-F 14-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday October 22, 2002 t<~ RO--"-TAIRY CLUB _________ WOFlngoMILTON _ __ _ __ _ -Wokn ostrengthen Our Community." 1D T Uc vn i iIiruiyr Emr -nnnhThnmnn rnhorns 1r - %9F L I ^PJi ILUfràg AL% 'ru-iA 1i Ult * tli ROTARY HISTORY AND Mlton nid timers will (Il remember when Rotary W. met Tuesdnys t the p, Chartes hotet and that a ni beautifut plaque attested DJ te that tact. We "redisons- D ered" the plaque when weM mosed ot et the Muddy Duck and thanku te the vi assistance nf Jim Straîs ot a CREATIVE MEMORIALS nF yTHE MILTON PLAYERS Gerwyn Davies, Rtary Exchange Student tramn Australia, has starring raie in Miltan Players new Praductian. Gerwyn auditioned and won a starriig roe in the new play 'The Mnmberty Inhertance" produced by the Milton Players. He wl be pertorming on the week nf Noember 1t1ut the Mlton Seniors Centre. CHANGE OF VENUE 90 Ontario St South), e now have a new bras aque for il annnuncirlg jr meetings on MON- AYS aI 6:30 P.M. at the ICKENS, Upetaîrs, 189 Mllt St., Milton. Rotarians sîting our community are lways welcome f0 "make r," îat nîîr meetins. home tram Japan and shares her experiences with Rotary t returned home on Augut t th afler spend- ing the greatet yeut of my lite in Nanan, Japan. Nanan in a emaît city a lit- fIe bîgger than Mlton whîch is localed on the western coat of Japan. My year was fuît f many esperiences, both good and bnd, but in aIt wayn different from Canada. My chool in Japan was n prinate school, wbone uniforsis mnde us look ike saîtors. After ochool we woutd particîpate in club sports frnm about 3:30-7:00. The club that t partîcipated is was Karafe. Thrnugh ift1 made many new friendo and if betped me te tsars a new sport, pns improse rny Jupanese. Oser the course of my year t went on two trps wth my nehoot, both te dîfferent parts nf the country and both sery fan. t lîsed wth ise dferent bonI famîies who were att sery different. They ail saried in age, ize and proessions. My hont familien were amaz- îng and they would do anything for me. They were some nf the mont patient and caring people t met and I arn on glnd tf0 hase ised wtb them. My Rotary District also took us on a few nutîngs throughout ftbe year Our bggest ftrip was 4 days 10 Osaka and Hrosbima te see the Peace M porial. il wan an ubsotutely fabulons trip! With the esehange student in rny district, t also espeni- enced many festivals and other clftual esents. Japan wîtl alwnys be an eoperience t wll remein- ber. le the beginning i wan dîffîcutt, everything was dferent and the an- guage wans ery bard. But once yen get pat the difficuties, you fînd a beautîful culture, land and people that cas only be eoperîenced by you in Iis ose yeat. I would lîke to thank the Mlton Rotary Club for gîsîng me thîn chance toexeperi- ence a sery unique part of the world! Thanik you, I had the tîrne f my lite! RETURN VISIT FROM KATHRINE KNUDSEN. EXCHANGE STUDENT Mlton Rotary was and visited their pleased te wel Censt clubs in corne Kathrine Mssissauga and Knudsen, Rotary Miltes. Kathine is E e c h a n g e now in Unversity - Student from in Cepenhagen Denmark 1998- taking studies in 99. Kathrine International * returned te Political and Caniada wth her Media Relations. sîster Karoina, PROGRAM MEETING TIMES: Monday evening, 6.3Opm at the The Dickens Restaurant October 2' a presentation by the Director ot Vision ot Cheese reception, to be held at Hugh Foster Hall, special Hope, an organization that brings health care, especiatly guests Mike Boughton, and Gord Kranz. Reserve your spot optical resources, to the third world. now, eall Tom Dusmet, 905-876-1530. November 25. Milton Rotary Christmas TV Auction, eall Marçh 22' 2003 - Our Murder Mystery night, a play espe- Ries Boers, 878-2721 for details. cially written for Rotary by Kelly Nelson of the Milton Players. December 2u - Emmanuel Mba, District representative for To be held at the Grand Chalet on Steeles Avenue. Caîl early the Polio Plus project. f0 get your tickets for this great evening et murder and fun i February 4' 200 - Rotary Annual Awards Winie and Caîl Barb Saxby 905-31 9-3241 If you would like to attend any of the meetings, please RSVP to Ries Boers, 878-2721. Once again, the major fund raising event of the year is upon us. The TV auction will be held from 6.00 pm te 10.30 pm gn Monday, November 25tr, 2002, and can be viewed on Cogeco Cable 14 in the North Halton area. Be sure and watch and bld as there are many bargains te be had. A listing of articles and the approsimafe fime of auction wilt be appearing in an DISTRICT GOVERNOR The Rotary Club of Miton wilt be honoured with a visif trom District Gevernor Janet Coafes, and ber husband Gary, on October 21, 2002. DG Janet brings the mnes- sage of peace and commit- ment from Rotary Internatien MILTON FALL FAIR f The Rotary Beer Tent was___ held agan ai ths years very successfut Fait Fair. Many thanks te att the Fresds et Rotary, who agan were magot icent in supporting this event both behinid and in front et the Bar!! Special thanks f0 Bob Sargent and Bilt Dennis for the boan et the Refrigerated truck trom Sargent Farms, and te our driv- er, Mike Stokes. A 100%/ effort from everyone ensured that a good tirne was had by ail and insert in the Canadian Champion one week betore the event. Items may still be donafed te the TV auction, PLEASE CALL RtES BOERS AT 905 878-2721 for information and defaîls. Many fhanks f0 Alison Sweetman and Paul McDougal (Friends of Rotary) for their leadership in this event. Money raised from this President, Bichai Rattakut, and she has been instrumen- tal in changing the format cf the District Conference f0 one which inctudes att Rotarians and their famiies. Janiet wiii be presented with a Milton Rotary VesI by that funds were raised for a good cause. Thanks aise te the Mlton Fait Board, Charlie Speck and Keith Middleborough, for their superb organizatien and support, and for previding us witb the opportunity te support local events while raising need- ed funds for our prjects. Board Member, Maitlasd Spencer. These vests, wbich are beautifully made by Linda Spencer, are worn proudly by Miton Rotarians at att cnmrnunity esents, te identify and premofe the Rotary themes. il wlm ~ - 4WY Mr *Quality Auto Parts - 10015 & Equipment - Accessories - Body Shop Supplies *Over 150,000 parts for cars & trucks "THE RIGHT BRAND FOR THE JOB" "Doing my best to serve our community.': event will be used f0 sup- port local causes such as "Breakfast for Kids", and Variety Village West, al recreation and rehabilitation center for eilîdren with physical and intellectuat challenges. Money will also be set aside for the major Rotary International project, "Polio Plus", a program which is eliminating Polio f rom the face of the earth by a program of vaccination. MILTON ROTARY UMHIbIMA5