18-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, October 15, 2002 MW Au rMWÀ- OFk i~M~2E M *U*UEU LAP lU UIWiIAL IVOI TO SEE UT Att!O $0 down* 0/% i nterest CREDIPLAN For complete details,, cali TODAY i 866 276-LOOK (5665) (.stagnero, o, o,,, . of Lo.kO eId,,Ipaka, n rder to aki, 233tag0 ths promion.0 Th promotioad OOok seviesai sl, tob1 the wu.5 and Crudturs [bt y.. an 0oI00I5ok fn a ,oo,0I30O t ctap-linacrd-wl tetrm n cniinso R ,a anciqoooo0oiooexcluivet he NaionalIBank of Canada. P,,ooo Oujcotto cageout t- T~0 hof,, , ul0y o3hd d00iruthe pe-c oth promo0tion TheOREDIPLAN inaogi ny plcbetuteprhseadisalaino iitl o(iý.Interstwll th, h.rge2i, b crue of the ,t.t,on f yi30 MatC,0ad a ird he balance due aih seulement datehbasot been etOi00Ottied Certin ohei codtiOos atpply Offer vald otiNooooobci 30 2002 Pc, m t,,h,o , offit, ci.o ot ,ooldotoo0, r, obct 1o hngoeouthuil ou,o he dqigital ,oo, , ne. ci , ,efu,b.shed. Tho.(fer ioooIbleonoly ino oo hoo Ithe Look ltoohoology es oolble. Z 0002 Tooif, Communicat0onsn(Ail ,,hts reseOd. The 510 iOoOodited a ,t oIf 50 pel moth overthe first 6 onths The SOO,,o(recueil t a rteofISio a mont00osr05000000 $0 hidden costs