Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Oct 2002, p. 4

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4-The Canadian Champion, Friday, October 25, 2002 4Vlan charged with harassment following complaint from boy Suspect was part-time instructor at Oakville martial arts school during aile ged incidents A part-time instructor at an Oakville tigation initiated by a complaini from the martial arts scbool bas been cbarged witb studeni. criminal barassment following a complaint Tbe alleged incidents - wbicb were from a I 3-year-old maie student. reported by tbe boy 10 bis parents, wbo in According to i-lton Regional Police's tum callcd police - involved unwanted Cbild and Sexual Assault Bureau <CASA), communication and attempis by the the instrucior, wbo lives in Milton, was insîrucior 10 bave tbe youtb meet imr ai anrested October 16. another location. His arrest culminaied a two-week inves- In addition, police said tbe instrucior was We would like to congratulate Irfan Mohammed on his recent purchase of the ýÇe I at 389 Main St. E., Milton observed by the boys father driving by bis sons home on several occasions in early October. The police investigation included inter- views with other students at the martial arts school where tbe man is no longer teacb- ing. The name of the scbool bas not been released by police to protecitbe identity of the student. A 26-year-old Dolby Crescent man bas heen cbarged witb eriminal barassment and wili appear in Oakville court Tuesday. v'Man is robbed at Milton Mail;9 police looking for three suspects A 45yeî ii ntt, sas Lerabbeui ril i hcitd and pinnieci agaînsi Ille n ail by tbcee mecirinîrîg a robberv in lite s as l iiî î Miltonît \ali last [ritias. Flic tian n as shoippinîg aI lite ittail ai 7:30l p.mn. antdnmade a stoîp itiitenast reoiotby the FoodtiCoutrt n lien lie v as atacked bs îhree stîkniiNn nmaies. Tbe tbree suspects look a large quantiiy <fcash t'rom te sicim beiîîre fleeîîg te area. poc ,aidlm. asliisr 'Fiti sýuspect is describcd aan, l) 1- s e.r-miii s bienaie n a large buid lise btssix15() pOMIistn ,11s11lbsi1100 bloind lair andi a giteI-le v, %\n anng ittejeansandi a hagg\' n ile sss caler. Thie secOnjd suspec i s described as a nbîîie maie beiss\een 17 and 18 ycars of age, li e-fooi-six ss îîb a niediumn build. He The thîrd suspect vs described as ',1 55 hile mae hecen 17 andti8l\,car., if agi. iNe- loot-1 uiln h a timbuild. IHe was neanng a 'eliosssncaer broen n panis andI a bloc basebaali bat. Ans ene nvitb inormation is asked lo cal) Crime Sioppers of' Haiton ai (905) 825- 8477 or Haion Regionai Police ai (905) 978-5511. MILTON ONnUNE ýffl.lowD mifton.on.ca tý:/ Emi!IMO! EMPLOYMENTPUBLICRMUETIN Help Desk Analyst PodSItonSunnnary Tise Corporate Services Department requires an individual to Mi the position of Help Desk Analyst. This position wiIl function as the focal point for ail end-user network and application support. M4«jo ob Resposllflle " Respond to user requesta for softwareihardiwsre/teiephone support and mainte- nance " Evaluate issues against priorities and complexity guideines " Coordinate Vendor supported help for key appli- cations " Provide basic training/assistaflce with softwareI hardware I telephones " Create documentation for operational procedures " Create and manage al user accounts " Provide mmno hardware support activities " Provide back-up support for tise Computer Analysts ,dauatio and Experlenc Applicants should have a college diploma, in com puter science as weil as 1-2 years experience in.a reSttd field. Poficiency in computer software, n- communacatloti and problem solving s"ilsare al required. Expenience in a Microsoft network enIVi- ronmnett is required and any Microsoft CertificationI would bk preferred.I SaWay Range: $46,081 to $54,213 plus an excel-1 lent benefit package including Psy For Performance. lnterested applicants should submit a resumne by Novenaber 7,2002 te: Town of Milton Department of Corporate Services I43 Broum St. sva.cbtâu , H REGARDING PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING BY..LAW 0F THE TOWN 0F MILTON REGARDING ADULT ENTERTAIENT TAKE NOTICE THAT tise Planning and Administration Standing1 Commiîttce of tise Town of Milton wîlI isold a Public Meeting on: Date: Monday, November 18, 2002 Tisue: 7:30 p.m. place: COU"ci Chamabers, Town Hall, victoria Park Square, Milton to receive informiation and public input on proposed amnendmenta te tise Town of Milton Officiai Plan and Zoning By-law pursuant te Sections 17 and 34 of the Planning Act, as anended. These are comprebiensive amiendmnents and affect ail lands within thse cor- portie boündaries of thse Town of Milton. Tise Town of Milton is proposing te amrend thse Officiai Plan and Zoning By-iaw te clanify tise Town's intent with respect te Adult Entertainmient Uses, including Adult Video -andor Specialty Stores and Body Rub Parlours. Tise purpose and effect of the Officiai Plan and Zoning Amendments is 10 permit these uses on lands tisat are designated Industriai and iocated north of Hlighway 401. I addition, distance separation from residentiai and other sensitive land uses of 500 metres, arterial roads and iighways of 100 mnetres are proposed. Otiser criteria include restricting one aduit entertainmient use per lot and restricting tise percentage of floor area of a multi unit building te ke used for an Adult Entertairnment Use te 15% of tise total floor ares. utaî for the Novemer 18th mnetin&. This report will ke available for Any interested person may mnake a written subosission, prOor te the public meeting, and should direct the subinission te thse Directer of Planning and Developînent. ANY PERSON MAY attend tise public mqeting te obtain information and make a verbal presntation and/Or wrttten submision, to identify issues of concern and/Or express views in support of. or in Opposition te, thée pro- posed amendments. The public meeting is an information meeting and a staff reconmenda- tion on whetber te approve or rerffs the application wlU not l inade at this publie meeting. A decision on thse amendmients is expected on Novemnber 25th, when a Tecisnical Report with recommendations wili ke brougist forward for consideration by Milton Council. IT SHOULD BE NOTED that if a person or publie body tIsaS fies am appeal of a decision of thse Town Of Milton la respect Of thse propo"e officia plan amendment or by-Iaw does not make a verbal presenta- tSn t thse public meeting or make a wrltten submlisslon te tihe Town of Milton before the proposed ameadmnents are adopted, the Ontario Municipal Bard may diamisthse appaL. DATED AT THE TOWN 0F MILTON duss 25tis day October, 2002 K. Bennett, Acting Town Clerk Town of Milton 43 Brown Street Milton ON L9T 5H2 review after 3 p.M. on November l 4%' in tise Planning and DeveIopment REQUEST FOR BU) #02-248Q - Replacement of Lions Hall Air Conditioning Unit Site Meeting for above: November 4, 2002 at 9:00- a.m. - Lobby, MiltonMemorial Mrena #02-246-T - Cleaning and Repainting of 3 CN Bridges Bida on forma supplied by tise Town of Milton will ke received by tise p.m. Tisere is s bid document fee of $27.00 ($25.23 + $1,76 GST). Coporate Servies Department, Purchasing until 11:00 a.m. local time Payment can kae witiscash, cieque, Intertacor Wss/Mastercard. Mhloe C Bo oRmRmurce Ion: lAu m- a ccdnc ih ie reomo nfnato ndNveae 1, Any inquines regardngthis bid may bk directed te Purhasmg t (905) Iacy lanegith n applicant infomaon a coileet-3,200875-5404. If you would prefer thse bid document sent by courier, pleaseI ed under thse authority of tIse Municipal Act and wil Bid documflents may ke obtained at thse Town IHall Corporate Servcspieethse Requeat for Bid Document form on thse Towns web site: be used strictly for candidate, selection. J Department, Purchasing, 43 Brown Street, 2nd Foor, Mfilton, Ontario Plan takers and current and upcoming bids are during nonnal business hours, Monday througltFridy, :30a&m to 4:30 aise pouted on thse wets site. m

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