The Canadian Champion, Friday, November 8, 2002-23 Former restaurateur climbs Mount Kilimanjaro Pcople sailit1, was cra:y, but that didn't deter Wolfgang Roesslerfrom his goal By FANNIE SUNSHINE The Champion Wlfgang Roessler said he would climb Africas maunitains after he retired. And last month, he did just that. 'Me former owner of the Muddy Duck Restaurant headed ta Africa Octaber 1 and began bis four-day jaumney up Mount Kilimanjaro. the world's highest free- standing mountain. "l did it just for fun," he said. "The climb was very difficult, the air was thin and the mounitain was steep." He travelled with a guide and several other climbers. but somne of themn had ta say good-bye before reaching the top, he said. 'To make it ta the top in the momning. we liad ta travet in the midle of the night the final day of climbing," Mr. Roessler con- tinued. "We had a light on aur helmets like mine workers. 'Me whole mountain laoked like a giant Christmas tree." Although he was successful in reaching Africas highest point - 5,895 meters there werc times he didn't think he would make it. I was close ta the top when 1 thought it was the end for me. But 1 thought ta myscîf, 1 came here ta gelta the top, s0 I kcpt going. It felt great getting up there." When he told people prior ta teaving for Africa he was going ta climb the mountain, most of them waved off the announce- ment. "They said 1 was crazy. and 1 said you have ta be crazy ta do this." Ailcr spcnding two day'. descencting the mountain. he went on a day-long safari and got up close and personat with a giraffe. 1Ih10 gnal at s.u. .o) Iwe a-ooo il't îî move. its such a ditterent way ot life in Africa, they live differently and the food is différent." Before heading off ta the continent, Mr. Roessler decided ta give something ta charity, sa he approached several business- es in town, including the Milton Merchants hockey club, ta ask for donations. I1 said 1 would only take the money if t madc it to the top." He managed to collect $2,000, which hes donating toward Alzheuier's disease research. I want ta thank the Merchants and the people of Milton for their donations." After leaving Africa, Mr. Roessler hcad- cd ta bis home country of Germany ta visit family - another trip he can tick off on his tist ta do post-retirement. He said bis ncxt adventure will be corn- peting in a cross-country ski race in Ottawa in February. Wolfgang Roessler was successf ut in reaching the top of the world's highest free-standiflg mountain, Mount Kilimanjaro. be ready for any E~AILNGE 2003 F-150 XTR 4x2 SuperCab 2003 Ranger Edge 4x2 SuperCab "$429$8 38mntease 48 month lease $395dw I025 treight $999 down, $880 freight, $0scu8ydeol $0 security deposit PURCHASE' INO Down Payment E NO Paru*nt For 90 Days $ NO nteres For 90 Days * Or die wa -SresorRngrte oids et-eliAg fl-s NO Down Payment NO Secwity DepoSft NO Frst Mm*t Payment Fn1moi m. l i-stock 2W3 ondl&;_ "ou 0opw8in-st k 2,W-3 ff Frih. diisrto te ndapicbet e 'e 'e amnsrto eesadaplcbetusapI W88085RAn8EoAcoY ~l811d118,888280 I0XONTARIO8$4'8188FORD81$00lDEALERS.88~8118 818518, . l1188881 0 190 Fond lffl XR 4x4,, 8î8801,18888î80lde 180810/180B 8face 'î412uMaor$9428 9 e ot a a namrlse aeof79,79'. 98a3&»8= = " 8r Ce l wde ro 8118010 the 18 818 8011f 80'8" 8881 /181088 an8k , C Mdtl01188l884l1'18 8811801188"0888h8088 81181 '88810tmappl Pin I010zw t'n1$ i,4 d.1 'ot1 i IIit adl eqiet08ol ol1 rCaad ml ,0hefii alska-dAi rliekhes ,lh f em'nih4nc tillC1t« l ad il 8i0l resE Mkene - fr 0Ilan tm u heleaim lem Il *20î8, ml Y 0îce'tat1- fie SO$890 le ailX8Pl, ni al on anan8maI os18 ate 1 2 Y8 î î~ , 4 %t om Font u1roiIo ier8/1818'80811881'l rson a181111 eU 0 Laipro80 me o we 5 ý2se i- f nfl -20 18à 181, ks W M.8018U 8118'a" , a Ç1801180.8, 'i le h 01î ni8$0parlent 181'. ,ni 81a819% I 5 m,18180d8l081 epnhg o h'le onr1siw M Frtvitore li m lono o 314 mi-isIoreI toer fni pnod ans evndir jo no i III, Ipp111,c 011î' 58 00/1801,I,0,hl 088elle,1 g 80 00 1 da00% 0 08 l80 o 2 0 dus 0hy I 08 s110t.W11 oid fs 9 u ,$ adtoa hI M d,8é9 d $0C,0Ale 0 u $00f00ad l %aonr d ah,'or'0'8! m8'0 rnl!V 5 yu1011 l$ W0,08l 1108018086 I 110roIg l i8;61585$01,8 d a I e$1 878.'00 4 fii80 80 ie 8 . Io0. c ofcrF9 ame dg ,2SPf18 2 00fiaro m00anatdncfag ai $48908s,8ntr pyami $,mi $1887 18080 $,008'0 1'ti" 80I sýadtta li 111 r me 9 1180 dn l$.0(ùA 1 0 aloi $0 Y) IdmoCo l 5%anl pere01181.118m0188080 49 I, 41 .8 01 8 mna 1,0850,$'5?lIld ,lg aoaKýia , e eed,$351 h r ho eeto Si LM 'Il 88k 8 im Wdmnpymn ml ii,,888î0 l88018 0101 0o0otel8l n. a18it.,! h,,cand l880Ip'.latmin" i I m reof, clelOîîIm o n 5C' If Se, 8888008101' , M. 0 1 M 8Ami8100188018188o811 0181. 00101018'Ii 19 O1 Il X1,8,18 , l0 o W Ba 08101ol 1k 10e -[Idl.oa 81 nl .Il00llù01 I In ldDl- fo 81 ù Idtesmi .O t e 'IA, K08l