lO-The Canadian Champion, Friday, October 4, 2002 HatI A ut *duaio Earn Vour High Schoot Diploma Upgrade 'tour Skills MILTON " itiduali:ed Learning " Diploina Credif Courses *General & Advanced f0 OAC *Upgrade Four Computer Skills *Open Davs & Erenings Flexible Hours Start Anytime! Cail 905478-1480 or 905878-2244 Locaed un t.C. Drury Campus) ACE: Success Through Leaming Bateman at Harrop Art Gallary for show and sale tomorrow night Public can meet renowned wildlijfe artistfrom 7 to 9 p.m. jjj The public will have the opportunity tb meel renowned wildlife arlist Robert Baleman at the H-arrop Art Gallery and Framing Warehouse tornor- row frorn 7 to 9 p.m. The gallery, located at 345 Steeles Ave.. will fea- lure an Art Show and Sale of Mr. Bateman's work unlil Octoher 27. Hie older and newer work will be available for sale, including 'New Territory - Black Wolf' and Loon Galbering at Big Eas'. His new book, Birds, will also be available for purchase. The 176-page bard cover book contains 200 colour plates plus black and white sketches. "We've bandled bis work for about 20 years," said gallery director Chris Turk. "The focus of the showing will bc bis new book, Birds. We bave an excellent selection of bis work and everytbing is available for purchase." Individuals wishing to mccl the artiel are asked 10 RSVP the gallery by calling (905) 878-816 1, ext. 1. - v-170r LOVE SETS A CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY APART Ofen, personal rteuds or congregation memirers send thier Pasiors inspiratsonal e-mails ieni on mouvauîng thees or lorifying sheir spirits. Tire fsllowing accoant provided encouragements o a loceal Passsr: My motirer ased lus ask me vIras s tire mossuimpsrrtant paru of tire bordy.Tiroagir ire years I woutd ake a gaess as viras I irougirs eas lire sorrect anssser. Wlsen I was yoanger. I1siruugirs soudwas very importntlsIos everyirody, so ss niussi ie ur ecs.- Sire looked ai me and iold nise,.You are leamssg fast. iras sire answer is nol ecorrect irec ause iirere are many people whio are ilnd.- Ssumped again. I coinuaed my qaess lsor kusrwledge and over lire years, Mosirer asked me a cosaple msore ismes and always ier answer teas, "No. Bat you are geting smarter every year, my ciild! Tiren lasu year. my grandpa dsed. Everyirody was irn Everyirody was crysng. Even my aurer cried. I remnemirer irai especsally iecaase us was only ire %sec ond sîme 1 saw hum cry. My Msssîr losked au me viren t was isar îam to sa> îar l'maI gîrîd irye tss Grandpa. Sire asked ste. "Do yssa kssrv 5the tsss.imsuportatntirodcy pars yes. us> dcsr! I eras sirscked vireissire askcd niet îis ttssv 1 atvys tirssgirt hirss\vas i game ireveenlier ansd lie Site sv sire esîsnasum (risnut> lace ansi isld ttc. -Tus questioru s vers importn.Is shows tsirsu shave really lved n ysrur lie. Fsor ever> irsody part ysrssgave tise iuttte pasi. I have iolcl ysra tere wrong antd I have esvets yoa an exanspie ehy. Bussrdnîy sire slay yssa ueed tîs learu urissimportsanst esssst.- Sire lookedcdovws i nte ,as unI> amoosiereau. I sav lier e yes velI up wsirh tears Sire satd. -My cear, sire Iost important irsdy pari iv >ssar sirolder I asked. -Iv 5i ecause sirsîolds up my iead?- Sire replsed. "Nso, it i ecause it cao hsld sire iead sof Milton Bible Church 10:00 AM Bible Discovery Trait 11:00 AM Worship Service Meeting @ Milton District High School - Commercial St. & Williams Ave. (905) 876-3586 ww.miltonbiblechurchca Senirceator iamy.dan Rughe Chldren Mr$. Natallo Rouge Worahip Mra. Esther Kessler Youth Mr. Tlm Stevens 9 amn - Eoarly Worship Service 9:30 amr- Sunday School for Ail Ages 10:-45 amn - Second Worahip Service "DARE TO BE A DANIEL" SERMON SERIES JESÇUÇ, THÉ( 2IRI.