6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday October 8, 2002 <COMMENT Hospital's hands tied in new parking fees People have a right to be upset over Halton Heatheare Services' (HHS) move to start charging parking fees at Milton District Hospital. Free parking has been a luxury enjoyed for years at the communi- ty hospital. But people's anger shouldn't be directed at HHS. The move is an unfortunate reflection of an under-funded health care system, and we think hospital officiais' hands were tied in mak- ing the decision. Frankly, with the way health care has been under-funded for so long, we're surprise this didn't happen sooner. We don't like the new parking fees any more than anyone else does, but we understand why it has to be this way. If it cornes down t0 either charging for parking or having to cut back on more staff or health care services, the decision is simple. And HHS has considered the many good citizens who volunteer at the hospital by ensuring parking remains free of charge for them. Now if we can only keep downtown parking free. *OKAY PEOPLEL#,. WE NEEW A MAJOR SCREWoUP TO I4IFT ATTENTION PROM TI4 R«ON MLEAN -SCREWRUP#i o TALK TO M O UR READERS WRITE Martin street School chairman urges parents Reader says resîdential parking issue to ~ted moeengs on possible achool closure is a problem that has to be addressed DearUFWbr. Thank in puit to ie Chainpions Friday article on the possible closuire of Martin Sutet School, this tapie ta now becoming wellknawn in town. A growin nber of parents bave woed to make thisissuepublic tbragh petitions ami public meetings. The next two mecetings bave a number of parent dlegations speakig ta the HaltaniXstrict Scbaal Board's clasure conuittee. These meetings should be atendied by parents of ailthe existing schaols in tawn to keam wbat will be happening in tutue based on dbe board's cwient application of the Miistry of Education's funding formula. Is one new school enougb to hadle the current avestrowding, the explosive growtb along withdbe closing of ascbaol with 250 students? Ail concemned parents are mnvited to attend mieetmia Martin Street Sbooal tonigbt and Octaber 15, bath at 7 p.m. MrkWafig, school council chairman Martin Strt Sohool +THE CANADIAN CHALMPION Box 248, 191 Main St. E. Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 (905) 878-2341 Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified: 905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 Ian Oliver Publisher Neil Oliver Associate Publisher Jili Davis Editor-n-Chief Karen Smilth Edtor Wendy McNab Advertiing Manager Steve Crozier Circulation Manager Teri Casas Office Manager Tins Coles Production Manager The Canadien Ciampion, yoirisired every Tuesday and Fiday ai 191 Main S. E.,Mlton, Ont.,L91 4N9 (Box 248). ne ose iTie Meiolanit Prining, Pubishirng & Dsribtiîng [id. gno ni suburan comipanues mincir includes. Aja/Pckeeingn News Adoriier, Alston Heair/Courier, tarsie Adance, tarys Bay This Week, Slins Enterprse, Brampton Onadian, Burlîinn Post, Birlngion Shopping News, Cty Panent, Ciy oi Yorke Gardian, Cnliingwood/i5asaga Connection, East Yarie Mi, Ernn Advocate/Country toutes, Etoiircoke Gardian, Flamboroonir Post, Foever Young, Geogetomw n nependent/Acton Fins Pess, taion Business Tmes, Hrania Busness Times, Kngston Tis Weet, i.Lndsay Tis Week, Marieiam Ecanomsi & Son, Mdand/Peneianiguésirese Mînor, Mitas Siroppng News, Mssssauga Business Times, Mssssanga News, Napanee Guide, Nassagaweya NewS, Newmaniet/Auroia tia-Bannen, Nnrthumberland News, Nonsh o i Msnanakitie teaver, akvitie Sirnpping News, Gdtîmens Hockey News, Onîtia Today, Oaiawa/Wirîiy/Caingian/Padt Penny Tis Week, PetenrboroughrTTus Week. Pcion Conty Guide, tichrmond HiIifTiriiiNaagiras Lbea. Scantonoogii Mira, Stouille/Gexbridge Tribune. Adoenising la acceptet os tire condiion tirai, ie tir eSaBof n a typa- grapiricai enno, tirai portion ifattie adoetisng space occapied 5y tire euso- eeus item, tageiben wiiir a easosabie atineance ion signature, wilti se r cirgeti to, balithe balance oi tire adenisement ii bie paid ion ai tire appli- cable raie. Tie pobiohen eenea tier ight ta categanize aderisemenis or decine. Tre Mene Caeadiae Champion in a Recyctabe le inci Dear F4itor: The issue of 'tagging' cars that are parked on residential streets for a period exceeding three hours is a problemn that a responsible munici- pal leadership must address. There are areas within Milton where the population density pie- cludes parking on the streets. There are seasonal conditions that neces- sitate thse prohibition of parking on thoroughfares. There are areas within Milton that pose no vehicular congestion prob- lem if parking on une side of the street is pcrmitted. 1 refer su Roseheath Drive where there are juis swu dwellings on the south sidc of shas street between Sunnyvale Crescent and Farmstead Drive and none on the north side. Parking enforcement activities on this street specitically and in similar locations generally aren't consistent with thse spirit and insens of this sec- tion of the by-law. 1 think thse application of thse reg- ulation in areas where parking ducs in fact pose nu obstruction to emer- gency service vehicles is either unreasonable or merely designed su generate revenue. Residents are required su clear municipal property (sidewalks) of snow and ice. Residents are required su mainsain municipal property during thse gruwing season (grassy areas between the side- walks and thse curb>. These same residents are routine- ly fined further to Section 5(3)(a) of the by-law should they park adja- cent to the public property that they are required ta maintain at their own expenses, whilst posing no obstruction 50 traffic. The solution? Designate areas that would pose no congestion problem as 'one side parking only' between April 16 and November 14 annually. An amendment of the bylaw in arcas where vehicular congestion is nos in conflict with the spirit ansd intent of the statute would be rea- sonable. Doug Richardson Milton miltoned@&haltonsearch.com, or fax them ta (905) 878-4943. Pud by Steve Nea.se