-4- - 1 8-The Canadian Champion, Frday, October 4, 2002 ACER *TOSHIBA e DLINK - TOUCH *LEXMARK *MICROSOFT *Authorized Service Depot Network lnstalling - Consulting Sales & Service -Software & Accessories On Site Service 751 Main Street East, Suite 2, Milton Phone (905) 878-4651 Fax 905) 876-1013 e 1-800-268-0034 Monday - Friday 9-5:30 pmn Saturday 10 - 2 Pm LockF75Ufra ADVANCED & GENERAL MASTER EV NG SYSTEMS HîGH SECURITV LOCK SVSTEMS& COMPLETE KEV CONTROL HANDCAP OPERATORS *INDUSTRIAL PANC BARS- DOOR CLOSERS MOBILE -COMMERCIAL ELCRCTRES&ACSCNRL - RESIDENTIA LECRCSRKS&ACS OTO MASTER IKEYING 1 SECURITV CONSULTATIONS SERVICE - LOCK-OUTE FOR ALARM SVSTEMS 878-5080 - SAFES CO-STEEL <8 UE'r-7CYCLING WEF BXJY ALIL METALS Sdîng, Caat, Used Equpment, Angle, Structural Shapea, Rebar, Stamping, Beama, etc. Etecrîcl WreCas Almînm Dors, Lead, Aluminum Sding, etc. COOSTEEIL RECYCLING - Milon Division - 1 km. nortia of the 401 ona Hwy. 25 (9gS) 875-48~ lndussteitlcommem rcilsi&-ntWal nalagrmeun cIndnes necleone. Over 50 Shops & Services in the L M Heart of Milton UilJ U UIA Ontaio S. '<Soifiti S iMai S Tel: 905-878-3900 WeS- g2 nMWI tea!kls MalilHous: STIT o&m Mon.- hi.: 9:3Oami 9:OOpm Saturday: 9:3Oam -6:0Opm ~ G I ( Sunday: Noons- 5:OOpm a. BICK FINANCIAL ~L5 SECUR1TYCORPORATION Melissa De Brouwer, cîp Financial Planning and Invesments "Investing in you & your dreams." 575 Ontario Street Souda, Milton, Ontario L9T 2N2 Tel: (905) 875-1000 - Fax: (905) 875-6896 debrouwer@bickfiancial.com CLwnuOUR WORKS PR N NC I//C. "4 *providing a full range of Printing Services 4~i Colour te Full Colour *Graphic Design and more! 737 Main Street East, Miioai, Onarsio L9T M1 r UMIATIS As eveysat s awae tise Mltces Cambaaof Commetce bas apptedth ietiemni forsecsnty dqlits front exita5iglage salasse busiaetseaesees by Miltn tytintOitibtioe lam. ite Ciashbs taka liadi rateilattis mIsse ad taeagbttgetbet a gapf business ttseaaalastIn tii sna siankfaI areaile wit titis isse.Tise nk faire it aude sp sE Dates Cas, Esaaîy Nett Homa Servi=;s:Rbarkne, SKI) Amatilve Gotnp; Canl MeDonsal. MeMaketiat: rabsai Patta, Kaisa lesvySssapigastiPati Vndere Sarget Fanas Lad. As atresuit of tieir efforts,.tise Milion ChamWbr of Cmmaece bas a valcetaitdise tabe otErte Ontaio Eseegy Baardlaais meaiber oE ihe Waeiat Gratp sa Security Oepastis Ta dae Chatbef r Piualtt Dates Case, asti Ciaisber Deice rRab Clarke, bave ipreseteb busneut iewepoi.We appal ibeit caaiaeaL lit Work iv ant caispiete yet asti sectne Ioaer aastatise suppart oE beitesses ia jaialng rte MitontCbaaibee of Caaiaerce sAst tee cascantiaiue att wark on bebaif tof bisnsn. NEW MEMBERS - WELCOMR te the followùag area-baed busnee as aew ChanWr Meambers! We inuityou te parficipagin tsour aaoatly ensuIs and encourage Yom te tek part tin eue or utm of the Claauber's coaaaitees. 104 Main St. P.O. Box 576 Sta. Main Mfilton, Ontario, L9T 5A2 Contact Sean James, President or Chria Denicta, Vice-President Phsone: 905-876-4852 Fera Ridlge Landacaping..we are a full service landacape company specializing in knowledge, aervice andl quality. Fem Ridlge installa ponda, night igtîssg. gardena, tonework and customn woodworking. We alao offer consulting service and complete lanaseape detîgsa. Conac: Rogr5-875-2 Cmmecia Wehuise:http:l/wwwiaabemura nm Haber Blain Insurance Bruitera began as a fmay busineas in 1945. Tcday. we reassin a fssnuly-.run operation, which caBans to the peesanal needa cf our clienuts. 