The Canadian Champion, Friday, October 18, 2002-Bit Who Does ItL. NOME icIMPROVEMENTSI Serving Milton& Area for over 40 years '%&ILIWIFSALES - INSTALLATION -REPAIRS HEATING Air Conditioners, Gas Fireplaces & COOLING (905) 878-4821 103 Steeles Ave. Unit #7, Milton TOP OUALITY AIR DUCT CLEANING N "FOR A BREATH 0F FRESH AIR" 19 95 Hok up Fr a joh wei dose-Cailthe expertsý charge 100% Sa sfacton Gu&mtftd 0O Per vent Burlngtes Qakvile (905) 639-6772 + S Surreundieg areas cai Incudes FREE Disinfecting tit free 1-800-943-3828 & Deodorizing_ RESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL ALUMINUM / IDW Specializing in Custom àFitted DLREX YinjIWindows and ALMNMLIMITED Entrance Sgstems Also Vnyl Sidingi Soffit, Fascia and ÀIIM L Seamless Alumiaum Trough Cail877-5383 between 9am & 9pm a NPR WRITfEN WARRIF N ON iORKM.INSHIP Expert Repair to Central Air Conditioners & ail Major Appliances Central Air Stoves a Fridges e Dishwashers Washers e Dryers Reasonable Rates - 1 Year Warranty No Service Charge with Reeair Kthens, Boths and Beyond nc. New Showroomn ÀOM Supply * Design a Installation lfl Compete Line of Products MW 18 Thompson Road, Milton (Corner o MainlThorpson) *.*905-878-6666 www.platinumhomeimprovemenlt.coml . stI Icontracting It. "RENOVATION SPECIALISTS" Residential & Commercial " Additions e Bathrooms " Rec Rooms e Garages e Decks (905)8788625 -P1ý Residential LNSCPEI~ and (À Commercial &1 : eDecksF<ç*Tenices «Eiïli ; ., eDesiýqn Layouts Dan Nadalin 905467-8084 Mlton, ON GARGE S.'. R&R Garage Doors - Electne Openers Sales, Service and installation Windows, Entracue Doors, Stonn Doons, Paio Doorn TrEL: 519-853-2114 (ACTON) PURPSE GLSS M NROR D OF7M677 ONTAM OLM. ma m~ FO FATSERVICE GALL *'OMAOUPSERYICE CLOUSE A LCAS COMMERCIAL & 24HOURILRESLIENTIAL 9p4üý9905*878-5642 KI tHNCAINETS $150 in hen & Vanitb' Cat'iete e ci FRE Arch1.ectulCaaneteo wiha new kitchen CUeto MiIhWM 785 Main . nd, Unit #3 878-91771 Ceramnic Tes *Hardwood Flooning Rec Roomns e Steel Studs* Docks Bathroom Romodels @ Orop Ciliags (905) 876-4023 Stan Over 50 Years Expenience Commercial & Residential ' J.HARDIMAN ROOFING CO. LTD. Tel: (905) 876,0958 4252 Henderson Road A.R. No. 1, Milton LOT 2X5 SEPTC TNPUMPING Roert CTNoble Ltd. 0180 ft of hose for crossung lawns 3 radio dispatched trucks to serve you Don't woait for trouble - Pump before it~s too late! Should pump at least every 3 years) Neyer use coloured or double ply toilet paper (519) 853-0500 Acte. Answering Service 878-6869 OVER 20 VEARS EXPERIENCE! Core's WeIl DrilhimgU Pump Service " WeII Rehabilitation " WeII Cleaning " Flow Rates " Water Treatment " Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water Systems " UV Sterilization Systems Telephone (905) 878-4515 (Ask for Rod or Jerry) 264 Bronte St. S., Unit 10, Milton ON seDW LANN HOEM MAINTENANCE SERVICES Plumbing & Electrical Repairs Reasonable Rates *0-87-9470 e eVTIN - Bathroom Design & Installation - Basement Renovations IntlltoHardwood Flooring Refinishing - FulIy Insured Stan Nowak - References c..; (905) 691-5757 Available WINOW CLEANiN WINDOW - LAVES -SIDING 19 Years Professional Experience FREE ESTIMATES- REASONABLE RATES CALL BRUCE HARDING 51--35 ACO, N WODE S I THIS $POT COULD BE YOURS FOR CALL PlAME 905-878-2341 EXT. 227 Fax: 905) 876-0936 Free #: 1-877-667-4958 --j --i r- 1 r-