom hasement apartunent. $<XX//mumnth Aitinclusive. 1 I edrno)m aparunent, $851//mnnth adi nclusive. *3 heulroom townhouse. $1t350/mnonth. AU avaiJable in Mgtota CaffAnelom a a 905-875-1110 est 247 3 hdrm-1 1/2 hath, 235 Bronte St. Townhome. Avaîl.- Dec. 1/02. $11 00.OOp.m. References needed. Joyce Hagevîk-Sa/es Rap-Royal LePage RIE 905-878- 8101. FOR Rent: 1 fownhouse. 3 hedroom. $1100/month. 905-876-2558, GRANNV f/at: Furnished room. priv. ent/hathl kitch- enette. $500.00/mth /1 st&/aaf Avalale Dec. 1 st. 905-878-1251. MASTER hedroom wth ensuite bafth. Rut of the house. Owner rare/y home. $600.00/monih. Ca/i 905-691 -9967. SFind A Hêney 0f A Déal ln The Bazaar Corne anid enjay aur tearoamn as yau hrowse aur craft, bake, deli and elegant junk lables. Saturday, November 9, 2002 8 am - 2 p ut St. Stephen's Anglican Church 1480 Steeles Ave. between Trafalgar Roud and Winston Churchill Blvd. Qriffiral work of True5dgy Artîa!t5 UpnVrar5 itLollaw5. Mi/ton November&th 4 -&p.m. Novemker 9 & 1th li -Oam.4p.m. ÎaJ Frec Kaffleb, AJrmibniorr, Coffee E.C.DRURY ANNUAL FALL Cm sALI NOVEMBER 16 & 17, 2002 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. 215 Ontario St. S. Milton, ON OVER 100 VENDORS Amissions $2.00 Si.00 OFF WITH AD - CHILDREN FREE You are invited tuaa Christmas Floral Design Show & Sale Sunday November 10, 2002 -550 Chies Dnve, Unit #25, Miltr4 (parking on Satok Crescent)j (hnstMas ' and Gui If Lç,tis e igi ad Pahtedàt slliR lh i'5 ou crations an 'miý7entçi Acton High School 7th Annual Craft Sale SAT, NOV. 9, 2002 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Over 100 Vendors Raffles, IJake Table. EXRA. -iet LnhAvial C AdssionFAul VA2.00 Wedding Date_________________ (1FxEmail_____ _I SED HI FR Send to: National Bridai Shows FO YOU 2 OR 1 c/o Premier Consumer Show ADISSO COUPO 467 Speers Rd., Oakville BYFIDC.2,20 L6K 3S4. Fax: 905-337-5571 a division ai GUELPH Record & CD show, Sunday November 10, 10:30 t0 Spm. LP's CD s, 45's videa and related memorabilia oser 35 vendors. Ramada Hotel 716 Gor- don St. (opposite University of Guelph) Admisaion $3.00 *New in town? *Getting married in 3 months or more? *Having a baby? *Establishing a new business? PLEASE CALL US Community Welcome Linda 905-854-1563- Doris 905-332-4799 Elize 905-693-0313 Baby & Bridai Tracy 905-876-4330 Grace 905-319-1110 CLASSIFE HOTLINE: 905-875.300 CLASSIFED ROUiS: Moliday to Frday # 9:00 am - 5:00 prn fEa mpts e ww.itnaaiacapo, 1 m 1 24- S D A N 2ý bi til F r( d ir N $ d E 1