Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Oct 2002, p. 41

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MARY JANE BOWEN, n lovnq rnernory of a dear mother -ahu p~a 'w Octaber 25, 1986 Everyday in some smail way Though absent you are ever near Stili misseit, sti11 loved and ever dear." Your oving daughter Janet NOBLE, Captain Robert Edward (C.D.C.F. Ret'd): n rnemory of a dear husband, father and grand- tather who passed away October 231h, 1989 - Sunlight breaks through duli clouda of grey and in that moment, 1 can se y aur face, you it content by stili, clear waters, your handa outstretched, and your strengttl filfers down, tauching aur cheeka, the warmth as dear as your onoe remembered kis. Not forgotton- Lovngly mmoenbered, the famlly. THIOMAS, CHARLES HARTWELL n loving memory of aur husband, father and grandfather who eai us on October 26th, 2001 Everyday in some amali way Memories of you corne our way Though absent you are ever near StilI missed, stili loved and ever dear. Remembered atways by wife Joy and children Chris, Pan, Craig, Lindy and familles. ZWOLMAIIL Teresa (Terri) In Ioving memnory of a dear wife. mother sister, sister-in-law, aunt & friend who passed away October 30, 2001 MISS ME, BUT LET ME GO When t corne to the end of the road When the Sun has set for me t want no rites in a gtoom fitted roomn Why cry for a soul set free Miss me a itte but flot too long Remember the love we once shared Miss me, but let me go For this is a journey we atl must take. And each must go atone. t's att part of the Masters plan. A step on the road homne When you are tonety and sick at heart Go to the frienits we knou, And busy your sorrows in doing good deeds Miss me, but let me go. We love you and miss you every day, you wil be in our hearts forever Hushand Bert, Children Julie & fiancee Daryl, Lee & is ioving girfriend Maria, brother Mike, tn-laws Barb, tngrid, & Jim, Roy & Anc Marie, Marcel & Mary, Nieces & Nephews Paxton, Nicole, Benjamin, Kirk, Blair & Brooke. A Memorial Mass wll be said for Terr (Teresa) on Wednesday evening, October 30, 2002 < at 7 p.m. at Holy Rosary Church , Milton The Family of the late Michael Laurentlus Van Dongen wishes fo extend their heartfett apprecia- tion and gratitude ta our relatives, friends. the people who work wif h us. and our neighbours for their expressions of syrnpathy. We thank you for the masses, beautiful floral tribeites and donations for the Mitton District Hospital. DititSpeciat thanks to Miton DititHospital, Ernergency Departrnent for the cornpassionate rnanner you dealt Swith our /amnity. Thank you as ueltat McKersie-Kocher Funeral Home for your syrnpathetic and farnlly style care. We are gratefultfo Father David Withetrn Iand the angetic singers [rom the rnusi c mrinistry af Hoty Rosary Parish for helpingt.. lus ce! ebrate our fathers lif. Our genuine thanks go to Adriana for helping toaee Idad cheerful and independent. Ve greeatly nappreciate everyone s love and support. loi Main Sst MEau%, Miton 905-878-2341 7. AUTO STRAO CT.26' 0:0 M I487 Lauier Avre., Miton 878-2881 I 3 piece French Provincial living rorn suite, excel- . lent conditian. $250 r best ffer. 905-824-1448. A King Pillowtap Mattresa Set with rame. New in plastic. Coat $159900 Sacrifice $65000. 416- 727-9599. APPLIANCES - fridge, 2 door; Stove; Maytag au- tarnatic washer, dryer. Also apartment set. Lnder 1warrsnty. 905-637-8328 BEO Oueen Pillawtop Mattresa, Box, rame, Nev- er used still packsged. Cast $1,.025.00 Ssii $45000. 416-727-9599. BEDROOM set. 8pce cherrywaad. Bd hati dresser, mirrar, night stands, dovetail construction. Neyer apened. la boxes. Goal $9000. Sacrifice $2800 . 416-748-3993. CARPET 1 have seversi 1,000 yrds. of new Stain- master & 100% nylon carpet. Will do livingroom & hall far $389. Includes carpet, pad & installation (30 yards) Steve, 905-639-2902 DININGROOM l4pce cherrywood. 