2-The Canadian Champion, Friday, November 8, 2002 Local man searches for owner of missing old watch Jack Champoux would like nothing mor. than to returo the watch lound in a Toronto subway station to ils rightful owner. Trouble is. he's having a bard time track- ing dlown the person. His sons iiother-iio las l, ound tie watch ai a stih\, ay station ai Lakeshore Boulevard and Royal York Road last year and has held 0010to leser sitice. Mr. Champoux said. lnscribed on the v atch is the name Frank Wiîlliamî Harry Gilhv. 1914 to 1919. Undemeath the name s Uihessord Milton. "Were assuming il's Milton, Ont. We thought somebody lrom Milton maybe tras'elled 10 Torono( and lost the watch. We also assume. because of the dates, that this person might have fought in the war.'* He's checked the Royal Canadian Legion and Milton Publie Library for inforniation pertaining to a Frank Gilby, but came up empty-handed. -This could be a real keepsake for some- body,- Mr. Champoux said. Anyone with information is asked to e- mail local historian uiDilîs, who's help- ing in the search, ai jdills@idirect.coni Remembrance Day e vents set for Sunday and Monday November 1l not only marks a day of reflection, but is also looked at as a remînder of what we eurrently have and why we have it. Several Remembrance Day ceremonies will be held in îown to pay tibute for those who fought for the freedoms we enjoy today. The Remembrance Day Parade will be held Sunday at 2 p.m., startmng from the Royal Canadian Legion, 21 Charles St., and fmishing at the cenotaph ai Victoria SPark Town Hall. s. A Remembrance Day service will be beid Monday ai Evergreen Cemetery on Ontario Street atl11a.m. TMen the Remembrance Banquet will be held ai the Royal Canadian, Legion Monday evening. 'Happy Hour' will begin at 6 p.m., fol- lowed by dinner ai 7 p.m. Tickets cosi $7.50 and must be purchased by tomorrow. To reserve seats or for more information, cail (905) 878-9005. GO service free for vets Monday In bonour of Remembrance Day, war veterans will be able to use GO services free of charge Monday. Vterans can ride free with one compan- ion ail day on Go trains and buses. In order > for a free ride, veterans must wear or carry something identifymg theniselves, such as niedals or blazes. [MILTON(q