Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Oct 2002, p. 31

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The Canadien Champion, Fridey, October 18, 2002-B 7 liThe faniy of Alan Heft wouid lic fin z thn oeegne that sent flowers, food Iand who donated money to a charity of their choice in memory ni Alan. A special thank-you ta the WinnipegJ residents for your support thraugh Thansis catis and lelegrams. Thnsta everane wha was there for us in this ime ni aur lives. The support -, that al aur friends, family and ~(neighbours gave us wiu! neyer be ¶~forgotten. We know that everone that knew him w/Il miss him, - he is irreplaceable.' jTo my husband, Dad, Son and Brother, 'as Aonne-Marie recently wrote in a paem; t You wili live on in our hearîs, and one day we shahl see you in the home youve builtoufor us, in the happy place where you are now, similar ta the home'1 you have built for us here on earlh. Love you forever' jShannon & Anne-Marie, Shawn & Greg, L/ Dawn & Steve, Robert & Zahar, Bob & Evie, Irene, Cindy & Randy, Patti & Byron, Micheal & Donna & Familles FREE dlean fill. Will deliver in town. 416-457-3740. LOST: Grey Çockatiel. Coxe Bled area. Caîl Chan- tel affer 6p.m. 905-878-7602. ALCOHOLIOS ANONYMOUS 24 hr. answering service Phone 1-800-891-4862 1-519-836-1522 PLAYSCHOOLf t MD High Schoo's Living and Working with Chldren course is holding a playschool for 2,3,4 year olds. When? Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10l1Sam- 11:l1Sam, until December 1 th. Caîl the school af 905-878-2839 for more in- formation. QUALITY Daycere. Lovîng home daycare, ful-time spots, 5-years esperience. CAS/Sefety approoed. Excellent references. Avaîl. ASAP. 905-876-2886 or 905-691 -8442. RAINBOW Village Daycare has lîmited spaces for chiîdren 18 months to 5 years. Oualîfy childcare since 1989. (905)878-7552. RELIABLE daycare available. Wilson and Wood- ward rea. Plese cal 905-876-4978. TENDER loving daycare avalable in our happy home in Hawthorne Village. Limifed spacea. 905- 878-10658. MAY ton Sale. iteguier square naies. rick up ini ied or delîvernd. 1-877-218-2488, IBM PC. jusI $1 s day.no mooey clown! Uoh:mîlvd AOL & interest Free for 1 year! The Buck A Day Company, caîl 1-800-772-8617 www.buckaday.com SPAS .Spas ... Spas... Broken pertnership forces sale. Oven 30 spas stilli n wrapper. Mut be sold t coat or below. 905-567-9459. WANTED Aii-Jewelry, China, Silver, Crystal, sewing me- chines ... Doulton, Moor- crott, Quiltc, Glass, Wtches, camera/ audio equipment, dolîs, peint- ingc, colloctibles, ese- tales. John/ Tracy 905- 331-2477 ANTIQUES WANTEDI OitteIe (ms China, Furneiure Heathers Antiques wlI pao TOIP prîcenlfoi yenî qnaliii/antiques. chna, sterlmng, jeweiry and quaiy fennîlare. WM Lin help yen demnîze on boy (piai ihiie esiate. For fast ctînfilentit sersviceCal: 905-70.4-8519 CATHOLIC WOMEN'S LEAGUE RUMMAGE SALE Saturday, October i th, 2002 8 amn - 12 Noon Dropoof Donations wlI be Friday October 15h 8 arn - 8 pm at Parish Hall, 139 Martin Street FLORAL DESIGNS AND CRAFTS Fail, X-Mas and Gifts Somethîng for everyone and GARAGE SALE Books, hoxsehold items and lots mors Saturday, October 19 8 arn 550 Childs Dr., Unit 25 GARAGE SALE Saturday, October 19 900 arn - 1:00 pm 432 Gawland Crescent Mlton Furnture and accessories, curtains, liens, clothes, books, dshes, toys, misc. electronica, mini pool table, cardîo-glide and mîsc. sports equîpment. etc. GARAGE SALE Saturday, October 19, 2002 8 -12 274 Laurier Ave. GARAGE SALE Saturday, October 19 Rein Date: October 20 434 Patterson Dr. Matamy Milton, North Side Air compreasor, baby thinga, record albums, skis, etc. EXLSV COs Inkj..UNTRY i:i'A E ATON lieSATURDAY, - Rin or ui A King Pillowtop Maffress Set with frame. New in tr66 plastic. Cot $1,599,00 Sacrifice $65000. 