22-The canadian Champion, Friday, November 8, 2002 Local fundraîsers serve up a Taste. of the -Escarpment Ellen Hughes (lefI) serves up some appetizers 10 tellow Taste of the Escarpment committee members Clara Paul and Nancy Raithby as weil as Martindale Gardens construction site manager George Kern to promote the Taste of the Escarpment tundraiser on Friday, Nov. 15 at Granite Ridge Golf Club. Proceeds trom the annuel event - which will once again teature Don Harron, better known as tunny Man Charlie Farquharson - will go 10 Martindale Gardens, Multons soon-to-be-open assisted-living facility. For Teste of the Escarpment tickets, cati (905) 693-8592. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE KIDS! WHAT DO YOU DO WITH I HEM' Cleaning yeîur lîouse us hile your kids re stl ross r g. p Is ke M\l ." r "I livts c i ils c iitîi.îde pitti WWliicl tii ie l i', 1tus io ship ilt icsus(hrisî. shoveling the drive befe itlias sîiîpped sniiying. kids cI y tius att i/a o o ow15yu io rn -Tîere is only onie pretîy clîîld in te wîrld ..and every îiiîher lîîsîîiîly s lîreditai y. You getltit îîîîî s tut k1tel. hernt iesîtahlish a striilg ethîcal toujîdîtic lias i." - Chinese Prîtserb You cant o l s il fte eple tII iiofte îlite atdI il utl tepo e ll su cI iheti cetftemlplatinlit'es crucîil iii Ltheni tb churchi llelp uin that su Il serve iheni testîions. Calibrate their itht- in the- rîtht ehrec- \lothers of teens know why sorte animais eat their young. Children are natural mimics, who act like their parents, despite every effort to teacle themi good manners. Children wiII sooli forget your presents. They Il always remember your presence. Chidren seldom mîsquote you. In tact, îhey usually repeat word for word whai you shouldn't hase said. The main purpose of holding children's parties is 10 remind your- self that there are children more awful than your own. Grandchidren are God's reward for not killing your kids. Favourite line used by frustrated miothers in embarrassing public moments: "Who are these kids and why are they calling me L *Milton Bible W Church Meeting@ Mtlton District Hîgh Sehool 10:00 AM Bible Dîscovery Traîl 11:00 AM Worshîp Service A New, Church fo)r a New, Generation wwm,.miltonbiblechurch.ca (905) 876-3586 Senteo Pstor AsieofDanadau Chitdren Mrs. Natalie FRo9ge Srise NursEter yna ieChdrs Id9rams- avlabie rîil Services c-c1 1 ELAR E. URCC E O LVE J.- 4nvÀÀ9X pic stonie o I tetnle, but ou ian îleser t tuti îîîîr. A ctilds grealesl çerîod ut growthis ilIeîie inh aller y <lu'se pur- cliased new scliîol clîuîles. Anytine suho saîss-Easy ,as îakîtg catdy ftom a baby-lits nes cm îried i. Chîldreîi: YouI spend ilie first 2 ve:îrs ol Ihîcr lite teaclîîngIte ici us alk and îalk. Tîtetiy nu speîd te liesli steen vears îelliîîg iheni Io sit dous n and slîut-uîî. Tlhe best inlîerîîaîîce parents caiî gîve iheir chldren is a few min-î utes of iheir tîme eaclî day. tutti regardlcss niflIhe pulîlt gel oh îrack. In a clilds ,life. yeîu canri ake t dîllerenue! Wîll you prescrnt himi tir lier .vith eppiîrtunîlies lii undersiaîid Gods love'? Will sou lîglit up a lite bs passtng aliîng aî spark tof the Divine'. Or s il you pass up oii a prectoîts ippotutiunîy.hal nîay neyer come around agaîi. loday