The Canadian Champion, Frtday, October 18, 2002-B5 vMilton golfer makes impressive jump to university ranks By STEVE LeBLANC îe61haîpon Jeff Thomas bas arcady tased provincial gold once this year- and is now setting is sights on a second serving. That opportuniîy will come Monday and Tuesday ai the Ontario University Ableties (OUA) champi- onsbips ai Waterloo's Grey Silo Golf Club. (i was on ihese same greens that Milton's 18-year- old golfer - wbo capiained the Junior Wilson Tour fosrsome 10 Ontario Miller Cup viciory ibis past som- mer- ftred rounds of 75 and 73 te, finish firsi ai an initial nryoui for Wilfrid Laurier University. Maiching those efforts may not necessarily put im aiop the provincial pecking order iis comîng week, but il should be enougb for the Golden Hawks' fresb- man 10 rank ighly and belp is bout ieam do likewise. -1 juss wani 10 play îwo solid rounds and sîay with- in the boni for rookie of the year honours- said Thomas. "I1 iink we've got a gond chance of winning. We're probably ranked second and we've beat Westemn (top seed and defending provincial champs) Local skiers- are needed The Mlton Heîgbis racîng club -wbîch skis oui of Glen Eden - is looking for skiers and snowboarders 10 round outius O varioos îeams for the 2002/03 competitive season. Both junior and aduli competiiors are needed. Teams ravel 10 weekend races across southem Ontario ihroughoui the seasoti. New members. regardless of experience, are învîîed 10 joîn.Hl For further information, contact Lin Hl Leeson ai (905) 336-5382.@ ~~F--"& Me "28 Laurier ibis weck -with Suniday*s practice round deterrnining wbicb (jvc from each sehool will get the nod and who will be relegated to altemate status - thec local golfer feels confident he'll be bitting the links Monday. Recent performances would suggest tbai as well. Since cracking the Golden Hawks' squad, Thomas has been a model of consistency - with overaîl top- 10) placings, among average fields of tour doLen golfers. every trne out. And a putter switcb following last month's Qocen's University Invitational bas served only to sîrengthen his overaîl play. Third and fourth-place finishes overaîl ai Waterloo and Guelphi respectively are testament to that. A strong short game in Guelph Ociober 7 allowed bim to recover from a lacklustre stanl and shoot an 1 impressive 75- aiding in Laurier's gold medal win. .Thomas birdied the cightb and ninth holcu and then t rebounded from siraigbi bogeys on 10 and 11 t0 crack the top-five for tbe second lime in as many events. ~J Milton Public Library itario Public Library Week October 21 - 27, 2002 Ontario Public Libraries: Yts Not Just by the Book anymore pus celebrate "Ontario Public Library Week- ýù your library- with contests and displays Nol tion sbihhs fo rif scr uniiscrsiv coniptiiioi But iben I biinîas is no stranger 10 sût cîînspeiin with succesýf;,l stînis on the Kiwi GoîfScene and Junior Wilson tours ibis pasi two summers already putting him up againsi the besi teens in Ontario. 'It's definitely a sîep up, but 1 wasn't really nervoos. 1 saw il more as an opporunity- said Thomas. *3.0 itre in-une 6, 220 hp- 5 speed e-shift automnatit 4.3 itre V8. 300 np *6 disc CD changer- Fuit iusury eather package inctuded 5 speed e-shift auconatct VSC 1 t6" attoy wheets Fuit tuxury teather package inctuded 36AS RAT ERMOTH 729' 36MONTH. PER MONTH; 1 RAE .9 PR ONHLEASE RATE ý9w *3.0 itre V6. 220 hp- 4WD- 6 disc changer 3.0 litr V6 - 210 horsepower- 5 speed e-shift automatic -tn-dash/CD ptayer *Fait iusury teather package inctaded- Power roof Futt tuxury leacher package inctuded - 6" attoy wheets 36 M NH PER M ONH$56966 36MRATHE ý59 1j[E ONTH ý,489* 6EASE RATE 1 E OT E - '.% PR59 i T *4.3 itre V8, 290 hp- 5 speed automnatic *6 disc CD changer- Park sensors- Ramn sensor wipers *Rear sunshade- Power roof 36 MONTH:69V E OT LEASE RATE % PRMOT 1 9 * .0ttr -ue6.2t p pedMana I n-dash CD Altoy wheets 36 MONTH 39 PER MONTH :$3J9t6 Entare Lexus Uane on display an our showroom Complete and convenient business centre Stat-oftheart ervce quipentAmpe pakin ara Covenentin-door delivery baysa 16,000 square foot state-of-the-art faci1 ty Stae f hear sevie qupmnt Apl prkng re Cnvnint2475 Wyecroft Rd., Oakville ON ~ *905-847-8400 l -866-ILEXUS-66I S'A__IL____S__m______________[_C_________ SALES M RVIL E M PA TSil LEAS C.N k, Jeif Thomas 1 ýt., offl 1 1 1 1 P StAilr- C-Df 1 m v