92 double pedestal. 8 Chippendale chaire. Buffet, holch, sers- er, davelail construction. Sf111 in boses. Goal $14.000. Sacrifice $5000. 416-746-0995. DININGROOM suife, beauiu lahed oak, buf- ft, hufch, 6 chairs and table. $3800 in store, are sslling for haIt price. Also, glass coffes table and and tables, Italian suede chair, ail in nsw condition. 905-693-9001. FOR Sale: Pullout cauchlbed, $100. Qosen sized bed, $100. Mcrowave. $2500. Single bed $2500. Dresser & mirror $2500. 905-693-9132. HAY for Sale. Reglar square bales. Pick up in field or delîvered. 1-877-218-2488. LAWN Tractor - MTD, l8hp, 46' deck, excellent cond. $800 or besi offer. 905-854-0101. NEED a Compuer ... Dont have cash? The Original IBM PC. bast $1 a day ... no rney downl Unlimited AOL & infereaf Free for 1 year! The Bock A Day Company, caîl 1-800-772-8617 www.bucka- day.com SPAS..Sps... Spas... Broken partnership forces sale. Over 30 spas sti11 n wrapper. Mut be sali t a coat or below. 905-567-9459. Claessifled Dadines Monday et il .,. for Taasday e'Tbrsday out Il «. fer FrldaY Coll 90"-85-3300 FoX 905-76-136 WANTED Ali-Jewelry, ANr UE China, Silver, Crystai, AN IQE S aewing ma- WANTEDI chins... Doltofi. Moor- Ecure Items Cina, croht, Quilîs, Glass, t"uniiare Watches, cernerai au- Heathers Antiques dia equipment, dalla, wiit pay TOP nuices for paîntings, collecîrbles, yens qualiry antîiques, estates. John/ Tracy china, sterling, rewelsa and 905-331-2477 qualin lfurniture. Wr con heI yen dewnsine or hny i voun whele esrare. Tlà A For fst nnfldenial service cail: __________ 905-704-8519 GARAGE/ MOVING SALE 141 & 151 Jesaia Ave. Campbellville Saturday, October 26 8 arn MOVING GARAGE SALE Rein or Shine No Reasanable offer refuseit, everything tram veticles ta fumture, stave ta sateillte dish, TV tower ta jewelry. 4237 4th Line Mlton Just south af Oakville Executive Goff Course Safurday, October 26 12-4 Leadîng Ford dealership ia currently aeekîng applicents for a USED VEHICLE MANAGER Responsib les w Il nclude. but are not lImted to, -Rev eait control 0f assit vehîcle invente- ry; SAttending Ford sern nars, SPurchasîng vehîcles at auction, - Performing accurate vehicle appraisals; SSupervising Useit Vehicle Sales/ Lease Consultants; Previoua Ford experience would be an asset. Our dealership is IS09001 :2000 Regislered and Blue Oval Certified. We chfer boeeils, vehicle and compelilive remunerallon package. - ~ Submlt yeur ressai te: LoenoralnSalesiMnae Lonrazo CaliMnio Oak-lard Ford Lincoln Sales Limileit S 570 Taalger Rd, Oshille, L6J 3J2 shofman@oaklandtofdlincoln.ca a Fax: 905-844-4472 We thank ail applicants in advasce. however, only those selected for an interview will ho costacted. The Canadien Chamnpion, Fniday October 25, 2002-B 13 -'- IMPORTANT AUCTION FINEST IIUALITY IN CANADA Sunday, October 27th, 1 .OOpm, Vewing 12.30 sale daY Over 5ou lots out luSulous out of this corld qa5Iity lurnishiiigs, antiques & cul- leclîbles. This sale tob souerol months lu galber. Speclacular il pc. eoec. Chippendale diningrose suife w/large breakfront, banquet table & 8 bail & ctaw chairs, 11l-pc. French Chippendale dining suie.Dat of this world 11pc. bow front prestige Chippendale saîtable tsi Gosenors mansion witir g. carveit breaklronl, 8 Chippendale chairs & banquet table. Uniqat gue s ie pester bedroom, magnifi- cent 6-pc, set, plus other dining room & bedroom furnîlare of equal beaaly. 