Public invited to fire station Raising awareness of fixe safety and being able to recog- nize fixe bazarda in thse home are pat of Fixe Prevention Week October 6to 12. The Milton Fixe Department wil be hosting an open bouse at Central Station on Steeles Avenue Saturday ftom 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Individuals wil be able to watch firefghters in simulated situations, visit with Sparky the Safety Dog, tour thse fixe trucksanam learn about fixe safety. Demonstrations wil include water rescue, auto extrication and rappellhog/high angle rescue. Fiefighters will also demonstrate how the thermal imaging camera and fixe extin- guishers work The Ontario Fire MarsIsal urges evexyone to take responsi- bility for fixe safety in theix own home by following these tbree simple steps: -Hunt for home hazards to prevent tires from happening in thse iist place. Search out dangers such as matches and lighters left within thse reach of children, carelessly discarded cigarettes, objeets too close to space heaters and extension cords used as permanent wiring. *Instail smoke alarma on every level of your home and outside al sleeping areas. Test your alarms at least once a month and replace thse batteries every year, or when the low- battery waring chu-ps. - Dvelp ad pactcea home escape plan with your entixe (905) 878-9251. The Canadian Champion, Tueaday, October 1, 2002--9 Communication plan iot M.- aims to Iink HaltonFO By RICHARD VIVIAN Centre.A J. The Champion "This will change and grow int what m Halton Region is looking to improve access to both govemment and businesses services through the development of a new communication strategy. "'Mis begins the process to connect us al," Regional Chair Joyce Savoine said during the launch of thse Connecting Haton program Wednesday. "This will allow us to interconnect Our lives, our services through a single Internet parcel." Once complete, its hoped the initiative wilI enhance local economic development. make govemment services more accessible and improve the quality of life in I-aiton, the chair added. There are currently $100,000 earmarkcd for thse prograrn - haf of which was pro- vided by the Ministry of Enterprise, Opportunity and Innovation and haîf from previously-secured community donations. Thse Region is currently in the midst of collecting ideas from community groups, businesses and others on what thse system could do and how it might work. -We need your ideas here. This could become anything from a virtual maIl, pro- vide health information. govemment infor- mation. anything,- Ms Savoline said 10 the packed housc aitIhe Oakvillc Conference people want it to be." Over the next month, a series of stake- holder group meetings will be held in order to collect ideas and theories froin those who wish to be involved. Thse brainstorm list will them undergo a techoical review to determine if the con- cepts are îechnologically feasible at this time. Through the stakeholder input, a comrnunity vision is expected to be com- plete by December, with implementation 10 follow. tw uz mJnib;ed W*al MHEANNUAL HALTON ENTCONTENT AUDTIOS:FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30,5-9PM AND SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1, 9 -Im kFINALS: SATURDAY DECEMBER1i 230-530 cnty F> eot eO jt lc sým u ct ý1u1Hitr Th1e Cotct i5oprs te ail iLJrente t,12 ycrn ofeli There -ire four .ojr5 ntrumeetaI.P,'nie i. other -ieiJ twc -je oi, Onior O fvete ijiht. im- te 12 yeïr o,1. Comte5t Islt5milI have anmbximum of 3 minute, tc rerform coi the otaqe. Fir5t. re cr10 rm2 trir0 prîzeu nu fri r-wiriel in ecri iCe cteCcr ï c h prcirisc oui receive -i reuýojnitiori trophy. 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