tAPPUI p'AutoGlass qp IUphosten, Reparsl idsheld RepairsI 781 MAIN ST #1 & 2, ILÎTO2N 8764Z8L-i A Metroland Community Newspaper Vol. 143 No. 62 Friday, October 18, 2002 36 Pages $ 1.00 (GST included) -~Many bars stili allowg smoking Town has received 50 complaints of smoking in public places, but no charges have been laid By RICHARD VIVIAN The Champion Numerous area bars and restaurants are allowmng smoking at their establish- ments and that has law-abiding bar owners calling for action. Earlier this week, The Champion visited a seres of bars and restaurants across town and discovered at least haîf weren't enforcing the no-smoking bylaw. And restaurant and bar owners in compliance with the bylaw say thats putting them at a disad- vantage. Milîside Restaurant owner Joe DePalma said he bas lost business since the no-smoking byiaw came into effect at the end of May but doesn*t think it's right to contravene it. '1'm sticking to, my guns. l'm not going to break the law," he said. Co-owner of The lvy Arms, Ken Phillips shares Mr. DePalma's sentiments and says he intends to seek town councils assistance on the issue. "We will be making a representation to town council to ask themi to re-open the bylaw and give us somne latitude to, maybe just have smoking at the bar and ont at the restaurant part." he said. "WelIl appeal to couincil one more time before we ither break the law or take a class-action suit to over-rule i." Since the butt ban came into effect, the Town bas received 50 complaints of smoking in public places. -There's been no charges laid, but we are active- ly enforcing the bylaw." said Acting Clerk Karyn Bennett, whose department includes bylaw enforcement. Town has issued warnings Several warnings have been given t0 area busi- nesses in relation t0 the smoking ban and charges are "within the realm of possibility," Ms Bennett added. Tbough neyer charged. the Hardball Cafe is cur- rently involved in a legal challenge of the smoking bylaw. The first court appearance on the issue is sched- uled for Monday, ai which ime bar owner Carlo Giangrande will seek to have enforcement of the bylaw delayed until the challenge is complete. i N a -What a scream! A magicien and his ghoulieh friend etir a simmering pot of humen bones and ekulîs et Screemfest 2002. The heunted houe. et the White Rock Oetrich Ferm on Fourth Lino, forth of No. 25 Sideroed, le open every Fridey end Seturdey night until Heîîoween with e spe- ciel avening October 26, when e portion of the proceede wilI go to Haiton Women's Place. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Comment ......6-7 NS Report .......8 Datolns ....... 14 Lit estyles..18-20 Sports ......Bi -B5 Classif ied ..BO-Bi 0 -Friday, Octeber 11. *A&P* e Lehiaw* eaaaruMat *Twice Tearnizzla * 0Sar.riateles Vilage Maket *e Food Baalca* *Canadien Tre *0 Smart Source* eHome & Rural** 0 Site Magazine* *Acta. Gardon Markcet *e Lonoas* *SeIected areas only 1