The Canadian Champion, Friday, OCtober 25, 2002-17> -,First arena to be buit for the 2003/04 season By RICHARD VIVIAN Tf L Chnr Toan The Town is rnoving torward wîth ils arena plans two pads aI a time. Town councit endorsed a two-pad bussi- nets plan during a speciat meeting Tuesday. Under tht approved structure, ont twin pad artna will bc build in timt for tht 2003/04 winter stason, along with tht con- cession stand, lobby area and gymnasties centre. A second twin-pad is scheduted ta be added ta the facility in 2008/09. Consideration was given ta building the fuît four-pad artna for nexi year, but that wasn't the recommended option after Town staff reviewed bath alternatives. Tht two-pad arena carnies a cost of $1 3.8 million and uses 29 per cent of tht Town's debt capaeity. If tht Town were ta build a four-pad arena, thte ost is estimated at $19 million and it would use 43 per cent of the debi capacity. "Tht key issut here is tht dtbt capacity of tht corporation. Around the Town, there are a variety of projeets that may be impacted, may be detayed (if a four-pad facility were tht preference)," explained Jennifer Reynolds, Milton director of com- munity services. Tht bulk of arena funding will be pro- vided through development charges. Whilt councit was generatly supportive of tht business plan, concems were raised related ta tome of tht figures used. An estimation of potentiat sponsorship revenues in tIse business plan needs ta be removed, suggested Councillor Wally Hunier. ,iNc ri ffai lii iii a the' Leisure Centre md Vte semes c sucd sponsorship," he sotd counicil. Ms Reynolds responded, saying the Leisure Centre bas an active banner spon- sorsbip program. Mr. Hunier furiher raised tbe issue of operating the arena as a stand-atone facili- ty and nos incorporait ils business opera- lions with the other Town facitities. "We should mun ibis ike a private busi- ness," he said, suggesting user fees be used ta recover construction cosîs as quickly as possible. "What if, one day, we want to selt Iis." Councillor Ron Furik expressed further concem the Town's share of Mohawk Racetrack stots profits weren't being used for the arena. "'m atways asked whal we're doing with tht lois money. Heres a perfectly good opportunity ta 5Sy we've put tIsaI mnoney here (arena)," he told counicil. However, Town Treasurer Jim McQuten adamantly reeommended againsl the use of stots profits for the arena. Since il's possible to build the arena usmng development charges, accompanied by user fées, il's a wiser use of funds ta put the slts profits in areas where those costs couldn't otherwise be recouped, he said. "You dont gel a user fet for roads, as you would with an arena," the treasurer said. White inctuded in the business plan, user fees for the facitity haven't been specifical- ty set ai ibis time. Amounts used ia the business plan are retated to, what is cur- repors so council, expected early next year. ktuyd sioi Tnssii t îîiIic il anu nss ainui s cheduled 10 conisider a bicat.-eveiî basis, added Vis leynolds. variaîy ni Constr uctin tender bids Specifie user fees which witt be used for Monday. Once a tender bas been accepted, the facitity are 10 be the subject of a furher construction of the facility witl begin. 1 -.The childs own instincts and powera furnish the material and give the starting * point for ail education. < Hofstadter) According ta Dr Maria Montessori, every child has a naturat desire ta learn and to develop his/her own unique personality. The most sensitive period for thîs Iearning is between the years of 2 ta 6. At this tîme the mind of the chitd is the most absorbent. He/she shows sensitivity towards tanguage (english and french), order movement, refinement of senses. social graces. The Montessori School of Milton provides the necessary tools and a prepared envronment to facil- itate the child's development at his/her own pace. The school offers haîf day, fuil day program options and playground faciities. Cai us at 905-876-4001 for more information. This is what our parents have ta say about us: "My daughter just loves the Montessori School of Milton. She receives great care, has fun and la always learning new and interesting things. I'd recommend the school ta anyone looking for a Weil rounded and well grounded nursery program." N.McCoy. "I see a lot of change in my son over these past seven weeks. His concentration has increased tremendously. We are very happy with his pragress in ail areas. lt's truly amazin g. " L. Drametu 900 Nipissing Rd., Milton 905-876-4001 I)ryH " F'-regented l'y Halton 11Heaithoare as par't of their "LIVING HEALTHY99 5ERtE5 Osteoporoeis Reearch: WhaV'O HoV? Trueeôay. Nvemler 5. 2002 6:3Oprn i ipIayE5 & Kefreohmnctiti 7:OOpmrt roerami At the Miltonri5~trict HiCh ichooI 596 WilIianiým Ave., Milton Key speaker: Pr. Aiya Kheti, ME), MetaýoIic 5oine Pi5caoce peciaflt, Pirector - Oakville 5îore Centre, and. Aeeociate rofeboor of Medicinie - McMa5ter Unliverbity. Pi5cueeimq rnew treatrientein o5teoporoiii5riameflt, advatncee n octeoporoeib diaOrnobio, andi preventioni Oteoporosis sc a dsesse characterized by low bote mass atci eeterioration of botec tissue. This tcats to increaseel bote fraeility andI risk of fracture, particularly of the hip. spite andI wrist. 1.4 million Catadiats s5ufer from osteoporosio wth ont in four nomeri over the aqe of 50 beiiO afected andI ont in et0ht met. Utcoporosis sý often calleci 'the clent thit{" beoause boti 1eosoccurs without symrptoms. Irdivi luals, may siot ktow they have t uttil their botes are 5o weak that a straini, bump or fali causes vert.ebrae to collapse or a fracture to occur. A5L Iterpretative services avilable Reqi5ter ý fax: 905-b78-04985 or Amie by Novermber 1. 4 Cali 905-338-4379 t0 register and for more information itat ca aI hrouohi i or il qir.t fromr rl roctcr and GanuSie harnuiaccuticall' Wth Apprecataol' to: Mul.te" Oitrit Hoiipital Fun5.atiom Got a hot scoop? Ca#l us at (905) 878-2341, ext. 234.