6 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, October il 2002 SCOMMENT- +THE CANADIAN CuHAMPION Box 248, 191 Main St. E. Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 (905) 878-2341 Editonial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified: 905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 Ian Oliver Publisher A.uuerrîate Publr.n/er Edrrur-ii-Cief Edîtî>e Adrertising ManaE'e'e Circuldaioun Managîer Offiu e Maaer Production Manaeru~' Tie Canadien Champion, published everp Tuenday and Frdap ai 191 Main St.E_ Milton, Ont., M9 4N9 (Box 248), ns one oi The Metroland Prnfntng, Pulstirng & Distnhbuting [Iid groop nf suborban compaies wticti incides: AjaxPickring News Advetiner, Alistan Herald/Couuner Barrie Adance, Baryns Bay Thies Week, Bolen Enteprse. Branmpton Guardiani Bulingion Pus, Buringion Shopping News, Ciy Parent, City oi Yonrk Guardian. Colingwnod/Wasaga Cnnectian, Easit Ynk Minnn. Ein AdvcaeCnunitry outes, Etinticake Guadian, Flambrough Pnst, Faeven Yoang. Gergeown Independenn/ActnnFreenPess, Haitnni Business Times. Huonia Businss limes, Kingston Ths Week, Lindsay This Week, Marktian Econemisi & Sui. Midand/Peneaanguistrnne Mrnn. Mten Shopping News, Mssssauga Business Teres, Mississauga Nws, Napanee Guide, Nasagaweya News, NewmarketlAunnna Ea Banner, Northrumberland News. North Yrk Minrr T akvilte Beaver, Oakolie Shopping News, Oldimens Hockey News, Oilia Today. OshawaNdleth/Clarington/Pord Pennp This Week, Peterborough This Week, Pctun Counip Guide, Richrmond HiitfhoinieilliVaughan Lîeral, Scarborougle Mineur StouttvileidUhnidge Tribune Adundtisîng ns accnpied on ihn condition thati n tien ruent ot a typo- graphicai ennui, thai portion oi tien adondîisîng upace ccupîrd liy the ero- necoun item. together wiie a rensunahin allowance tor signature, wll nt e ciargnd fýtonhe ibaancnof ihnadondîisement i miii hpard ton an ihn appli- cable rate. Tienputlisieen esenes lien igit rucaiegonizn adedînsemenes or dec lin The Menuen Canadian Champion is a Recpuladle Poduni V, Remarks by Manley were quite ill-timed While Halton extended a warm and enthusiastic welcome to Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip yesterday, we wish John Manley had demonstrated the same level of respect for Canada's Queen. Unfortunately, the deputy prime minister decided now was as good a time as any to respond to questions from reporters about the relevancy of the monarchy. Members of the Royal Family who have visited Canada have always stated how much they adore this country. So why did Mr. Manley decide to tell reporters that the head of state should be shown the door? What happened to good, old-fashioned manners or a littie common courtesy? Yes, Mr. Manley has since apologized for his ill-timed remarks, but this isn't the type of greetîng we want to bestow upon Her Majesty. The deputy prime minister, who probably regrets his royal blunder and the ensuing discussions, is supposed to be the Queen's officiai gov- ernment escort when the jubilee tour wraps up in Ottawa. He and his wife are scheduled to welcome the Queen on Parliament Hill. Halton and local dignitaries gave Queen Elizabeth Il a reception fit for a queen in Oakville. Now we hope Ottawa will follow suit. OUR READERS WRITE Son-in-Iaw of deceased woman says recent movie shoot was an inconvenience for those at fanerai (The jolloiving Ieter ns. sent ro duction company appeared to be t/te Towsn of Milton and a nopy was filed with Thec Chanmpion.) Dear Editor: A recent experiencc conceming a bereavement in our family han teft me in a tate of dinhelief. On September 23, our family wan mouming the losn of my mother-in- law at the McKersie-Kocher Funeral Home at Main and Brown streets. When we arrived at thse funeral home for aftemoon visitation we observed a production company in front of what was described an the former jait. When we arrived junt before 7 p.m. for evening viitation, the pro- preparing for an action shot on the treet immediatety adjacent to the funeral home. Accens to rear park- ing was btocked and wc were asked to use parking acronn the street. 'his wann't a problem until after parking when I tried to access the funeral home. An 1 attempted to cross the street, some person from the production company approached me and sug- gested he had a permit and that 1 nhould wait. 1 wasn't in the mood for people to nuggent that this per- mit was more important than me going to the funeral home 60 be with my family. A policeman asmo nuggented in a loud voice that 1 would have 60 wait. 1 was mortified and shaken. Han the Town of Milton become no desperate for funding that it would innue a permit that potential- ty inconveniencen the patrons of a commercial business and in particu- Jar a funerat home? What han happened 60 us an a society of caring and compassion- ate people? Have we lont complete renpect for the sanctity of ife and death, only maintaining regard for cash flow and balanced budgets? 1 look forward to your response to this situation with a full explana- tion. David Lyons Cheltenham -T-here's a lot to be thankfulfor ini this town of ours Well, Thanksgiving weekend is upon un again folks. So in keepmng with tradition, I guesn it's time 60 feant on some turkey, catch up with relatives and spend the next few days doing a whole lot of nothing. Wett, maybe there shoutd be a littie more to it than that. If we're to truly recognize the holiday for what it is, then giving thanks should of course be added to the it. 1 personally have ptenty t0 be thankfut for - with famity, friends, my heatth and a steady job as the obvious front-runners. But 'm asmo grate- fui for tome thingn specific to Milton - and here's a few of them, in no particutar order of importance: -'m grateful that despite ils growing popula- tion, Miton remains a community where people still say hi to you on a street, or at teant give a friendly nod of recognition. Okay, so thin isn't exactty a big deat, but I've neen the alternative during recent trips 60 Toronto and Mississauga and it's not especiatly pleasant. -I'm gratefut that Milton han more than ith share of picturesque conservation arean that are ideal for thone wishing 60 get away from it aIl. It's onty been over the pant year with ever-growing construction and subsequent traffic tie-upn that 1 began to appreciate having places to go where congestion is neyer a problem. I've onty viited these places a few times, but can see myseif going more and more as the community grows. -'m gratefut that Milton han one of the high- est coffee shopn-per-capita ratio of any simitar- sized community I've seen around - with more than a dozen nhops, and at leant one within a two- minute drive of anywhere in town. As somebody who does the occasionat spit shift and just gen- Up fron t erally loves coffee, t nay this number can neyer be high enough. Keep the java ftowing! -'m gratefut that Mlitonians neem 60 take a genumne interent in junt about every important issue that comes atong - which in readily appar- ent through our tetters 60 the editor section. l'Il admt I've disagreed with many residents over the years and the occasionat letter is a ittle too, inteltectual for my liking, but Milton does take a stand and seems 60 generally keep itnelf informed about what's happening - certainly a good thing for me and my newsroomn cohortn. -'m grateful that whether it be monetary dona- tions tike a recent $ 1.000 shot in the anrn to Milton District Hospital's obstetrics unit from Johnson Control or traditionalty high tum-outs at blood donor clinics, Milton in a town that takes care of itn own - time and time again. And finally: -'m grateful that Milton will be amnong those communitien that doesn't have a single alcohol- related injury or fatality over the holiday week- end. I'm counting on ail of you to help make this tant one a reatity. I'm reatty flot asking for much here, just a littie common sense. Happy Thanksgiving, Milton! Neil Oliver Jili D)avis Karen Smith Wendy McNab Steve Crozier Teri Casas Tim Coles