Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Oct 2002, p. 20

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20-The Canadian Champion, Friday, October1 G EORGETOWN CINEMAS 0 RED DRAGON Daily 6:45 & 9:00 p.m. 0 JONAH: VEGGIE TALES Sat & Sun. 2:00 p.m. STEALING HARVARD Daily 6:45 p.m. Sat. & Sun. 2:00 p.m. FouR FEATHERS Daily 9:00 P.M. SWEET HOME ALABAMA Daiý 6:45 & 9:00 e.m. Sat. & Sun. 2:00 p.m. 18, 2002 Lots of choices available f rom ONTARIO page 19 received back thousarsds, i not hundreds of thousands of choices? Librarians con help you fmnd the answer that's containcd within the mess of possible answers at a fraction of the time. For those days you can't make it into the library, we have provided a host of choices from our home- page (www.mpl.on.ca) s0 that you con search and place holds on items in the collections, renew items. check your personal record for items out, and find children con try and guess selectecl Vscb ,ites. AItihe same time. we subscribe to o number of online data- bases that you con search (with a valid library card) including encyclopedias, heoltis ond drug informna- tion and Conadian and Amenicon magazines. I-owever. if you con corne to the library during October 21 to 27, why not join in the celebrations of Ontario Public Library Week? Aduits con take part in a trivia contest whiie CLI b, lur icUlIcillil o! book-related characters and puppets. As well, speciol guests have been invited to reod to children during pre- sehool story tumes. Mayor Gord Krontz will visit Wednesdoy at 10:30 a.m. A tirefighter ond a police officer will attend the two other story times Tuesday aftemoon at 1:30 and Thursday evening at 6:45. The Thursday evening programn is a drop- in and ail are welcoine. l'Il do research fromn TH REE on page 18 And thii my mode-up soroy usas mectis îthb1ià acis. 1u told themn how 1 hadt met up wrth a grizzly bear up north a couple weeks ago while camping wîth a fiend. 1 iigitened the laces on rny running sisoes and stretcised my legs to get ready to nan. "Are you crazy?" my friend repoitedly said. "You cant outrun a grizzly beor." 1I don't have to outrun tise bear," I replied. 1I just bave to outrun you." We neyer did have tise vote. 1 kept deiaying it, waiting until 1 had ai least got a few laugiss. But, 1 was oui-funnied ail nigist and 1 knew I'd corne in last agamn. l'il be ready by Christnas, thougis, I've got lwo montbs to researchs somne funny stories. If tisat doesn't work l'Il go bock to voting for tise fattest person, at least tiais a vote I know 1 con win. Thonksgiving Day wos near. The firot grade teacher gave ber clans a fun onignonent -- to drow a picture of sometbing for wicb they were îhonkful. Most students would celebrate the holiday with turkey and other traditional goodien of the sea- son. These items, the teacher thought, would be tbe subjeets of mont of ber student's art. And tbey were. But Douglas mode a different kind of picture. Douglas was a different kind of boy. Fie wore sorrow on is niceve. His furrowed countenonce evidenced deep turmoil witbin is soul. Jbot a few months prior, bc'd ot is mother, t0oa year-long struggle with cancer. He was baving difficulty reconciling is emotions wth ber demine. An other cildrcn played t recens, Douglas won likely to stand clone by bis teacber's side. One could only gueon at the pain Douglas felt beind those sad eyen. Yes, is pîcture was different. Wben asked to draw a picture of something for whicb be was tbonkful. he drew a bond. Notbing else. Just on empty bond. His abstract image captured the imagination of bis peers. Wbose bond could il be? One cbild guessed it was the hond of a frmer, because frmers raise turkeys. Another suggested o police officer, because the police proteet ond care for people. Stili others guessed t wan the bond of God. for God feedo us. And so the dis- cussion went -- until the teocher aimost forgot the young artist imneif. Wben the cildren bod gone on to other assîgn- ments, she paused at Douglas' desk, beni down, and asked im whose bond iî was. The littie boy looked away and murmured."Its yours, teacher.' She recolled the imes she bad taken is bond Milton Bible Church 10:00 AM Bible Discovery Trait il1:00 AM Worship Service Meeting @ Milton District High Sehool - Commercial St. & Williams Ave. (905) 876-3586 1 