,/Regu1ar liospital visitors to pay a discounted rate By FANNIE SUNSHINE Thse Champion Regular visitars to Milton District Hospital (MDH) will he able ta pay for parking through a discounted rate, board members decidedThMursday. Vi1sitors wiiI he able to pur- chase 20 tokens for $30 - which works out ta $1.50 per token ta pay for parking mstead of thse $4 fiat rate fee, Allan Halls, sen- ior vice-president of Halton Healthcare Services (HHS), told board meonhers dtring its meet- ing. Six meter parking spots will also be designated at te front parking lot for visitars making a quick stop into thse iospital. The fee will bc 50 cents ta $1 for 15 ta 30 minutes of parking tome. John Oliver, president and CEO of HHS, told board mcm- bers he's rcceived a handful of cafis regardting thse parking fce ta he implemcnted next month. "Mie cails have been from peo- ple in the community who sim- ply wish for titis noSta happen. Other staff have received cails saying it makes sense and it's long averdue." Earlicr tiis montit, HHS annaunccd paid parking wauld be implemented at te Milton site. due ta farecasted funding shiarfals. Aithaugiste cost of impie- menting thse new parking systcm - which will include gates, sig- nage and barriers - will cost $150,000, projected annual rev- enue is estimatcd at $320,000. Mr. Oliver previausly said parking fees wifilcaver thse cast of providing, maintaining and administcring the parking facii- fies. "Ayrevenue callected above and beyond thase expenses wil be used ta support pragraîns and services at thse Milton District Haspital." An additional 30 parking spaces will he added ta the staff parking lot for visitor use. Staff will be deducted farpark- ing fées tirougis payrali. Volunteers with te Miltan District Haspital Auxiliary will continue ta park for free at tise hospital. vDufferin meeting attracts few Attendance left something.ta be desired at a recent Dufferin Aggregates public open haute on the pro- posed quanry expansion. I was a bit surprised that there wasn'i mare people'" said Saraht Lowe, Duffenin's properiy and resource manager. "We wanl ta Ilearn the remaining cancems, n-y ta resolve them and get feedback." Titrougisout the four-hour event at Granite Ridge Golf Club lasi Tuesday, nine neighbouring residents wandered through a series of diagramrs. maps and information boards. Notices about the meeting were distributed ta neigh- bauning residents by Dufferin. "he company alto advertised tise meeting in The Champion. The meeting was a mandatory requirement of the aggregate extraction licence application pracess with the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR>. "We have thte key experts wito bave advised us on the application here ta answer any techoical questions which people may have," continued Ms Lowe. adding managers of the existing quarry were alto in atten- dance ta answer questions. 'Thse public has an oppariunity ta leamn anything mare about the aperation and thse proposaI that they haven't had a chance tsi ta-date." Dufferin is currently seeking permission from the Niagara Escarpment Commission and the MNR ta expand the exîstîng quarry by 83 hectares ta the north. Several concemns have previously been raised about te quarry expansion, including whthcr or not a pro- poscd water recharge systemn designed ta prevent de- watering of thte surrounding area wilI work. The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, October 15, 2002-7 Quanry expansion meeting held in Georgetown Thurs. l'lie fture of L)tetîn Aggrcgates 1 pro- Meinhe s iii die puiblic are ssck.oinc ii posed quarry expansion wiIl be on the line attend the 10 arn. meeting, held at the during a meeting of the Niagara Halton His Council Chambers on Escarpment Commisson Thursday. Mountamnview Road in Georgetown. îpsîgÉ<nNpissing ast of Loblaws) Saturday, October l9th, 2002«c Rain or Shine! (L~ Cone eut and sec our Winter Snew Con~~ Operations before the snow starts te fal!î *Check out the big equipment. * alk to 'rown staff and equipnient operators. *Test your knowledge of public works, bylaw enforcensent, fire and enmcrgcncy services in Milton. Plus ooitess, gitieaways and BBQ. Fun for thse wlole family! SP**eewd by LJT Ecxepeaaa RîicmedanCo . Ni" h Pirevodaeairdl pxortomAuto Aucoox, JI' lotrpnsax (ChamiounLqupnaint Halsoe l'& Iratoes, Ni Aton Airicnt %di (ocepaeiat a. dJ Mur Auee Supply Sheeha Truck Sals ud WVkan-Cwm Ld. ML For toues .n(emagion eathlaie. .1' tluoam 90S 878-7252 exe. 21<6 IncIk~on i <t SERVICE FIOURS' MC ~ ~Mon,Wed & Thurs 730 -6:30 Tues.730 -8:00 " 15 Point Vehicle Inspection Fr,. 7:30-6:0 " QIL, WUBE & FILTER Sat. 8:30 - 2:00 "*TIRE ROTATION " 0 ANS.E " Includes ohecking antifreeze, tires, 8 1MITN ST7E wipers, hoses & beit. M LO " Set tire pressure f-lby 1f88"tor35 Our service is pedormed b atr rli techniclans.tr$ THIS OFFER APEPLIES TO MOST MODELS, CARS AND LIGHT DUTY ....li TRUCK$.PRICS MAY VARY WITH SPEC[ LYEQUIPPED VEHICLES. mmmm (Cadillac extra).'Bi Offer valid until Dec. 31, 2002. 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Qer expires Oier vaid oaly aiWalace Pontac. aiter expires r Oller vaiid aliytaiallacecPontiac.c Ofer expires 12002. Nt valid iii, any 01er siiers. 1 Dec 31, 2002. Nat aahid wttenastrer allers. Dec. 31 2002. Nt e ldwiih eny oe fes e.3,20.Na ai i n te es Dec. 31,2002. Nt vetlid i exp other offers. we n most M automobles. Mustpresent 8 vailaIlA namal ie utomobileGMMustiomobnties.iMusi oprese Gi autombilesleMast toastnGMvaexismxon mies.G Mutimprels eeMusteebientxxvmlab i GM eot iGmxautoobilMs.iMstresetri 0i WC) maiGMatmcoeuMpopeeli Aatai n mx Meitaie utpeei coupaon he aider w ene. cupion soen arder citOs.*p xcexrrcis. i hen saler wriencaxp nohe ader wriiie. cuo-hnodrwit q jDec 31 Avaiai jcoupa LI 1