ÇT, & TUÉE(IEND Or TIM( 6:30 p.m. - Sunday Night LIVE WUO.Ç( ARE YO UP A New (hurch for a New Gentration al trsend or a lsved onue when shey cry. Everybrrdy neesis a shsslser ir ery ou sssuuetinse isuIlue, us>dear I sssly hsspe thisyssu have enssph Isrve aud lrieuds uhas ssu v il alvays Save a sirîulder ssr crf se vhess >su 'Tîsesu and therc I ksevsthe ssssrs simportiants irsd>paru is essu a sllssýh ise. Is s sysspatsiesir. r> the parus srt st Pesople vil!lssorge whias ou sai.ed peopie vii lsrget viras yssu (I(...ira( pessple viii neyer lsrget the sirsrat ser thev are given us, crs upssssaed the v.sv su made iheus leel. ('hrssssau comualses arecirharacterseed b> tlsve.Jesas Cîhrist vtsely saed tiras i vas lsove shas vssalsldissssu gaishi ndvdaals ais Hss disciples. Tîs learn ossre aont loving yssur neigirirstr, visi a local sharchibsss eek. Service imes and Isocaions are lrcated sunsire Religîssus Os recsssry ielow. I I MILTON Hugh t<uîum Hall, 43 Bwsýn 'uSt. Miltonu t (triV)a.rut'.rrr,horrc FREE BIBLE SCHOOL t r I ,II t 1,ti 5 [A rsrr 5 Srit P , - 23sr2, 5vs mjnorr.sr , 55 \tirrrtr rr 'St rît qB PAv rsr uS R r\1,, 19r 83rie, ross Frnuei tA5riuo Rbu51 ircr rrr.r ans) ci> vrai t.scil i Submitted by: Dan Rogge, Pastor of Milton's New Life Church 1 ý MItoýnBa fist Chuýrch 900 Nipissing Rd. (905) 875-1626 Saturday 9:30 arn - 4:30 pm Workshop with Evangelist Dr. Walter DeSousa 9:45 arn Sunday School 11:00 arn Worship Guest Preacher: Dr. Walter DeSousa Everyone Welcome Rev. Greg Macaulay - B.A., 1.Div. SOUTHSIDE COMMUN1TYCHUCH MILTON GOSPEL HALL BAHA'I of The Chrstian & Missîioary Aliance 306 Ontario St. N. a 878-3873_______ 2850 DERBY RD. Phone 878-5664 10:00 arn. - The Lords Supper WEEKLY INFORMAI DISCUSSION Pastor: Greg McCombs 11:45 arn. - Sunday School "Bahai Faith ond Is Teachings" Pastor of Youtb Ministries: jack Nnaber 6:30 p.rn. - Gospel Service Ail Welcome Wednesdlay 7:30 p .m. Info about activities: 905-875-2923 10:00 A.M. SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE Prayer and Bible Study 'LogIC t flot a Itaury Relgon shoud make tenue. t shoudd ie "ADVNTURLAND forIdds3- G.6in tarmony i wtr establshied sc ence Fith and tact firm a torm "ADVNTUIEIA D" fr kis 3- Gr 6toundafion for beiet tl tsa scientrffc tact ttat ttrere ore inagnficant (Nursery care provided Up to age 2) "The Father sent the Son to be the dfiterences betereen races, If mnan s one and Gcd is one, Formor mbon urreglarweelySavior of the world." cassot religion be unded?' Frmr noo u eua eky111 John 4.14 Baha'i principles ministries, please call the church office. 1-800-433-3284 www.bahcii.org Grace Anglican Church We welcome you to... / RACEWAY 'BAPTIST CHURCH 317 Main St. E., Milton i the Church on thelHill ST. PAUL'S I- 103 Martin Street Tel. 878-2411 Fax 878-3005 U IE H R H \ 905-878-1629 w .gaehrhitnom123 Main St. E., Milton Pastor Walter H. Isaak Rev. Dr. Mark McDermott Bey. Amy Cousineau Sun. Oct. 6, 10:30 a. m. 9:50 arn. - Family Bible Hour SUNDAY SERVICES WORLD WIDE COMMUNION SERVICE 11:00 arn. - Morning Service 8:00 amn - Holy Communion Heavns Gale Church School, 6:00 p.m. - Evening Service 10:00 arn - Sung Eucharist Thema: Abraham & Sarah Church School & Coffee Hour Nusery for hablas and toddlas THURSDAY Weekly Worship Band, Bible Study, Chidrens Youlh Thursday 10:00 arn Holy Communion Groupa & more - cal us or drop in for details - 7:00 p.m. Bible Study & Prayer q Rev. John Benham & Rev. Gerry Hoftetter WheelhairAcces Thrugh Prkin Lot ooruChurch office: (905) 878-8895 "o'Iawy ii reda rcwy Whelchjr cces Trouh arkng ot oor 1 5xwww.stpaulsmilton.org I___________________a_______ait_________ Robert Bateman