416-727- Directonss:w. 401,1 g~ggnrti pat Mhawk Ri 9599.________________________ cen on corner). F011: BED Oueen Pillowfop Matress, Box, Frame, Neyer Nesead erdn usod stilI peckaged. Coat $1,025.00 SsiI $450.00. Including: JD 7. 416-72-9599.with front mount BEDROOM set. Spce cherryuwood. Beu, chest, tri- deck, otherJ drescor, mirror, night stands, dovetail construction. Neyer openel. In boxes. Cost $9000. Sacrifice Hydrostatic lawn $2800. 41 6-748-3993. rototiller, dump c CARPET I have several 1,000 yrds. of new Stain- nishings., Antique macler & 100%e nylon carpet. WIl do lvingroom & table, King size hall ton $389. Includes carpet, pad & installation (30 rocker, Plus the c yards) Steve. 905-639-2902 mugs that one w DININGROOM l4pce cherrywood. 92" double ped- 4,ULOsqft. honme ectal. 8 Chippendale chairs. Buffet, hutch, server, See fu listing, ci dovetail conctnuction. StilI in boxes. Cost $14000. Sacrifice $5000. 416-746-0995. www.moore FREE etimtes..Got wobbfy on broken chairs? Weak sofa or chair spnîngc? Soit foam? Tired look- Or oeil: David Mo( ing wood finishes? ... theto oeil Fields for ait fumitute For a faxeri lyer/ii repaira and custom mood refiniching, 9-9 deity, 905- 51-6186G 875-4427. 1-6-86G ~~ed:;% - OCT. 26 ** 10:00 A.M. ie, condxctnd unndei a Tent i 4th Lie Nassagneo exil 312 Nnrth (Gxelph Lînel. Folios acewav 10 1510 Sîderseul East IPelîn Ilo i5lh Sideroad as oei 04th Line rn sexth n to 1660 750 compact 4x4 diesel tractor Isnowblower and 60" cufting JO equipment like #165 ntractor, wood splifter, 3 pth cart and more .. A Iso fine fur- t roil top desk, Antique bridge 4 poster bed, Windsor style complete select ion of furnish- vould expect to find within a ;oloured photos and terms on oar mebsite: eandassociaites.ofl.ca oore & Associales nf o. M îuelph AUCTION SALE St NIAY, OC OBER 20/02 AT 10:30) A.M o P il 1 pi " Glass & China IXIHERTY'S AUCi ION SERVICE (905) 878-9802 (905) 854-3577 AUCT IONEER: PA IRICK D)<HERTY See us a( www.auctionusfnd.ci)m/doherty AUCTUON SALE Saturday, October 19 at IOAM lfor Andy Shea & Florence McCann 6649 Reg. Rd. 25, 1/2 km South of Milton lii icluIde i1990 Raiii I'iknp w52.250iiis. I H.C Oi68. Cnb Cadeti (Sideii Traciîîi. iîiiis.>-rniiiin,& Cîlleccabie-. Sherwood & Gordon Hume Auctioneers: 905-878-4878 Fax: 905-878-7647 for Playstatton 1 2 end x-B3ox. 90S541 - 1995 Ford Escort LX, 3-door hatchback. Immacu- laIe. AOC, Autometic, secunity alarm, sporty, green. Texas registereul unI/I recently. Certîfîed. $4399. 905-875-2800. NEED a wnter car? 1983 Chev. Monte Cenlo. 305 Auto. AM/FM. Excellent runnîng car. WiII neod very litle to certify. Frame rails & floor in good shape. $1000 as is O.B.O. Cati Brian et 905-693-1517. 7. MLH049 fIMEET IELLEN * 7 Union Gas is ai)i iîegraied nulural gaisiorage, traunsmnssion and distribution îomyanv lyserviug 1A1 million resiilential. icomnmercial and indusirial cornîmîuiuities in omure' (lin 41011 iormnîiities iiiniirthern. siixihwesli'rî andî eslirnGOtario. The Compîjamnyv is pride tiio regieildiranspiortion riu ce s In ilher uiiiis suîîl ouui-mîiarket paricipasinii' Ontario, Qîîî-leî andith(li eiililSiaii's. 1 'iiiiii(;as s a /)iki Lnirgo' i urnh ((luiie ii (lo Is ii ii iilSlan i i i,, d ng i ie îpprkiîîîîlnin Hornhy Ontario: ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Established Part-Turne Bas i ou( (iil'iirkos,ii 1:550 'il iiiStaintius posiio nili/ he respiii îîîîsfî/'olrtproi i/upgi'iuî-i/ ii-i oaI suppoiirt i( lidiliig dilii îîîro ,andîlru-îîrî Iki'i'1iu. 