is lIe day to begîn tel îîake an etemnal impact! Make plans o vs it a local church tlîîs \veek! Consult the Relîgious Dîrectory belecus for service imes and locations! And follow through on your ceîmmtmrent t0 attend - yîîu wîll neyer regret it! What is the most enduring gîft ihai a parent cari give Io a child? Submitled by Reî'erend Dan Rogge, Senior Pastor of New Life Is is a taiih and a love that endures for A time ihat comtes front Church, Milton. MILTON SEVt-N tH-l)AY' ADjVýNT Cli-URC 1.1 -'l l t-' -, I , à. '.h a I RIt BIBIE, StitOOL '55 t lti l tK it 5 KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 170 Main St. E., Milton 878-6066 Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Nursery Sunday School Age 3- Grade 6 10:30 a.m. Youth Class Gr-ades 7-12 9:30 a. m. 'CalIed la Serve tise Lord" Whetichair acee,.and tiashroorns p0roI ded so that al may coine and iiorsbîp. ý4 Mitoýn 80 5IChýurch 900 Nipissing Rd. (905) 875-1626 9:45 arn Sunday Sohool for ail ages 11:00 arn Worship Service Sermon Titie: Encouragement: Encouraging One Another Everyone Welcome Bey. Greg Macaulay - B.A., M.Div. t ,,,,,,tti i,,t 't,,, tm .. , "d t___.11.______________-__._____-________________ SOLTHSIDE COMMUNIT'Y CHURCH MILTON GOSPEL HALL BAHNA' FAITH of The Chrisian & Missonarv Alliance 306 Ontario St. N. e 878-3873____________ 2850 DERB878-BD. 10-00 arn. - The Lords Supper Mulifaith Devotions & Breakfast. 10- 12 arn, Pastor: Greg Mccombls 11:45 a.m. - Sunday School Sunda'y, November 10, Topic."Unhty ln Div ersity" P.tstor of Yoth M Ninistries: jack Niinabeg* 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Learn of The Bahai Faiffi and Is Teachings 10:0 .M SNDY ORINGýIRSII SRVCEWednesday 7:30 p.m. 8 pm. WNed, Nov. 13, 20, 27 Informai Discussion & "'ADw-ENTRELAND" for kids 3 - Gr. 6 Pae n il td aaiVso V (Nurserv rare proýided up tiiage 2) Looking unto Jesus Monday, Dec. -, 12:30 and 1U.0 pm, Ch. 37 For more iolo on our regul.îr wek the author and finisher For local information: 905-875-2923 mnsreplcasc cati the church office. or Our faith. Hebrews 12.2Rcrig180,338 w.ao.r Grace Anglican Church Wenwecome you to... À GRACEWAV '-BAPTIST CHURCH 317 Main St. L, Mltonîî Tel. 878-2411 Fau 878-3005 UNITED) CHURCH I 905-878-1629 svsvwN.gracechîrchmiltoin.com 123 Main St. E., Milton Pastor Walter H. Isaak Rev. Dr. Mark McDermott Rev. Amy Cousineau Sun. Nov. 10 - 10:30 a.m. 9:50 arn. - Fanily Bible Hour SUNDAY SERVICES REMEMBRANCE DAY SERVICE 1-1:00 arn. - Morning Service 8:00 lain - 1lin/v Cttotiiitini Heavens Gate Church Schaol al 10:30 ar. 60 .n.-Eein evc 11:0101arn -Si.ing Fuebiariet Theme: The Prodigal Son, Baby & Toddler Nursery 6:0pm- vngSeic (lanrcbi Sehioni & (Sffè lee Ur Nov. 16&17 - 5th Anniverary Weekend TIIURSDAY Weekly hidrens / Youth Grottps. Youtlh Mens & Sentor Thursday Choirs & moret Call us or dropio for detattst 110:00n1) tlin/sCnrintîniion Rev. John Benhamn & Rev. Gerry Hofstetter 7:00 p.m. Bible Study & Prayer Wlîtctt ît5Tht ogît Pai kitte Lt îîttts 1ucofc:~O8889 "You'll always find a friend al Graceway" LADIES' COFFEE BREAK Tosdays fr01119:30 amn - Il arn Fre Childard - Ail Wornen WalOrne 1 1 a 1 a ý . CAPTIONING PROVIDED FOR DEAF/HARD OF HEARING 1 --- ým mKmrAIV A«r 1 n-JA ARn