'li uesof cer business ta banco our nPeasosal Account Manager' foctia on cuatoaser service. We offer a full range cf producia including auto, hosme, commercial, disability and lite we look fonward te bie; a part of the cosneaaaaty. Ourn momto t "Wbat can we do for vour MK9 Tel: 905-876-0738 Far. 905-876-3432 O W Zcebr 2M0Carol McOalon MeMetsa, etO svenasRatisa Comss agsle aetta s Mte Reaiaof Ratite Adiaisetnt & Finance oaste appeisgtledm caea inaiStaff ItepaitCS-63-02. lt Claaber beieves ltsttiseeliainatiS ti s m iants gavenIolaslannalAaaasteiâl anal R"iitDevelopases cbau"evtovesthle fEnteaaasctpalities inHauwtde atatop fantespots ta dite OTA for develpeaeaaleneptuntis t a tcatspetve diaantage. ite FanwssMoaiat ass a sccets i 2002 despite isecatiyloastion ib e Towsa af Milton patkin lt.i Our retumsa evitaizealMais Sree bat senta gratier asaiber of custotees vtttisg the marke.bIlitaptiaititi ec thee neestiMltoni retadiean tbappfiag ai thse aktadti si diaeveisg he tiantorsa. We sre pratalo onf atrskeitsaii tbe veadots eba go tie extesamile ta provitie <paty pestisets, frietidiy service ssni a saute evety Saarly momeiag. Tbankstotaevetyase fErs vpportig oatefataiers. goearsndstirabs People. Reaseaiber oniy 4 aim weats toexepeiesce tise malkt!1 QUANNM EALH MAAGEENT MAILB5 1.SAKMEtt<III 50 Steeles Ave. West, Suite 24 R.R. 2, Rockwood, Ontario, LOB 2K0 Miltn, Olani. LQ 4W9Contact: Marilyn Sarnuela, Lawyer Miltn, ntaioL9T4W9Phone: 905-854-4942 Contact: Stan Peirson. President Fax: 905-854-5211 Phonse- 905-878-8059 NMariyn J. Samuela s experienceal in litigation Fax: 905-878-6570 and madiatiosa. Recently, star moveal ber law practice froin Bay Street Ma erural Milon. Areaa cf practice ancîsade Fsmily, Webit: wwaaD= ea&cEnapîcyment, SinaIlIBusiness, Persn" We offer investment advice andl wea}>h inury/diaability dlaims andgeneral litigation management andl insurance solutions to manants. individalsl and corporations ImTMA SERVICES BAAAIN&&M 329 Highsade Drive 11Cehl rv Milton, Ontario, L9T 1W8 Milton, Ontaro L9T 4A6 Contact: Carolyn Caldwell, Gesarral Contact: T. Marvin Sitar Phsone: 905-878-2632 Masner 0-7800 Faxn: 905-878-605 Indtatrial manufactrig consultant Esaail: dm neo ç Serving breakfast, lunch and dinner as well as caterisag Ma yose businesa needa, Intrnsationsal cuisine with award-winisg chef, flacesas 22 Otaro SteetS.Ina.Wedding - Banqueta - Conièresices Milton, Gatarlo, L9T 2M6 Rocesa availabte. Contact:. obe Wccda Phonte- 905l)-878R-77W77 Fax: 905693-232MilIce. Ontario, L9T 2N2 e-mil: ichisflloLeaContact jef laron, Brunil Manager weboite: w agggcàU Phonar: 905-8754515 We prielenacgages t Uic best intaSreaste Fax: 905-875-3179 andl terma frcmtise cfferingaof major hanka and oter tendrs. 21Mà h«Es 550 Onatario shre ueit #7 Phone: 905-M350 ContatSMarme CPalm5e DitWtteBHabser & Aaaocciatea is a ftuBservice Iaw fl'na, Phone: 905478-5736 with extensive experltae l in aben as FW 95-78339iigatern "e e4 bohssus ancorpota Fax: 054783389law. Servirleg tise H*ee a=e fortdieeltst 30 Diante BEucffera s saluctice frott avag3 yea ea rs__ cr B o f ane tas adult5 sin.11 disciplins in 1dace. Stutfrist5pluisedtu M antuare afan bu hae secppctuity to perforSin mceamntty atlitianloffcewM t on, locMla theanUicn event and a year endl rectal. City Hall Building ut251 Main Stret. Professional Media Solutions Web Sites - Web Hosting - Web ~Advertising e CD Rom/DVD Design Microsoft PowerPoint Presentations Digital AudioNideo Production *PrintTactile Design a Corporate ldentity Services * Resulting in c citel: 905@693*8070 i e aive www.ineainteractive.com - LJtS t tylt utata 55,1 tSu ailu,, csp destinations *Better than average transit times to other destinations within Canada * 7 days a week service * 97% on time delivery record * Strong affiliation with the warehousing and trucking industry for distribution of products throughout Canada m Tel: 905-876--f79J Far: r-mait: 1 il