'lliie sucosu candî/iate illi îsîminuiuîuofil24 liiiirs iperiii'el uît tIi lliulililo mî-iri/i'ililriiip tiii o îîk % 0k. ori î-îyiî lni %%l it/ iiin/îuuîuki'iiiiî jrili p esîi-iiofi40i u.p.m. .(iirai iii ln r k-iîiii kil/s, andîl expeîrtise- iniPC spit io ' (îuis il. i/il , ii ri v])i îîl lividualk/i i date ipi. iiillb a/I leols oilpersonneîîl. u linGiXs is mi î'îuîa/ îîo îîî Iunîi iii îîlii ' nnri îîliniîîîînî/ ,îî ie u ni xii s liv oiimed and 1 ( *à strI/il' o il/ivrsi- is îrk forcepis e iii izI/usilmendiier îî ccii tvni , *pm l i' l ei irnauîî/iî i iln n ,iiii Inistýsal r i * i\. iiin. its ciffiiidntii/a/ i iisiein.i !iiilas- sîîd humm risillli quoting File #STO-004 C2002, Io: Human Resources. Union Gas Limiled, PO. Box 1180. Dresden. Onario, NOP 1MO. Fax: (519) 683-3429. Ili-' fhuîîîîk uioi une iiinwreî'mst. u OnI fhos'spectud îforinun wwwuniongas.com 500 Speers Raahave an illeOavi oappatort ounicatonpandi g Akls an xein y ree roy ei.ibnt FIFe goth ptniaiiiig WHtereL atispaseop i.nnanneneIo: 50/0 SpersRoaOki l DrivehoUs. ai uihdla isn ail esoaiie N , npeing o o i n fs A p o e p acin tîih e iroT ient ? Sui ar 40 P/TChîtiieiii.Mii 0 uiiongas A lk , in g Auto Cwean Lube-It roquiros FULL-TIME& PART-TIME AUTO DETAILERS Appiy 10 925 Main St.East Moing.naccommo-o refeirenfo lrg r cati&dan 905-827-2234.silis lmmediately for: -FuIt & Part'limie Binalit Cook -Pan rtneSertis -Part 1 ire Dishwashers Phone Catolyn for Appontnmeni Don ien Rmùnsnwa 905-87P8-I Must have enpenenoe (Noil)nip-iiis t'lease) $20-$25/HR Nafional csmpany wifh lots of work ooking forý REMODELLERS RENOVATORS HANDYMEN Own oshîcle/fools. + 10 years espetielice Cuil Mr Arhur 905-578-440 SUPERCUTSI " Excellent wage & benefît packag " Opporfonity for advancement. " vn-store advanced cxfting and colooring classes; " Eqipment provîded, " No clienfele neessaly. 905-815-3217 The Ramada Ionn OakviIIe Banquet Porter Lifting ot tables & chairs required, Experi- ence an asset but train- ing proided Banquet Server Experienced reqsîred. Banquet Supervisar Min. 2yrs. hotellbanquet exp. Apply by tac sr sesd resumne 360 Oakille Place Drive. Oakoille, ON. L6H 6K8 Fax: 905-845-9450 G9ecela110USE, Christmas Help Wanted: Cashiers, Floral Dept. Sales Associates 280 Brtannia Road, Milton Fax 905-876-4822 NOW HIRING WingsUp! Is 00w hiring 4 nrw people ta accammodate aur NEW MENU. Each position invalves food preparatian and requires 3 nîghts per week. Appls iii pet-son ut 465 Main St.E. Access t aa computer? Put it ta wark! $1500. pant-time $3000- $5000 fultime el 1-888-420-6147 www- speedopsocces om shopping Mail Maintenance FULLTIME maintenance &cleanîng position. Benetits aller first mo/ $0 per hr Fax resurne ta: 905-332-6162 Sptu.ss D.ry Cleamrs requîreo Pressers, Shirt Pressers. Dry Cleaners & Qualily Conîrol PIS-f fax rosume: 905- 333-6374 or cali 905-333-6210 ATENTION: Kathy Valoncoxîl humun resorces. EXECUTIVE CAFETERIA Requires Monday-Friday. CALL 905-270"322 Fax 905-270-3086 Make Books Your Business! $40K Min Guarantee An opportunity hec aisen for a Marketing Disîributor in the Oakvillo/ Hamilton erea. No selling la involved, juel daily dolivere f0 nOw and oxisting customors. We provide: - Full training - Field support - A guerentes min./yr income of $40K You prvidje: -Self motivation -Orgenizetiori -Customor Service -Storaeofor stock Caîl or visil aur wohsite: 1-877-325-4766 www.alironmnarketing.com 1 _7777:777=

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