The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, Octobor 22, 2002-23 ~C campt"on0 0 Class if iedl ýA!UfflI S I e(MITý BIRTHDAY Happy 9lst Birthdag Bernice Deforest The family of.Bemice Deforest invite you to drop in and help celebrate her 9lst Birthday in The Common Room at 40 Ontario St. Senior Citizen Building, Milton on Sunday, October 2 7 from 1-3 Mom would be dlighted to see everyone. Best Wishes Only The Family FOR Sala or RanI 3 tedrooni bungalow, Downlowni Milton. Air conditioned. Rentai: $1 300/month. Imme- diaely. Frank, 905-876- 1653. FOUR badrooni de- tacbad home in Dorset Perk. Many upgrades, teslsfully decoreted and affordatia et $23690000. Cal 905- 876-4875. FOR Renit: lOOsq.ff. 0f fiisbed office ..9.<tali spece. ç01 m n. \Ie~Very bri,ession n,ýi -meýdtely. 905-469- 1999. SMALL privaIs offices, bsautifully appointed. Hwy 25 & 401. 1-905- 277-9347 or 1-905-275- 6834. Christmas le coming! Jocus educalional toye, Canadien conipany since 1978 es looking for Representatives. Promote qualily toys, ganise, puzzles, crafl kite and euppliee. 60% under $15. SsII lhrough home parties, tundraisere, catalogue salese. For MoMelioniiello mit.9415 CALL Sncleîr-Cock- turn - 1-866-357-0471. 1 À r 4.10, 5-yr 5.30, AM1.99 Also squity morgage programe, re- gerdless of incrne or credit. romn Milton, newty reno- vated. dlean & bright. Ist & lest, $800 utili- t ies/ceble/leundry in-r :iuded. No smokers/no Z pets. 905-693-9554. 2 bedroom eapartmenl country propsrly. First and lest. No leundry. 905-854-2033. 2 BEDROOM besement apertment in 12-pies et 224 Merlin St., Milton. applications evailebise t Bsrgsma's Home Decor. Downtown. $950/monitb utililies in- ciuded. No pels/first & lest & demeage deposit required. Availetis Oc- tober lst. 905-876- 4922. 2 bedroom specious large, tright suites. Newly decoreted with meny upgredes. Utilities included. No dogs. 416- 918-5913. ACTON Apertments For Rent: 1 bedroom aveul- able December 'Ist. Open 7 deys/week. Seme Day Approvel. No Doge. 519-853-4374 ACTON large one bed- room $600/mth plus. (51 9)853-5080/ (519)853-5352. APARTMENT Available Nov. 151h, 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath, central loca- tion. $1000 + utilities. No eppliences. 905-875- 2468. BASEMENT tachelor, central location. Quiet non -smoksr. $650/month aIl inclu- sive. 905-878-5553. CHEERFUL 1 bsdroom apertment wilh parking and privaIs entrence. Suitatis 1 person, non- emoker, no pets. $800+hydro. 905-878- 4447. FURNISHED 1 bsdî- roorn basement apert- ment. Avilatis Novsmn- rber 1. $850, utilitis in- cluded. 905-876-1500. dEORGETOWN Victor- in large 3-bedroors partment , main floor, ireplace, laundry room, arge sunrooni. $1200 icludes beat. Acton arge 1 -bedroom spart- ment $600 plus. Caîl 519-853-5080 or 519- 853-5352. GLEN EDEN COURT APARTMENTS 122 Branle Street, South,, Milton nie are now accepting applications for 2 bedroom epartments. For mors Information andlor to make an appointment, PIeas catI 905-878-5375 Building Managers Leonard & Penny MILIETOWER 52 MILLSIOE DRIVE1 1 1&2 Bedroomn Apte I Cls oDowntown. Bu ttastop at (9o5) 876-1249 ONE bedroors spart- ment for ranI, $600.00/montb. Two bedroom apartmsnt for rent, $900.00/month. Sbae utilities. Cabis in- cludsd. Aveileble Dec. 1lst. 905-876-0982. ROCKWOOD, Sunny 1 - bedroom,et-m kitchen $795/montb. Bechelor epartment witb deck $600/montb inclusive. Also storefront/office. 519-856-4900. AVAILALE rdow. Brand new 4 bedroom. 2 1/2 washroom, family room, double garage. $1 799/month plus ulili- tise. Ceil 416-898-1021, 905-854-1023. NEW tbree-bedroorn s e mi -d etach ed . Fetures master bed- room with fu ensuite bath, spscious est-mn kitchen, single attached garage and eppliances Asking $1450. AvilblNovember lst. Cati Bar- bera Crowe @ 905-878- 8101. 3 Bdrm -1 1/2 bath, 235 Bronte St. Town Home. Avait.-Dec. 1/02. $115000 p.m. Rstsr- ences nesded. Joyce Hagsvik-Sales Rep- Royal LePage R/E 905- 878-101. MILON. Maffamy end unit 3-bedroom town- home. 2-1/2 bethe. Appros. 