The Canadian Champion, Friday, October 18, 2002-17 Dateline * frorn OATELINE on page 1l attend the meeting. Eor information. cali (ireg at (905) 875-3663 or (905) 878-5511 ext. 2403. Wednesday Oct. 23 Canada's Association for the Fitty Plus (CARP), Halton chapter. meets ai the Burlington Seniors' Centre, 2185 New St.. at 7 p.m. Speakers are Regional Chairman Joyce Savoline, Mayor Gord Krantz. I-laton iluis Mayor Kathy Gastie, Burlington Mayor Rob Maclsaac and Oakville Mayor Ann Mulvale. Topies include smart growth, property tax base and getting around Halton. For informa- Moin's Nlorning Out meets ai Si. Paul's United Church, 123 Main St.. from 9:30Otu Il arn. Caregivers find friendship, support and guidance while sitters care for the chil dren in Graham Hall. The group isn't affil- îated with the church. Everynne is wel- corne to corne oui. For information. cal Natasha ai (905) 878-584 1, Sherry ai (9(05) 878-5976 or Linda ai (905) 876-3659. Thursday Oct. 24 The Milton Seniors'Activity Centre. 500 Childs Dr., holds Seniors' Cinemnas at 1:30 p.rn. The cosi is $1 and includes refreshments. For feature film or informa- Thursday Oct. 24 - 25 Canadian Mental Healih Association prescrnts ASISI: Applied Suicide Intervention SkiIIs Training ai 1151 Bronie Rd. in Oakville from 9 ar.. te,5 p.m. Thc programn provides practical train- ing for caregîvers seeking 10 preveni the immediate risc ni suicide. The emphasis focuses on helping a person ai risk stay safe and seek furiher help. Attendance both days is mandaiory. To register or for infor- mation about the program, caîl (905) 693- 4270. New in town? Get acquainted with Milton and ail it has to offer hv nrdt-,rinçyr i ihrrintion to WeeTo Shop! Where To Dine! Community News! Prof Services!'..And more! Only $49.00 per year Phone 878-2341 or mail cheque or money order to P.O. Box 248, 191 Main St. E., Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 ,fessional Show off your precious pet in the Caniadman ChampionVs nonthly section of Champion Pet Showcase. If your pet is chosen as "Pet of the Month" you WIN a gift certif icate fromn one of the participating vendors on the page. Send in photos to: 191 Main St. E. P.O. Box 248 Milton, ON L9T 4N9 OR