.New bond, tax programs will foster strong growth, says Chudleigh at meeting By RICHARD VIVIAN The Champion A pair of new provincial programrs will help Milton and other communities grow strong, says MPP Ted Chudleigh. "I think this is a very exciîing program with a twin thrust that can really help Ontario maintain ils lead and continue our growth," Mr. Chudleigh said yesterday ai the opening of moming-long municipal consultation workshop ai the Milton Ramada Inn. Both programs - opportunity bonds and tax incen- tive zones - were introduced by tbe provincial gov- emrment in the 2002 budget. Through the bonds, municipalities would have the opportunity to borrow funds for capital projeets ai a lower cost than is currently available. explained Mr. Chudleigh. "If they were t0 pay 7 per cent normally, the opportunity bonds might allow them to borrow ai 4.5 per cent - something in that magnitude," he said. "For communities that are growing rapidly like Milton, Georgetown, Acton, north Oakville, Burlinglon. they may need infrastructure as far as roads, bridges for which tbis could be used." Because of the nature of the bonds, individual pur- chasers wouldn't be required Io pay tax on the interest eamed from the bonds. I's from tbis pooîl of pur- ehasers that the municipaîrties would be abhle tb bor- r(iw money. *'We expecr there tri be a huge take uip (when the bonds ar-e (ulered).- the MPP ,idded. The business seetor and rîîunieipalities CoUild alsur beiîefit Iroin the tax irîcerîtis e zoie prograin. the par- liarnentarv assistanit tr he ierînrster mi nalice coitin- ued. "Ontario lias bad i-erenrduius grossth iii the last "One of the real benefits to this is to ensure that the Province and municipalities work closely together." TED CIIUUWG seven years, but that growth and economie opportuni- ty hasn't been equally shareri across the province," he said. "This wilI encourage industry that is moving into Ontario to locate in an area that hasn't experienced the growth that the rest of Ontario bas:*' Tax incentive zones would allow municipalities an oppontunity to reduce taxes on specifie propenties for a specified timeline in order 10 spur growtb or the sale and clean-up of conlaminaied properties. The ssorksbop -atîended by representatives Jrom Milton, I-aiton 1-luIs, Burlington. Brampton and other areas -was one in a serres beîng held across the province 10 bear ideas lrom municipal leaders on the programs and boss lbey mighl be inmplernented. "One ofllte real benelits to Ibis is t ensure ihat the Province and municipalities %vork clîrsely togeliher. Irle local MPP sard. -The knoss lecîge thaihIle ImunliCi- Ixliies lias c oit the grouind, ss mrking 's iii people. cari he a tieiîeiidîus resururce toIllne Pro\i cc. ssluhî sets tie stanîdai ds, t a ligher levi.- 1unlier cowiisllaîtiis airesclîeduled aiosthe prmovince. eiîding ini Surseniher. Biuil progranms ss ll likely be iniplemntied ini April. added Mir. Chludleigh. The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, October 1, 2002-5 SMilto io Basebali Association ANNUAL GENRAL MEETING We are having our Annual General Meeting Saturday, October 5,' 2002 at the upstairs meeting room at Loblaws at 9:00 a.m. Please take this opportunity to corne out and join the 2003 board. We are always Iooking for volunteers. The more volun- teers, the smoother the organization runs. From October thru to April we meet once a month to get things rolling for the upcoming season.'"- Once we are into May we meet twice a month. If you had concerns or problems this past season, corne to the meeting to / air your thoughts and let us know what we can improve for the " upcoming season. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS -" PLEASE CALI THE MMBA HOTLINE 905-876-2288. 2002Cherolt Cavalier 2002 Oldsmobile Aurora Mainst.'C Dery d tic"aou 'E8184893DMOIL