1600 Immediate. $1 500/mo. 905-257-1669. ia ar fir in 5' t! working maie. 905-706-4039. ROOM eveilabie. Women preferred. $450/montb. 905-876-2997. ROOM for rent. Cali 905-693-9553. ROOM for RanI. Gentleman preferred. Close to tbe Mail and GO Station. $400.00 per montb. 905-878- 3450. 15TH ANNUAL CR.AFT & ART SALE Saturday, October 2611. and Sunday, October 27'1 130 VENDORS 10:00 arn. to 4:00 pm. Children: FREE e Adulte: $300 et Georgetown High School 70 Guelph Street eFood and Beverages *Booths & Displays e Raffles Alproceeds go touvrds Georgetown High School Studenla Born To Michael and Lndsay Berry, a son, Adam, wsîghing 8 1/2 pounds, on Frday, Octoter 18 n Womsns College Hcepital. A Grandson to Peter and Anne Berry of Duff House, R.R.3 Mlton. JIm Strain 190 Ontario St., Milton 878-522 Monuments Merkers - Bronze Merkers Cemetery Lsttering« 1 n Memoriems in the form of donations 10 The Canadien Cancer Society are deepty apprecieted.1 BENSON, V. Patricia- 0f St. Lukes Place Nursing Home, Cambridge, formerly of Campbeilville. Pat was peacefully taken by her Lord on October 20, 2002 et the Cambridge Memorial Hospital in her 89th year. Beloved wite of the late Fred Benson. Predeceased by her parente Tom and Belva Bugg, her siter Virginia (Newcombe), her brothera, Ted, and Paul, and ber deughter Wanda (Glowacki). Survved by ber brother Tom (Eleenor), sons, Jim (Nancy), Doug (Georgene), and Mike (Bobbi), 13 grandchildren and 22 great grandchildreni. Pet was the typicat epitome of love, virtue, and compassion as e wife, mother, grendmother and friand. Her "moth- erlineas" was neyer limited t0 juat those in her family. Guesta were made to feel welcome by her any time of the day. A singer in her own right, her gospel singing wilI alweys be treaaured in the depths of memory for those who hed the plea- sure of heering ber aven in her elderly years. Though teaching mas not her profession, she gentty teught meny "ite Lessons" one would neyer leern in achool and neyer torget. The tam- ily wishes 10 thank the staff of We Care, Red Cross Home Care, and St. Lukes Place for the true compassion shown to ber since abe beceme a widow early lest yeer. Visitation witl be Monday, October 21st, 7-9p.m. et McKersie- Kocher Funeral Home, 114 Main Street, Milton, Ont. (905)878-4452. The Funerel and Reception wilt be et the camne plece on Tuesday et 2p.m. Donations 10 any of the above organizations or your local Lung Association may be made in lieu of ftowers. GAZLEY, Lawrence Edwn "Ted" Suddenly, et Oakville Trafalgar Memoriat Hospital on Saturday October 19, 2002. Ted Gaztey formerty of Oakville in his 82nd year. Beloved husband of Merjorie Mabel (nee Armour). Loving father of Wif red "Alan', Sidney "Lee" and is wife Karen and Lawrence "Lerry" Stepbens and is wife Anna. Cberisbed grandfatber of Jason and Joel Gazley and Heidi and Gabrielle Ackerman. Predeceased by is parents Sidney Wifred and Lina Emily nes Swift), formerly of Mihon. Also predeceesed by bis brober Pet. Ted was e Sales Manager et PL. Robertson in Miton for meny years and satar wes employed et Automotive Hardware in Etoticoke wbere be matbe Vice Presidenit of Marketing. Friands milI be received et tbe J. Scott Early Funerel Home, 21 James St., Milton (905) 878-2669 Tuesdey (loday) from 2-4 & 7-9 PM. A Funeral Service wilI be beld on Wednesday October 23rd et 1:00 PM from the Funeral Home Cbepel. As expressions of sym- patby, donations 10 tbe Diebetes Association or Kidney Foundetion would be epprecieted by the family. KERNICK, Barbara Peecefully, in Calgery, Aberta, on Friday October 18, 2002, Barbare Kernick in ber 61st yeer. Beloved daugbter of Rose and tbe lae M. Jobn (Jack) Kernick. Loved sister of Juditb Pihlatrom, and Kennetb (Connie) Kernick. Loving aunt of Jennifer (Sam) Asselstine, Jodi Hodgsoni, Kevin and Bred Kernick, and Kyls Pibîstron, and