6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, October 15, 2002 SCOMMENT Let's not forget those with empty stomaclis Milton is noted for its tree-lined streets, quiet neighbourhoods and sense of community. It's also generally affluent. But behind some of those closed doors, there are individuals and fam- illes struggling to make ends meet; struggling to provide the basic necessities of life such as food and shelter. They're the working poor, the unemployed and the destitute. And if you dont believe Milton bas its share of citizens living below the poverty line, just ask the people working for local service agencies and churches. They will tell you that poverty can be well hidden. No doubt many people tumned to the Salvation Army for Thanksgiving supplies, and now Christmas- when times will really get tough - is just around the corner. Those who have full stomachs on a daily basis hopefully won't for- get about those who aren't so lucky, especially during the holiday sea- son. But donations are accepted at any time of year and there's neyer a bad time to make your contribution. For your convenience, drop-off bins are located in the lobbies of Loblaws and A&P and at the Food Court at Milton Mail. rLET ME GUESS #YoU GOT YOUR SUMMER HYor*'. RIGHT? OUR READERS WRITE Hospital volunteers won'-t have to pa Reader says local quarrying has destroyed for parking., says public relations officer Mlton's pîctures que Nia gara Escarpment Dear Editor: (This letter is in response ta a letter sent ta Halton Healthcare Services fr-om volunteer Katherin Forshner about park- ingfees at Milton District Hospital.) l'mn veiy sonry for the confusion, but in att of our commiunications we've mnade it clear that votunteers won't have 10 pay for parking at Milton District Hospital. You wiil most likety be given an access card that you can freety use whenever you exit the parking lot. We value your contributions to thse bospîtat and to our entire organization, and wouldn't expect you to psy 10 help us. Again, 1 apologize for any confusion here. 1 would greatly appreciate il if you could case the minds of the other votun- teers by passmng along the message. If you wish, there's a question-and-answer document about the Milton parking situ- ation that you can pick up in the admin- istration office or business office ai Milton hospital. This document might answer more of your questions. JiIi Salaiko Halton Helthcaro Srvloes +THE CANADL4N CHAMPION Box 248, 191 Main St.E, Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 (905) 878-2341 Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified: 905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 Ian Oliver Publisher Neil Oliver Ansocate Péb/t s/ue. .1111 Davis Edir m-Chief Karen Smitha Editor Wendy McNab Ad%-ertisiuig Manager Steve Crozier Circulation Manager Teri Casas Office Manager Tim Coles Production Manager The Canadien Campioni, pulsiteti soicoTsesday and Fidati ai 191 Main St. E , Miton, Ont.,LBT 4N95 (sii 248), s one oTh0e Mettland Pinting, Pubitsting & Dstbtîitg Ld. goap ni subarban campantes wuiicit nctadins: Aax/Pickeingn News Atvetiset. Atiston Beata/Cunier Barie Atvance tatnys Bay Thiti Week. Bates tntetpise. Brampton Gardian, Burtinton Post, BtingionsSitopping News, City Patent. Cty o York Guardian, Clingwaad/Wanaga Cnnecios, East entk Mtntne Etîn Adocat/Contty outes.ittotocoke Gaandtan Famitaeoagh Post, Faieve Yung, Geongetowne Independent/Act5t Fee Peiss atn Busness Tmes. Harania Businss Times, Knstons Tiis BeC Lndsay This Weeti Matkham Ecansmisi & Sun, Midand/Pinetangsniene Minnar, Mitan Shopping lNevis, Misissanga Business Tmes, Mississauga News. apases Guide, Nassagarneya Nws. NeamaketlAtara [ta-Basset Nothumbterland eis, North Yark Miten. avîtte Beave, akvilte Sitoppig News, Odtimers Hockey News,. Otîltea Tsday OsiawalWhitiiiyCaigton/Pont Perny Tiis Weie. PeterboaraugitTiis Week, Pictan Cssniy Guide, Richmond Hittftitoritilagitas Lierai, Scaritaîsugit Mir, Stouttile/Uxbirdge Tri bunse. dveeisisg is acceptea onstiti condition ua.i.nsthe eseniofa atypo- grattiicat ersa, tai portion ai titi adaetisîng space ccupied iy thi tics. seous item, pttis wit a easosaitie alowance toi signaturn i noat Si citasged for. Sut tie baance aiftie attainisemesi witt Se pai for ai titi appli- caSte raie. Titi paitsiter resites titi igittit categoriai adsertisemists sr decise. The Mitton Canadien Claupoan a Reepotabe Peadasi Dear Editor: 'm really bothered by the Niagara Escarpmeni quarry expan- sion plans, and here's wby. In the pasi 10 years my father and1 1 have so far hiked from Niagara to Coliingwood via weekend jaunis on the Bruce Trail. 'Me most traumatie and upsetting thing we've seen on those hikes was a few years back when we approached the area of the escarpment north of Milton, oppo- site Rattiesnake Point. When we did that day hike, 1 had both an older orange version of the trail guide and my father had a newer brown/gold one. 1 was upset that whole sections of the escarpment map that used Io show streams and woods showed crypticaliy as quarry on the newer map. But that was nothing like 1 fell when we approached tis, area and saw the scope of the devastation. That beautiful escarpmeni that we 401 as we drove west from Milton was a facade. Whai looks like a coniinuous healthy forest from the road is in actuality only a narrow strip of trees bordering a huge quarry. While we hiked across this gap we approached the noise and dust of the gravel crushers and trucks. As we aie our lunch on the remains of what was once a spec- tacular peninsula, we counted about an average of one gravel truck leav- ing every il seconds. For an area of miles there's sim- ply no escarpment ieft. We were shocked that this, of ail areas - a United Nations Biosphere Reserve - was being -trucked away" while we watcbed. almost like they were siealing the ground beneath your feet. We were dismayed ihat wbat used' to be a trail crossing over streams was n0W a gaping, ugly pit. ing matenials tor concrete. But i plead with everyone to do what you can 10 stop furiher quarry expan- sions in this area. How can we con- demn others for bumning the ramn forest when we ourselves are destroying one of the most beautiful nature preserves in Ontario - the Niagara Escarpment? And for what - concrete and gravel for more strip mails'? Please citizens, let's get it from somnewhere else - flot the back- bone of Ontario. Let's flot pave paradise and put up a parking lot. The Niagara Escarpmeni Commission will review this pro- posai between 10 aru. and i p.m. on Thursday (Oct. 17) in Council Chambers in Georgetown. Be there to sec if any escarpruent will be left. Gord Harris Georgetown Pud by Steve Nease