0011 col- lection. sellees. Gauer Winthrop deak, rnah. credeaza, magrificent Victorias Eterege, gorgesas beautitul decons bench, secretary & sant front deak, Lionhrad carved desk, Lois XVI partner desk, Chippendale telephons stand. Venue martin corner cabra, dynaaty dispîay cabinet. Dutch Chippendale cabinet, buffets. dressers, ost-of-thîs-wotld commodes with inlay, marbie tops and ormaIe, swan carved fint sofa, 3pc. Louis XVI parlor suite, carseit sipper chairs, swan carneit planter, carsed rasel, deacona bsnch, several Louis XVI inlaid commodes, cedar chaste. washsfand, cedar cheal. etege cabinet, curio corner & decorator cabinets. panneur furniture, itelI maria chair, nice decorators chairs in sasîlake & Victorien styles, marbît top plantera, empire hall table wth lady hsad Victorien dresser, showcase table, aIl kinits of odd tables such as Victorien inlaid and decorator library table, hall tables, serners, gramo- phone wilh large bras horn, large Group of Seven, dragon fly amps, iffany style table Iamps, lily lampa. tittany and style floor lamp, umbrella stand, satauma collection, large selectron odd china, glassware & figurines. venelian mirror, persian carpet, chivel mirror, royal viena compote, jewel box, Ira & chocolale sets signed, metal banka, royal siens pcs., cranberry, etc. Many other itms 100 numeroas t10 IraI Auetlenss - Chom Terms: Visa, Dabit , lnteraclO% buyers premium. Deiveiy Available HOLIDAY INN, 3063 South Service Rit. Brlînglon (OIEW & Guelph Line) camxu are contnumed on I'the nert page RESIDENTIAL DRAFTSPERSDN Advanced Lovai Cafeteria help Architectural Design & Draftico Dept. Part-lime deys, We have an immediate opening (or an Advancedt Res- 4- hours/dey, ideolial raffaperson at our heait office in Cambridge. Mondey - Friday. Working with CAO you wilI ha responsible for creat- Muet have own ing construction drawings for houssa, townhouaes, transportation. sales offices andt estry teatures. fou wîtl aise asiatin Must have the direction et design andt develnpmsnt of ae pro- wn cafeteria duct. You muet ha abe 10 work sn a term envirosment expenience. inleracting closely with other members of the design Please fax tearn as welI as wth Prolect Co-ordinators. Engissera resumea to andt Planners. Therelore, ladership akilîs andt prob- 905-876-1519 lem slung akilla are necessary assets. You muat also Attn: ho able 10 work on projecta indspendsntly. cafeteria A strong background In single family and Manager towahouse reidontial design la essentlal as weli as a thoruugh ksowledge of the Ontario Building Code (Part 9) unit structural elementa. Knowledge of AutoCAD 13 or beffera la requireit, Join (ho Winning Team! (AuIoCAD 2000 preterreit). The Routas Heritage Group of Companies la one of the largeat homeboilding operationa in South Western Ontario, with projeta actively undsrway aI a nomber of sites sn Guelph, Cambridge, Kitchener, Waerloo, PlilUiy McNastys London, Colingwood ait Hunsville. Grill & Bar rimas.fax yisa rmusb, Ms. B, 2 , te. HIRING ~ Fax: 519-654-9746 fl Pisas, no phone calis Osly fthose applicants selected AppIit@ SÉdll for as interview will fie contact ed. 210 N. Service RdI.W. www.reidehorftaggroup.com Oakville Town Cantre Il ~- -~ y ý ST RDa r OscdCT.e26 or10:0a.Ten Rain1orS6ine,5onLise Nasugdaea OîniAnt:106640 unît t2NoissagaeIF îsi Fla Dirtiopuai Mawy R01eytat5ot (iGueai test IPerr cr on crnei.Mohaklae y15th iiteroad Easta t is Nssagaweys ait trs soth to #10660. Inceludlino: JD 750 Compact 4x4 diesel trter wilb front munt sneowblower and 60" cafino deck, ther .10 equlpment lîke01105 Hydmotalc lawn tracter, weed spliler, 3 pibt rototiller, dump Cad and mors... Aise fine fur- nlshlngs:, Antique roil tep desk, Antique brdge table, King tsre 4 poster bed, Windsor style rocker, Plus the complete selection eftfurnlsb- mugs ibat one would expec Iote tnd wtbln a 4,ff1sq.Ht home. Sea fuît listing, coloureit photos ait terme on our cebsite: www.moorOSfldussocitOs.oflca Or cati: Davidt Moore & Assoctes For a taxait flyer/inf o. 519-763-1856 Guelph

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