great aunt of Aexander, and Mave Asselstine. Brbra beld ber Masters in Pastoral Cars, ber CARPE. Designation and wes e Registersd Nurse. Sbe wes also a former member of tbe Sisters of St. Josepb 0f Hamiton, wbsre sbe ministsrsd as a Nurse, e Perishl Worker, and in Pastoral Cars. Visitation, et tbe PX. Dermody Funerel Homne, 796 Upper Gags Ave, Hamiton, on Wednesdey October 23 from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m., witb a Prayer Vigil et 7p.m. A Funeral Mass be offsrsd et St. Josep's Motherbouse Chapet on Tbursday, October 24, et 10:30e.m. Interment, Woodtend Csmstsry PLAYSCHOOLII MD High chool's Living ana Working with Childrsn curse is holding a playechool for 2,3,4 ysar olds. Whsn? Tussdays and Thursdeys, 10:lSam-11:lSamn, until December 19th. Cal) the scbooi et 905-878-2839 for mors infor- mation. RAINBOW Villege Daycars has imitsd speces for children 18 montha 10 5 yeera. Ouality childcars since 1989. (905)878-7552. RELIABLE, esperisnced daycare provider avait- atle. 2-5 year aIda, Junior/Senior Kindergarten wsl- came. Rsfersnces/Rsceipts. Police check. PIsases caîl 905-876-0257. TENDER loving deycare availebla in aur happy home in Hawthorne Village. Uimitad spaces. 905- 878-1068. A King Piliowtop Mttress Set witb freme. New in plastic. Cost $1,.599.00 Sacrifice $65000. 416-727- 9599. BED Ousen Pilowtop Mttress, Box, Freme, Neyer used sti11 packeged. Cost $1,.025.00 SsIi $45000. 416-727-9599. BEDROOM set. 8pce cberrywood. Bed, cbest, tri- dresser. mirror. nigbt stands, dovetail construction. Neyer opened. In boxs. Cost $9000. Sacrifice $2800. 416-748-3993. CARPET 1 bave severel 1,000 yrds. of new Stein- master & 100% nylon carpet. Wili do livingroom & bell for $389. Includes cerpet, ped & installation (30 yards) Steve, 905-639-2902 DININGROOM 1 4pcs cberrywood. 92' double ped- esali. 8 Chippendae chairs. Buffet, hutch, server, doveteil construction. 5h11l in boxes. CosI $14.000. Sacrifice $5.000. 416-746-0995. FOR Sale: Ousen size sofa-ted, metching chair and ottoman, excellent condition. $300. 905-876- 0229. HAY for Sale. Regular square bales. Pick up in field or deivered. 1-877-218-2488. NEED a Computer... Don't have cash? The Original IBM PC, jus g$1 e dey ... no money dlownl Unlimted AOL & interest Free for 1 yearl The Buck A Day Company, cali 1-800-772-8617 SPAS ... Spas ... Spes... Broken partnership forces sae. Over 30 epes still in wrappsr. Muet te sold et cost or tslow. 905-567-9459. GARAGE/ MOVING SALE 141 & 151 Jsste Ave. Campbeilvile Selurdey, Oclober 26 8 am ESTATE AUCTION SALE For te lte MR. GEORGE FORBES of Milton SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26 AT 1 P.M. Preview at 12 noon TO INCLUDE PROPERTY, ANTIQUES AND HOUSEHOLO, ET'C. To be hsld on site on #25 HWY. jUST 10 MIN. NORTH 0F MILTON ON EAST SIDE #9403. JUST PAST smH SIDEROAD Watch for Signe "No cancellalion due 10 weather" NO ADDITIONS PROPERTY: Beautiful treed 3/4 acre properly with nature rsd oak trees etc. with home built in 1957. 3 bedroom bungalow, basement, living roors and kitchen area; fuîtsesrviced; 2 sheds on properly. Very desirable area. Beautiful ecenic roery wih some reeoraion needed t0 home. TERMS:The propsrty will be eold et 2 p.m. cuti- ject ta a very reasonable reserve bld with 50/ down balance due In 60 daye or when posses- sion le given. NOTE: Sheds are full of antique tumiturs and colîsclabese, most purchaeed before 1980. To be eorled and unpacked on moming of sale. CAR: 1954 Henry Jay complets, neede reelora- lion. HOUSEHOLO PARTS: Enough 2x4'e and lumber 10 buitd e emalcottage. For information regerding Home and Property leae al 519-942-0021I WM 91ùv M-MSOFAS FOR LESSIl Sf, anid qect iaqf Starting From Uncompromising Quality arnd Style An Extraordinary Selection 1 11 of the Finest Custom ni bc. X Imagine. Genuine La-Z-Boy aI pr/ces that wili Delight you VV Rurlinoeton Power Centre - QEW & Branat St. a 905-331-7600 F-- R 'SI 10l',