4-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, October 15, 2002 *IS*P I -MILTOuN ON@LINEu M Iup://ww.o n.nmton.on-ca Transit Service in Milton Where, When, How, Who Iwi Tell Us TOWN HALL MEETING Monday Octobe21 7:OOpm-9:OOpm at Hugh Foser Hall, Next to Milton Town Hall 53 Brown Street, Milton cme n i~eyeerbletoc * wuut nmT mai sev. *Leveidllrvloe TypeshfVelil *Fam s*rvicaserpaw N" * <ermm let he Service THANK YOU TO MILTON LIONS CLUB The Town of Milton's Community Services Departmnent gratefully acknowledges the Milton Lions Club's donation of 10 Day Passes for the West 49 Canadian Open World Cup Skateboarding Event held October 12-13. Ten local youth were able to attend this event in apprecia- tion for their input mbt the Design Concept at the Milton Skate Park Open House held October 9. NOTICE - PUBLIC MEETING UNDER THE MUNICIPAL ACT COUNCIL MEETING A public meeting wilI be held on Monday, October 28, 2002 at 7:30pm* Council Chambers, Milton Town Hall, 43 Brown Street, Milton, ON L9T 5H2 Subjeet: Passing of New Sign By-Law This is a notice, pursuant to Subsection 210 (146) (e(f) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M.45 as amended, of the Council meeting at which the proposed Sign By-Law is bo be discussed and considered for adoption. The purpose and effeet of the proposed Sign By-Law is to: -Repeal exîsting Sign By-Law 18-82 and amending By-Laws 33-91 and 74-93, being By-Laws to regulate the erection, loca- lion, clats and type of signa and/or advertising devices in the Town of Milton and replace the by-laws with a New Sign By- Law to meet the needs of the Town, the sign industry, Milton businesses and the general public. The purpose of this meeting is: - To inform Town Council, landowners, area residents, and inîeresîed indîviduals about the proposed Sign By-Law - To provide an opportunity for interested individuals to ask questions and express iheir views regarding the proposed by- law, Town Council shaîl hear any person, who, prior 10 the Council meeting indicated in the notice, contacts the Office of the Town Clerk at (905) 878-7211 and applies to be heard prior to 4:30 p.m. October 23, 2002. If you are unable to attend the meeting, signed written sub- missions wîUl be accepted by the Town Clerk prior to the meet- ing. Such written submissions will become part of the public record. The proposed Sign By-law will be available to the public as the Building Services Counter, Planning and Development Department, Annex Building after Wednesday, OCýtober 2, 2002, between 8:30 arn. and 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday. Should you wish staff to consider your comments for incorpo- ration into the proposed by-law presented at the October 28, 2002 Council Meeting, please submit your comments to Troy Drummond of the Planning and Development Department, Building Services by 4:00 p.m. October l8th, 2002. For fur- ther details, please contact Troy Drummond of the Planning and Development Department, Building Services at (905) 878- 7252 x2335, e-mail: troy.drummond@town.milton.on.ca *Council Meeting will commence at 7:30 p.m. As there are a number of items on the agenda, this matter may not be con- sidered first. Date: 27 September 2002 I ~atn e r" ____________ a m________________