8-The Canadian Champion, Tueaday, November 5, 2002 r ~brighten your day jr- ! 487 Lawier Ave. Y \ f à~ Hialton 's 4-H Club members look to strong showing at Royal Agricultural Witr Fir By FANNIE SUNSHINE The Champion Haltons 4-H Club is gearing up for what they hope to b a strong showing at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair, which runs Friday to November 17. "The largest contingent we bave is in tlise beef category," said Brenda Mathies. co-ordinator for the I-laton club. "Our dairy category usuaiiy does srong as weii." Thecfair, irld at the CNE in Toronto. wiii ci- ebrate its 80th anniversary this year. This vear aiso marks the 50th anniversary of' Ille Quecils Guineas' competîtion to recogri/e thec ChranmpinSteer eau whinch se ill bhe hcd Satvîrdav. Th ilfas Ctassic v. iii bcield Monday, dtcî- osrîrrîsg se icin 4-Hl Dair\ Caif Club members have tise hcst dairy animais. Aiso. iscre w iii hc a Suom nshsiip coipciiticrrs riat w% iii select tise 4- H nsershers ns ho are hcst ai preparinz ansd pre- sc'itir-,i ireirl air-y cuis es. Tise'i ina! secckcnd of the t'air wl! icature tise Top Nlcachrn Nationsal Junior Bcd Heier Shsorw. tiiitiifl ixzays docs s .\ii ut tise fair," Ms -Frlic i aisrîîrssly itisai Novn rrher 4 trIo i rirks Natiornal 4FI iW'k. Mis Natiies said anyorte heteenciitise ages ori 10 aind 21 i urbain anrd rural based- caîs beciie a mnesber oi the 4-H Club. Ortarios 4-H clubs airc cd by a volunteer leader ansd covers icîpies based ors the intcrests oi tlice cluib memibers. Clubs cars select faim more tisais 65 dihicrcrst types ofi pro)jcctsý. raring t'rom phuriograplsyIr \'ioortking. ie sisto ivcstock. andird iî square danscisg to conservation. The meetings inciudc tours. gcrcst speakers, dceisonstratiotss and bands-osî actit les. Is addition to club actis itres. rrscrsbcrs cars par- ticipate in regional ansd provincial cnferences, sebhicb provîde members witb the opportunrty tci devciop leadership, communications andcitcamn building skiiis. A hsie dcs'ekping self-conhidence arsd nese reiatioissbîps. "The 4-H program rcaiiy aiioss s youîsg people 1cr gain the ekilis rbey necd hor es'eryday life seile ieamning to work together as a team." Ms Niathies continued. The first Boiys' and Girls' cub staried in 1913 n Roland, Manitoba. Duriisg the 1 950s, the empbasis of the program Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Halton MP Julian Reed (left) presented 20 Queen's Golden Jubilee Medals to Halton residents Wednesday night at Town Hall. Here, Kirk Hughes (centre) of Kilbride and Bertram Stewart (right) of Hornby receive their awards as Mayor Gord Krantz looks on. Mr. Hughes is a dedicated volunteer ftiref ighter and training off icer for St. John Ambulance. He's also a member of the social services committee for the City of Guelph for emergency and disaster planning. He has already logged more than 1,000 hours of community service work this year. Mr. Stewart was recognized for his dedicated service to agriculture through his specialization in dairy cattle. Mr. Stewart is a respected international judge and advisor, recipient of international awards, 4-H leader, coach and mentor to young dairy caille breeders and exhibitors. changcd fi-crin teacbing ic skilis anrd agriculture to rurturrrsg the personai dcvciopmient ol young people. In 1952. different Boys' and Girls'Clubs across the counstry adlopted tise naisse 4-H wisicb stands f'or Head, Heart, Hands and Heaitis. fereni cuntries anisnrrolves more than seven milion participants. KepngNoth IlaRm tumoed wwW.cogeCO.Ca Laurer Plaza 500 Laurier Avenue_ Mlton. ON L9T 4R3 0 ot 905878-9306 17am, i0am 11um & 230pm 1 Oam Spo .pm & 7:30pm 5:3pm 6.Opm 8:ttpm Plugged o' AtO lOtO. nu,. cviii. iîvyyev îluggea îo iiam&i2:30 po Laie Week Edîtîso Lare Week Edîlion 9sm lOto Piugged loi Oam. lOam Piugged loi - iiam&i2 30 po Spo. Spo Pîuggtd loi - Suodty Veplay Weekend Edtion Moday Replay Plugged I'- Early Week Editio Seniors Showcase Optiisi TV Bingo Live) Hats 8His osuricil Nov 4 ilamo & 12 30pm 5pm, 6po & 7 Opm Laie Week Edîion Tlursday Replay Plvgged In' - Weekend Ediîon 4I IIIlA£rg-erat?7min2ç Schesd:ifr - Mondav. November 5th - Monday, November 1 ith la&1 30 p Laie Week Edtion Pugdo 530pm Faces- Biaçkburo ayWei dts Ree4 srdai 6:30 Pm Sensrs ShowcaseFae ikur 7:00pm Osier HetîSRee Conniection MoyWe riuggt;u il, - Laie Week Edition Sunday Replay Plugged In' - Early Week Edition Boardmania Faces - Blackburn; Reed Money Week SportsZONE Live ilum & 12 Opm 1 0QOOao Spo. Spo & 7:30pm 5.Opm 6.Opm t Qpo 9:Opm Eariy Week Edîlo Tuesday Replay Pugged l!- Eariy Week Edtiîo Ki Connecion Swap Taik iLive) Aiso Epert (Lie) Mlon Councl Oct. 28 llam & 1230pm Spm. 6pm & 73Opm 5OO0pm 6.30pm 8:ttpm Early Week Edîlo Wednesday Replay Plugged In! - Laie Week Edtion Osier Healh Csnneciît Mais Sreet HeuRonRegion osuncîl O0t 30 1iOam 5pm. Spo & 7 Opm 5.Opm 6:30.0m 7:00pm 8tOOpo 1 r ýi