4-The Canadian Champion, Friday, October 18, 2002 Cotrncillor resigns fromn Police services board B IATALLYN Special to The Champion John Day resigned from the Halton Regional Police Services Board just one day after stepping down as the Liberal partys Halton provincial candi- date. Mr. Day, 55, a regional councillor from Halton Hiluis who has been a member of the police services board since 1998, cited per- sona and family reasons in is resignation which he tendered October 10. His resignation is effective immediately. The withdrawal of bis candidacy and the police board resigna- John Day tion came on the heels of a court appear- M j %fi, an impaired drivtng charge. Mr. Day, who still remains a regional councillor, was charged by the Whitby OPP September 1l with impaired driving and having over the legal limit of alcohol in his blood. The board accepted Mr. Day's resigna- tion last Friday at a special meeting that Mr. Day didn't attend. The Georgetown resident tendered his resignation before the meeting, which was being held to deal with :1 ý ' ý2 Donald Robinson, chaistnan of the polisce services board, thanked Mr. Day on behaîf of the board for his contributions to the board, his dedication to the community and wished him welI in the future. "Ive always enjoyed working with Day," said Halton Police Chief Ean Algar, who credited Mr. Day with making some "valu- able contributions to the service and the community." Regional council will be asked to, appoint another member to the board. Mr. Day's three-year term was to expire in November, 2003. TQ 0 F MMTO I 1ION *CI WSA .1 *OF S5 Transit Service in Milton Where, When, How, Who Xwi Tell Us TOWN 'HALL MEETING Monday, October 21 7:OOpm-9:OOpm at Hugh FogtorHall, Neit to MiltonTon Hall 53 BmnStront, Mfton *iviirlo *~pduM REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL f #02-142 - DESKTOP PUBLISHING FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES GUIDE Sealed Proposais will be received by thse Corporate Services Department, Purchasing until il1:00 a.m. local time on: November 13, 2002 Request for Proposai documents may be obtained at thse Town Hall, Corporate Services Department, Purchasing, 43 Brown Street, 2nd Floor, Milton, Ontaio during normal business hours, Monday througli Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30z p.m. There is a document fée of $27.00 ($25.23 + $1.76 GST) Payment cals be made with cash, cheque, lnterac or Visa/Mastercard. Any inqures regarding tdus proposai mnay be directed to Purchasing at (905) 875-5404. If you would prefer thse bld document sent by courier, please complete thse Request for i Bid Document form on the Town's web site: ww.twnaniILn.osLç. Plan takers and current and upcoming bids are alan posted on the web site. "Frights games treats greatfamilyfiun Memonal Halln Hwy. #5, Histonc Vilage of Waterdown October 18' to 30'1 2002 Weekdy: 7-9pm; Saturdays 3.9pm; Sundays 1.4pm É% Admssion: $300 f i THE ROTARY CLUBS OF WATERDOWN AND FLAMBOROUGH A.M. corporate spusr.Thle IALV&MIPOT Prject Support: Pia Deliosr, Vde Fi & Chips Tonts Situes & Repsîr sud Dry Cleauut ServStr hmede tuIa comniyrjes't Surviving the Ups & Downs When mnvesting during good times, it's easy to profess a tolerance for risk and say we'll hold tight during downturns. But when the reality of a bear market actually presents itself, our nat- ural reaction is to cut oui losses and pull oui assets out of the markets. I the face of such events, here is some common sense advice on how you can weather the current financial storm: e LEARN FROM HISTORY Historically, at least since the end of the Depression, swift declines coming out of bear markets have typicaliy been followed by rapid advances. History also clearly illustrates that bull and bear markets operate in cycles; neither can last forever. e TAKE ADVANTAGE 0F THE SALE A bear market can signal great buying opportunities on quality equity funds. The lower the market goes, the better the bargains. Experienced mnvestors know this and take advantage of sale prices. e STAY INVESTED Buying high and selling low will neyer resuit in wealth. By cashing i now, you're guaranteed losses. By staying the course, you increase your chances of prospering over the long term. Bear markets always end, and with them, so do losses. e DIVERSIFY WISELY While staying invested is the best strategy, recent scandais mnvolving corporate mntegrity illustrate the importance of being diversffied across high-quality compa- mies and stocks. Miniize your exposure to risky sectors and securities and lmit them to a small portion of your assets. *STICK WITH YOUR PLAN Scrambling to reallocate your money mnto whatever sector or stock is currently being judged attractive by the media is a recipe for failure. Attempting to tinte the market does not work; no one can predict the future. Allocating your assets carefully and holding them through good and bad tintes is the only proven formula for success. a REMEMBER THAT LONG-TERM INVESTING PAYS OFF Although enduring down markets can be difficuit, the upswings that follow can be swift, sharp and unpredictable. To illustrate: if you had invested $10,000 i the TSE 300 Composite Index on September 30, 1981 575 Ont 11111BICK FINANCIAL( SECURITY CORPORATIONW" and held it for 20 years, the end value of your investment would have been $63,294. But if you had missed the TSE's 10 best per- forming days over that period, the ending value would have been only $39,&96. I equity investing, none of us know when those 10 best days will come. But the adt of wading i and out of the mar- ket increases the likelihood of missing them. Noie, more than ever, it is important for you ta review your investment objectives, risk tolerance, and asset mix. I would be delighted to speak with you about these issues. Please do not hes- itate to give me a cali. tario Street South, Milton 905) 875-1000 rw.bickfinancial.com Melissa DeBrouwer CFP. 1