APPUI Weekend* 1Uhoistey Repars11 uWndsheld Repa i rs 0I w ~781 MAIN ST 1 & 2, 5aw& MILTON 876-4785 A Metroland Community Newspaper Vol. 143 No. 66 Fniday, November 1, 2002 36 Pages $1 O(GST tncluded) -,-Runaround Avid runner Candice Overlafld la surrounded by the fail cavalcade of colours as she takes a morning run through Kelso Conservation Area. I.,,Counci1l turns down bars' plea to review the smoking bylaw By RICHARD VIVIAN The Champion After a flurry of motions, voting and a challenge of the chair, Milton council decided to ignore requests by local bar and restau- rant owners to re-vîsit the smok- ing bylaw Monday. A slew of bar and restaurant owners appeared before counicil sceking revisions to the smoking bylaw, which they say is hurting their busmnesses. "This (bylaw> is a travesty. I've watched as my business has gone down and others who have broken the law have had a very profitable summer," Joe DiPalma of the Miliside Restaurant told counicil. "You've created an atmosphere where smokers and non-smokcrs are angry and confused. You have driven honest business people to break the law because some busi- nesses neyer stopped smoking and there was no enforcement- --Martin Street open, Percy Merry close: committee Martin Street School will stay open while Percy Merry School will close if a recommendation to the Halton District School Board is approved. Both recommendations were released by the School Closure/Consoidation Review Committee yesterday. Under the recommendation, students attending Percy Merry would ail go to Sam Shenratt School starting in September. Martin Street would remain under con- sideration for closure in 2004. The recommendations will be presentcd to the board for consideration Wednesday, with a decision expected November 20. Committee Chair AI Greyson was unavailable tor comment at press time. - sSe related storles on pages 2, 4 and 5 Those sentiments were echoed by five felîow bar and restaurant owners. The issue of enforcement, or lack there- of, was present in ail the delegations. Several of them stated that had they known the bylaw wouldn't be enforced for four months, they wouldn't have obeyed it either. Enforcement to date has consisted of three court sumnsomses received by the Hardball Cafe, as well as ticketmng of The Dickens and Nascar Pit Sports Bar - ail of which are related to ailegedly alowing smoking. ln order to re-open the bylaw for revicw, a councillor who previously supported the bylaw was required to suggest the review, as per the Municipal Act. That councillor was Rick Day. "If there's no level playing field (with neighbouring municipalities), so why should Milton businesses be the ones to ame SOME on page 24 Comment........ 6 NS Report .......8 Lit estyles..10-11 Dateline...25-26 Sports ...... 27-29 Classified .... .31-34 e Frldmy, Nvombur 1 a sAir'* Laaus'* 0amlr'* 0Walmmul'0*Top R U1s'* a S"*Celslailo's Villaebt' * eFod soles'* 0Safi Toy Warsusss'*0 Casdas T.i' *Home DphW'* eCous' eActas Gardas Marl' *Aiay Furnlura'* eaon':Faralur e* mas' *Shoppero rog Mari'*e Valassis Shop & Sae' *~ 'Radio Shack' *SeIected areas only 1 2002 jorLEEN--s 224 MAIN ST. E. MILTON (905) 878-0506 G L 1 T Z C A S U A 1. C L A S S 1 C ad