Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Oct 2002, p. 7

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Construction now complete on state-of-the-art watering -qvIqtdrm nn Na-çsaoaweva farm Tinte Capsules'are gemis of inffôrnation extracted firomn past issues of Tihe Champion ansd other publicationîs to pro- vide a windon, mb oMtons past. Explanatorv comment is soînetimes pro- sided to place tihe situation in conte t. May 1898 Adamn Alexander, of Nassagaweya, haa one of the finest farms in the township (Kelso Conservation area) and is une of ils mosl progressive farmers. He bas just completed the construction of a syslem of walerworks for his own use. He bas laid four-inch pipes from a spring on the slope of the mounitain about 300 yards above im, down lu is buildings. A five-horse power molor will run his macbinery ond hie will have on abundonce of the best waler for domestie purposes. June 1898 Owners of lots in the cemetcry are requesled to attend aI the grounds on Saturday Jane 4 ai 2 p.m. tu eut the grass ond fix up their lots. Please give Iis your attention. - by order of committee. New drug store. J.R. Zimmermon, the successful Hamilton druggist is slarling a business bere in the Porter Block ond the place is being fitted up in grand style. It will be ligted wiîb acetylene gas, une of tbe Hamilton Acetylene Gas Cumpony's machines being put in. A hondsome soda water founitain will also decorate the place ond cool drinks will be served lu the public in city style. A large frame shed bas been erecîed (ai the end of Court Street North) in the pig yard of the C.P.R. a cumfort denied the hogs thal went tbere before. The Milton Creamery Co. is receiving weekly about 150,000 lbs. of milk for wbicb sometbing like $ 1,000 is paid lu the farmers. Three tons of butter packed in boxes was shipped from the factory on Tuesday for export lu London, Englond. Chas. Hartmon of the Thonipsun House bas put in a new bar and fixings to the amount of $200. Purchasers of Deering Macbinery were The Canadian Champion, Fniday, October 25, 2002-7 *OUR READERS WRITE m1 Martin Street School closure would be a panic Milton .I reaction to board-s fundîng crunch, says reader Time 'V Capsules banqueted at the Commercial Hotel b Win. Peacock. agent. A procession was formed in front of tbe Commercial Street and proceeded along Foster Street up Queen Street to Hugh Street. When the front of the procession reached Martin Street they were halted to be pho- tographed by our able artist, Mr. Featherstone after whicb the procession broke up and sought sheller from a storm of ramn approaching. Unfortunately for many of them there could not be found suf- ficient shelter for both teams and loads of implemrents and they had to stand the shower which continued for about two hours. 'Me 2Osh Lomne Rifles went to camp at Niagara on Tuesday. No. 7 (Milton) Co. marched from the armoury lu the G.T.R. station headed by our local band, wbich played a quickstep in excellent style. The special train arrived as 11.45 arn. with Cos. Nos. 2 and 3, was boarded by Nos. 6 and 7 and sîopped as Burlington to wbich place No. 1 had gone by rail from Oakville.MTe regiment feli in, marched Io the wharf, headed by ils îwo bands, brass and bugle, which played altemately and boarded the steamer for Niagara. Alonza Joncs wheeled to Toronto on Sunday momning, attended Godfrey's sacred bond concert on the Island and retumed the samne cvening. The public sehool here closed for the e summer holidays on Friday lasI. Miss n Maclean, teacher in the fifth departmeni n and Miss Bowes, of the third, wilI spend their vacation in the Old Country. Mis5 Maggie White and some Hamilton friend will accompany the young ladies. ;e The parly sails from New York tomos ie row. This niateriali s assenibled on behaif o. tihe Milton Histori cal Societv' y6v Jimn Diii. chair of research, who c-atn e reached l. e e-miail at.jdiiisCaidirect.com. Dear Edilor: If fixing sumething that isnt broke is silly, what should we cal destroying someîhing that isn'l broke? The Halton District Scbuol Board caîls il their policy. What's nul broken is Martin Street Public Scbool, on isloric institution Ibat's been around since 1920 when Milton was a small vil- lage. Even the board agrees it's still on excellent little school wbere the cbildren arc learning, the parents are satisfied and tbe teachers enjuy Ibeir jobs. It ougbt 10 be seen as a mudel school community. And because il's a French immersion schuol, its enroîlmnent is nearly full. But the board planners feel coin- pelled to scrap Marin Street Public Scbool because of their interpreta- iun of the board's 'put the schools wbere tbe peuple are guideline. Tbey think Ibis compels them lu give Iis tbriving litle neighbour- hood school lu