The Canadian Champion, Friday, October 25, 2002-B7 FDateline Dateline is a f ree listing of coming events only. The column s available to local community groups to assist in promoting their future events. Only charitable or non-profit community 1 groups may use this service. We can only guarantee one 1 issue of publicity closest 10 the date of the occurrence i although more insertions are possible if demand is low. Friday Oct. 25 Milton Concert Presentations presents 'Beethoven's Fifth' ati S.1 Pauls United Church, 123 Main St., ai 8 p.m. The concent is con- ducted by Kerry Sratton of the Toronto Philharrnonia. Canadian soloisi Lomna McGhee performns. Tickets cosi $25 for adults aodc! $20 for seniors and students. Doors open ai 7:15 p.rn. To reserve a seat or for information. caîl (905) 878-4604. Saturday Oct. 26 Bethel lU.nited Church. 6150) Tratfa4lg4ar Rkil..d,114 . a aar I rî14 2 to 4 p.m. The event also leature44 a44 ake table and144. 4,4444144 Family Stupport Network prescrits the Hars est Bail ai the Grand Chalet. 324 Steeles Ave.. rom 7 p.m. to 1 ar..IThe eentnig :lso features a silent auction and door prizes. Tickets cosi $40. To reserve a seat or for information, caîl (905> 693-1705. Halton County Radial Railway, 13629 Guelph Line. presents the Halloween Streetear event from 6 to 10:30 p.m. Visitors catch a glimpse of the ghost streetear that roams the mainline. Admission costs $6. For information, cal (519) 856-9802. Nassagaweya Preshyterian Church, 3097 No. 15 Sideroad, holds a bazaao-r from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. The event also features a hake table, silent auction and quili draw. For information, caîl Caroline ai (905) 878-615 1. The North Halton branch of the Canadian Red Cross holds a babysitting course for children aged 11 years and older. The 4 course is held ai 100 Nipissing Rd., unit #5. To register or for information, cai (905) 875-1459. Amnesty International, Oakviiie and Milton hranch, hoids an auction and sale ai Central Baptisi Church, 340 Rehecca St., in J Oakviiie from 9 a.m. 10non Sunday Oct. 27 The Halton-Peel branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society holds ils regular meeting ai Chinguacousy Branch Library, 150 Central Park Dr., in Bramnalea ai 2 p.m. Theresa Sorel speaks on United church archives. Everyone is weicome to attend the meet- ing. For information, cati (905) 792-0907. Monday Oct. 28 Grace Anglican Church, 317 Main St., hotds Milton@&Prayer ai 7:30 p.m. Individuais from area churches meet 10 pray for the town and uts people. For information, cati (905) 854-0207. The Brampton/Mississauga tourettes syndrome parent sup- port group meets ai Grace Community Church. 2476 Argentia Rd., in Mississauga ai 7:30 p.m. For informnation, cati Chantai ai (905) 607-6316. The Halton Hilis Quilters Guild meets ai Alcoît Arena in Georgetown ai 7:15 p.m. For information, cati Sheila ai (905) 702- 8623. Tluesday Oct. 29 Calliisg New Parents, a free program for parents and haies aged 6 monthi and younger, meets with a public health nurse 10 discuts parenting and infant care. The group meets ai the Miton Community Resource Centre, 917 Nipissing Rd., from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. For information, cati (905) 693-4242, ext. 7899. Improve communication and leadership skilts with the Milton Toastmasters. Everyone is welcome to atend the meeting ai the Royal Canadian Legion, 21 Chartes St. (upper levet), ai 7:30 p.m. For information, cati Sue ai (905) 876-2563. Help for Parents, a parent support group, meets ai Pinetands Prethyterian Church, 5270 New S., in Burlington ai 7:30 p.m. This non-denomiùnational self-support group helps parents of chul- dren who are in trouble ai home, ai sehool or with the taw or who are abusive or taking drugs. For information, cati (416) 251-0233 )days) or (905) 842-1729 (evenings>. Halton Support Services presents 'Abuse Prevention for Parents of Cbildren, Teens and Young Adulis with Developmental Disabilities' att 1151t Bronte Rd.. in Oakvilte lrcim 7 ici 9 To register or lor tnoromation, catI (90) 825- 620)3. The Canaclian Mental Health Associattion presertis free seminar, 'Understanding Depression'. ai Oakville-Trafalgar Memoriat H-ospital rom 11:3<) an. iii 12:3<) p.rn. T:tmara Leniew. public edccatin cii ordinatîîr, explains dil lerent types cil'cepressicîn. synîptois. caus~es andl treairnenis Tii reserve a seat or oir li- mnation. cal! (905) 815-51110. Tuesday Oct. 29 t0 Nov. 10> The Halton Hands in Motion Kniiting and Crocheting Guild presetit , îsocase 'Stttcles atnciCliits: The Ai4441 K iittiiut 44444, h\ oIt caleb' 144441 irisins 4 44)e CutltturatlCen4ttre. 1)(tut CiliSt.. iin (.eorgetoiîsil. Lshtbit b4itrs 4ttce'l'Lie scay tTii usclay froin 9:30 a4.t4. Ii8: 30) .itî , Friclya nd4444,1Sattitcay tromi i10): 31)0 4, o 5 p.ttt. a44nd Suntcay t t ci 1 Ioî 5 pt. Forîmreti nfoirmtiott4n, c:îl)(90)))X77- 1521. 2003 FOCUS SE SEDAN 48 montS 448886 $1.995 down. $790 feight. $0 security deposit 2003 FOCUS SE WAGON $249 48 month lase $1,995 doms, $790 freght. $0 securlty depasit Wednesday Oct. 30 Mom's Morning Out meets ai St. Paut's United Church, 123 Main St., trom 9:30 to il arn. Caregivers find friendship, support and guicdance while sitters care for the chiidren in Graham Hall. The group isn't affiliated with with church. For intormation. cati Natasha ai (905) 878-5841, Sherry ai (90)5) 878-5976 or Linda ai (905) 876-3659. Thursday Oct. 31 The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500) Childs Dr.. holds 'Seniors' Cinemnas' ai 1:30 p.m. The cosi is $1 and includes relreshments. For feature film or information, cati (905) 875- 1681I. The Milton Seniors' Activiîy Centres Diners Club meets ai a local ,îI!atery . For location or information, callI (905) 875-168!1 'lle lH:îltî4/Haimilton/Niagara chapter o) VOICE. 4a4support group f'or hearing impaired children. meets at Appleby United ChLirch in Burîingion, ai 7:3<) p.m. Topics tb hc discussed include e(ducaîîtiiin. ers ces. parent sharing and advocacy. For information, caîl (905) 335-1069. 2003 FOCUS ZX3 48 month ease $2150 down, $790 fteighi, $0 securlty deposit 2003 FOCUS ZX5 $259 48 month Bease $2,295 daun, $790 freigit, $0 security deposit e. 1*THNG DO NPU CH SEOR E S - s 1 PURCHASE LEASE4 $ O No Down Payment NO Down Payment NoN "MenfF«o [O ays $No seuiyDeçoSft NO inweest For 90 Days No nit ugoNkwM Payment On 4 44444444444444444444420W 4444444 44444444444m 0444444444i4444 44~4 44' .4~4.'44 ,, 44. .4444M I.rc ' 4ta F."."4 l4. 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