ww.niiltnbiblhurh.a Senieo Paiso eb D fanadg Children Mr$. Notalle 0100e 9rogam - avalabe drln it Servcea 93am-- Suna colfrAlA Mc5c m- ecn W.si Srvc A ew (hurh for a mew Oenerafion JàW S -wir~i~r'~T'~11A~T' Service times and locations are located in the Reiigious Directory beiow. Submitted by Dan Rogge, Pastor of New Life Church, Milton KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 170 Main St. E. tntenim Moderator - Rev. Gerald Renmie lntenim Student Mmnister - Amanda Curnie Director of Music Ministries - Sonja van de Hoef Sunday, October 20, 2002 147th Anniversary Service 10:30 a.m. Guest Speaker - The Rev. Mark Lewis, Moderator of the Presbyterian Church in Canada Wheelchair access and washroouns provided so5 that ail may corne and woship. A,.,,'ffimrYs. Saturda\. October l9th. BBQ lpm Celebration Service 2:3Opin Gaest Speaker- Rev. Ian Leicth, Scotland Special Music- Faith Baptisi Church. Oakville Ensemble You are in vited to join us aa we celebrate 75 years of interdenominational miniatry. 10463 2nd LUne, Campbellviile 905-854-3284 SOUTUSIDE COMMUNITYCHUCHI MILTON GOSPEL HALL BAHA'I FAITH of The Christian & Msssîonary Allance 306 Ontario St. N. - 878-3873 ___________ 2850 DERRY RD. Mldd OOM rakb 0-1 m Phone 878-5664 10o:00 arn. - The Lords Supper MutathGOOfSBGkct10 2m Pastor: Greg McCombs 11:45 arn. - Sunday School Sunday, November 10, Topic: 'Unity In Diversiiy" Pastor of Youth Ministries: jack Ninaber 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Leam ofT1he Bohali Faith and lits Teochings 10.00A.. SNDY OLNNGWOSHI SRNCEWednesdlay 7:30 p.m. 8 pm. Wed., Oct. 23, 30. informai 10:0 AM. UND! MRNNU ORSIP ERVCEPrayer and Bible Study 80ha'1 Vision TV: World Conference on & "AD)vF%TuREIÂND" for kids 3.- Gr. 6 Sustainable Development - Baha'i Perspective (Nurervcareproide upt ag 2)Looking unto Jesus Mondait, Nov. 4, 12:30 and 10:30 pm. Ch. 37 For more iMfo on our regular weelyth uoradfns For furiher Information: 905-875-2923 ninistries, piease colt the church office. o u at.Hbes1. Recoidlng 1-800-433-3284 www.bohoî.oig Grace Anglican Church We welcome you to... À ÇRACEWAY 99JAPTIST CHURCH 317 Main St. E., Milton the Church on the Hill ST. PAU 1,5 103 Martin Street Tel. 878-2411 Fax 878-3005UN TE CH R 9588-69 ,ww.grcechurchrniton.com 123 Main St. E., Milton Pastor Walter H. Isaak Rev. Dr.yMark Mcermot Oct. 19, 2pm 9:50 arn. - Family Bible Hour Rev. Ay SRCESinaDoug Barr Kids Concert 11:00 arn. - Morning Service SUNDA SERICESSun. Oct. 20, 1:3Oam 8:00 arn - Holy Communion MISSION & OUTREACH SERVICE 6:00 p.m. - Evening Service 10:00 arn - Sung Eucharist Heaven's Gate Church School, Church Sehool & Coffee Hour Theme: The Prodi gai Son, Baby & Toddier Nursery THURSDAY Weekly Wsrsliip Bard, Bible Study, Chldren's/YoutIi Thursday 10:00 am Holy Communion ~~~Groups & more - coul us or drop in for details' :0pm ileSuy&Pae 10:00 arn Hol Communion * Rev. John Benharn & Rev. Gerry Hoftetter 70 ..BbeSuy&Pae Wheelchair Access Through Parking Lot Doors Church office: (905) 878-8895 "o'IawsfndaredaiGaway" 1 3www.stpausmiltonorg ____________________a_________________ and walked with him here or there, as she had the other students. How often bod she soid, -Take my hand. Douglas. we'll go outide.' Or, "Let me show you how 10 hold your pencil.' Or, 'Let's do this together.' Douglas wos most thankful for bis teachers bond. Brushing aside a tear, she went on witb ber work. The story speaks of more thon îbankfuiness. It says sometbing about teachers teacbing and parents parenting and friends sbowing friend- sbip. and bow much it meons 10 the 'Dougloses' of the worid. They migbt not lways soy thonko but tbey'li remember tise bond that reoches out. Christian communities are cbaracterized by love. Jesus Christ wîsely stated that it was love that would distînguîsb individuals as His Disciples. To iearn more about loving your neigbbour, visit a local churcb ibis week. IVIILI L>IN SEVENTH-DAY CHURH Hî.eh Fosier Hall, 43 Bown S. Miton FREF BIBLE OCHOOL 15.ýo.cr the ihiavvng Bible in%ý%ervmic epcxiig question%. and the -,vt tiua happu v e 1 rFRi II 11 luONS vomie:ltiSB- 231, uSu.iiuauuuu S., li onuu, t. 19 1 SB4 OnuitheuuINI1FRNI Ilhttp://wwu.%op.ouuaind PIS1iR: I JDut uu-u ta 5185-8301 HEAL1fINGI HKOUU I N U I Ui L ro iir iL

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