1 0-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Qtober 22, 2002 Country 's post-secondary institutions best place to look for innovation: Reed Since a lot of Canadas hest thinkers and event. He said be came away witb the As for the essence of the innovation innovators are working under the auspices helief Canada's universities and colleges forums, whicb bave heen beld across of research chairs at universities, that's are best suited to achieve the federal strat- Canada since May, Mr. Reed said he where the federal govemments focus egy 10 promote and develop innovation helieves they wiIl eventually have an should he 10 stimulate new ideas and tub- within the country. "The challenges are the impact on govemrment decision making. sequent technology for business and indus- need for increasing partnerships between "AIl of it (findings> will he put in a report tuy. Tha's the opinion of Haton MP Julian Reed, who attended a large gathering of politicians and business leaders in Hamilton carlier this month. Several hundred people sbowed up at MeMaster University for tbe tederal-gov- ernment sponsored Canadas Innovation Strategy conference. Mr. Reed sat in on haîf of tbe ail-day industry, education and govemment. We were there 10 discuss innovation and what can be done 10 accommodate it at the municipal and provincial levels. We bave a higbly-recognized post-secondary educa- tional system, whether it is McMaster or Sheridan College in Iis area. Now Britain and Australia are copying Canada. We bave 2,000 research chairs supported by the Innovation Foundation." that will no doubt influence policy in the future." H-e said the key at the forum level is to make sure guidelines and goals are clear for participants. "Some of the atendees, 1 think, weren't really sure wby îhey were there and initially thought they would be delivering their own agenda." There will be a national summnit on inno- vation in November. Save $7500 INSTANTLY off your digital box when you subscrîbe f0 any Digital Bundie. Save an additional 25% by bundling your Digital TV service with High Speeti Internet. y New avaalils aI RJTURE SHOP Offer ends November 17, 2002. carrent COosco Digital TV castomers for axer 6 months who are rentng their box may purchase box for $99.99. Al other customers pay $19999 for prchase of the boxanard receive a $75.00 instant resale wth a -month sabscrtptîorr ta any Digital Bondie. If eariy canceilatron wthtn -months a $7500 charge wîtt appty. Not avaîtabie in at area. Somne restrictions appiy. m ;s ie Ln IL q% %wý754j r ffl nVt I Frights, games treats greatfamilyAfn" Memorial HA - Hwy #5, Historic Village of Waterdown October 18t' to 3Oth,ý 2002 Weekd.ays: 7-9pm; Saturdays 3-9pm; Sundays l.4pm Admission: $300 THE ROTARY CLUBS OF WATERDOWN AND FLAMBOROUGH A.M. 7 Ca prate Sponsor: The LM IRIIl cro î~J îolVS J Projecr Spport: Plaza Delight, Vilag Pub & Chips. your~0~ ~orq115 Tonys Shoos & tepair and Dry Clearing Service Preceeds ta Local Caemunity Projeatr v.,Five students. get scholarships from university women'S group The Canadian Federation of University Womnen (CFUW), Milton and District, have awarded five $500 scbolarships Ibis year to post-secondary scbool students. Bishop Reding Secondary Scbool graduate Amy Prisniak participated in a vaniety of sports and was a member of the Student Athletic Association. She was also head coach of lhe midget girls volcybail team and was involved in peer tutor- ing. Shes currently altending Queens University to stu4y phys- ical and bealth education. Ashley Hutchison served on Milton District 111gb Schoolrs parent/community council and the Student Athletic Association. She was the co-founder of the Anti-violence Committee and was also a member of the School Counciland Pmom Committee. Shes now attending McMaster Universaity to obtain a degree in geriatrics. E.C. Drury 111gb School graduate Lyndsey Jones was part of the Student Government Executive and General Assembly, the Sehool Reach Team and Dateline Drury. She waa also active on tbe Milton Mayors Youtb Advisory Committee, St. Pauls Church Council and Youtb Net Halton. She plans 10 become a secondary sehool teacher after grad- uating from Wilfred Laurier University. Emeat C. Dniry Higb School graduates Brianne Bell and Heather McQuitty also received sebolarsbipa. No furtber infornation was available. Since 1963, tbe CFUW bas been recognizing outstmnding female graduates of Milton secondary scbools beading to uni- versity with the giving of Awards of Menit scholarsbips. Funding for the scholarsbips is raiaed mnnually by the clubs spiing book sale. L~I Milton Public Library Ontario Public Library Week October 21 - 27, 2002 ( Ontario Public Libraries: It's Not Just I by thie Book anymore Help us celebrate "Ontario Public Library Week" @your library - with contests and displays We