newcomners else- wbere in Milton. In order 10 give îbem their scbool in the future, the board needs lu scrap Martin Street now ond scatter ils students lu dif- ferent locations next September. Destroying Ibis scbool now will alluw the board to dlaim i's une scbool short when il gues lu the Province for funds. The planners defend Ibis policy Town knows smoking bylaw is being ignored by some bars but hasn't done anything about it, says restaurant owner Dear Editor: I con nu longer remain silent. Five months ago, I fuugbt againsl a new smoking bylaw wbich I felt was unfair ond very difficult 10 enforce. l-owever, 've accepted the new bylaw ond my restaurant bas ond will continue lu abide by Ibe law. Some bars ond restaurants in our community bave chosen lu ignore Ibis new bylaw. The establishments in Milton thal bave chosen lu obey the law have watched their loyal long-lime cus- tomers frequenling locations that upenly allow smok- The Town bas been aware for months Ibat some businesses are ignoring the bylaw. Why have charges nul been issued against the law breakers? How long wiIl open defionce of the law be tolerated? The law-abiding establishments in Milton will loue more customers now Ibat patio season bas closed. I'm sorry, but the Town's silence on Ibis issue is deafening. Jo. Ol Palma Miliside Restaurant Have your say with a letter to the editor.ÀDPlease e-mail your letters ta miltoned@&hatoflsearch.com, or fax them ta (905) 878-4943. zoom zoom ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM ZOÇ'M ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM zooml afC3 MAZOA PqTGW«eaO AZOA PoEEL 1%%% Il' You are Infte to your award &niMhl7udoaler to test drive any of our « iW8 Winl~ilneup.. nbe20M Proege 5 includes: '21O4cylnder Engine'5 Speed The 20 Prolege LX Manual Transmission 'Power Windows 'Power Locks 'Power Mirrors Includes:'Powerful 2.OL 4 cîlinder engine 'Manual Trans -Air con- -AMNM CD Stereo'-6 Speaker Sound System el FAlloy Whetls dition -Power Lods ttyless Etry'-AMFM CD Stereo'-Dual -Grond fie Pakage*CriseConrol eylss ntqABS Front '1 5 Wheels Ilntermittent Wipers #Tilt Steering @Tachometer 'Grond ffec Pakag'Cruse ontrl'Kyles Enry'BS$60140 Rear seatls Brakes 'Dual irbags aRay Stle Fog Lighls 'Plus much more. 'Mazdas Leadership Warranty 'Plus much more. Starting froni OùI $20.1 85* Cash Price froni onty $16,515* Achillos Acthn, ON laie @ achIIIssmSIdU.CU Plus FreightIPOE snd Taxes. Cail for detasus -Purchasfi Financing snly 1 pied. But if's none of those lhings. lî's just a ponicked reaction lu a scary funding crunch. ln their sin- gle-minded pursuil of scarce dol- lars, the board seems la be furget- ting aIl ils other values ond dulies. tt's forgetting, for example, Ibat it serves the community, sbould refleet cummunily values and sbould co-uperate in acbieving commuflity goals. As Milton's population soars, the Town is lrying lu inlegrate its esîablisbcd ond new neighbour- buods. "Milton, a successful blend of uld ond new," says the Town's Web site. In tbat context, the lea.sl helpful thing the board could do is adopt a policy that pits new neigh- bourboods against old unes. Our lown motto is nul, "Milton, where we rab fromn the old ond give to the new," nor is it, "Milton, bull- dozing our past lu erect our future." And yel because of the board's policy, Milton, wilb the fastest growing population in Halton, is also thse only municipality facing school closings Ibis year. Two scbools are un the cbopping block. Percy Merry is the other une. 1 welcome Milton's newcumers. 1 hope they enjuy our lown. 611l up their own neighbourhoods and eventually get their own scbools. In be welcome tu share the existing scbools. But sacrificing my ncigb- bourhood scbool now in a rush lu gel îhem a new sebool more quick- ly camres hospitalily too far. Tbere's absolutely nolbing fair or democratic in using the excuse of a sudden influx of newcomers lu run roughsbod over the rigbts of peuple wbo were somewbere first. Tbat's nul wbat Conadion democracy is supposed lu be about. We baven'l told Native Peuple, the Quebecois or the smaîl Maritime provinces lu shul up ond accept second class sta- tus because they're outnumnbered now. T1here's more lu democracy thon majority rule,MTere's also compro- mise, accommodation, faimness ond respect for minorities and beritage. More lu the point, Milton's democ- racy isn't supposed tu be about rob- bing from the old neigbbourboods lu give lu the new. This isn't the way our exponsion was supposed lu unfold. Il's impos- sible lu reconcile the board's policy of destruying the old with the Town's goals, as sîaîed in ils motto, of successfully blending the aId witb the new. Destroyiflg isn't blending. Alan Wain Milton

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