The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, October 1, 2002-29 Eternal Camnation delivers remarkable Milton Stakes effort Courage, guts and astonisbing determi- nation. Witb ail of ber incredible resources calied to task on Saturday evening, Etemai Camnation.responded witb one of tbe most mnemorabie performances in tbe 39-year istory of Mobawk Racetrack to win tbe $308,000 Milton Stakes. Witb no openings on tbe rail, tbe worid cbampion pacing mare was forced to race tbe entire mile on tbe outside, but sbe stili somebow managed to figbt off valiant bids from Catbedra Dot Com and pacesetter Bunny Lake. After biazing fractions of :25.4, :53.2 and 1:22.1, Etemai Camnation and Bunny Laike took off as a teamn before beiîsg joined in mid-stretcb by Catbedra Dot Com. I-owever, approacbing tbe wire. Etemai Camnation and driver Eric Lediord stepped away to a engtb decision on their two rivais in a mile time off 1:51. 1. i'mn just amnazed.- said tramner Jef i Miller of bamess racinges aul-tisse rcfsest femnafe pacer. "I tisougis1t sbe \xx as beat ai tise isi.Itsn j ust goes ici îsmse tisaia reat hsorse makes peopl e like Eric andti mvseilf look gond. becauISe i mcmi siseuitri did it ons ber taent." Ledford ecboed Miier s remarks. its beyond a doubt, ses definiteiy proved to everynne that sbe cao overcome my driving," Ledford said witb a sbake ni bis bead. "She won a big race up bere (tbe 2001 Roses Are Red Stakes at Woodbine) wben i parked ber tbe entire mile, but tbose weren't tbe same type of fractions. Ho of Beat 1 reaiiy wanted to make this start for ber because it could be one of ber iast major races of ber career. At the top of the stretch 1 stili thougbt i bad a shot to win it. Iinbeiievabiy. sbe was strong. 1 grabbed back a boid of ber around tbe bottom tom and sbe actuaiiy was stili digging in. It just sbows ber beart and determination and wby sbte s tbe top noney-ssî,nniiiiliy pacer ot ai! urne.- Sent offas tihe 2-1 second cbocte bellind 7-5 tas ourîte Bunny Lake. Eternai Camnation retumed $6. 30 to \vin andi tcipped a $24.501 exactor s tii Cathedra Dot Cons.'Tlise[ti actor \N tb Bunîsx Lake ss as to ribhS40.60. t 55 as tise i2nsccareer ssn i o-tiise tise xear-ild dan gbteî iii Cairn [dia. s ho boosted lier lifetime bankrofl u $2,620,252 f'or Eternal Camnatioîs Stable of Fort Wayne, Indiana. Tbougb ber connections bave bînted ibat this could be ber final campaign. Miller left the door open for a possible retum in 2003. "Boy, if sbe's tbat gond. bow can 1 put ber away,- be said. Boulder Creek a whole lot better in latest outing Before Friday nigt's Ontario Sires Stakes event ai Mobawk Racetrack. tramner Bill Budd said fans sbouid discount Boulder Creek's fiftb-piace finisb in is lasi stant and expeci an improved perform- ance from posti Ove in tbe Goid Series Eiimiisatiosi. Four days later tbe Pacific Rccket sosn prisved Budd rigbt sitb an impressîse cîpset v. n tier is nmore fanscîs stabiensate Sir Luck. As Bîîdd suggPested. drser Rick Leroîs ailowecf tss c-year-nid paciisg coit Boucldier Creek tcs loat off tbe starting gaie anti corne cownts s tîthe rail ibrouglisibe f irsi tuos - six ieîsgîiss bebînci early leader Au Runmba. Tbrougb tbe :26.4 openîng quarter and tbe :55.4 baif. Zeron sat patientiy on tbe rail. iooking f'or an cppotunity to make a move up tbe nuiside. As tbe colts passed tbe 1:25 tbree-qîtarter mark. Zercîn bad Boulder Creek dris iîg for tbe ead up tbe nuside and Sir Luck and Mi. Vemon H-anover -tbe fans' Oirsi and second cboices respectiveiy- were trying to beat im to it witb boid îbree-widc moves. AIthie top ofi tbe stretcb. Boulder Creek aisd Sir Luck were sbouldeî ici shoulcier ai tbe froînt of tise field,. but iess tisais i5 sec- oisds later it ssas Bouldier Creek f]asiig Lincder the vwire one-aiscia-liali iengîbs aisea inils1:52.4. Sir Luck earised tise seconci piace finish-i cr's sisare of tbe $1i20,27 i purse aîsd Mi. Vernsons Hanciser sîayed gaine for tbird. Tbe win \vas Bouder Creek's second and is firstinu Goid Series coînpetitioîs- bocîsting im in second spot iin tbe divi- sion standings witb i132 points. Ciiff Siegei's C and i Siegel Racing Stable Lîd. owîss botb Boulder Creek and Sir Luck. giving tbe Brooklyn, New York resident a $90.202 payday. Ail-stars strong at tourney Ni i itoi*,usîss . cS ali i-stai isîsss suici sýucisa :ppec ils scXsciii re cîti xx ils ,111 iiidit'ctedtt ttui inntiicisi Cili Ci -issusex er. Ile us ini andit\i\sustic-, cclix ereci cuiniîserocîtsi roisîîs ;si a "n55 isi i t cîscingis fuîr Ise SMagie ii:i ît ne tustise NetîssncierSMîtcelcl Acaiisois \\as iocket sulîc eîss ecîs tise pipes in hoinîifîg tise Oîppuostioin iii csia pair toi goals inIitree g.ussles n iicli inciciced a 2-i decîsicîr oixer K ieiisiscg ansd siiisate s u Pckerinsg «W (handiCilliiiiîigxs(i1cîc 1 i Lî.îîssRciiiiiuii suticc a Coupile ofiii o jiilec isîpiise iii tise uthii\\asEs ais Rcîx le. \lattisess Sic Phial isaveci a strciîg set np suie ois tise .\xeketsc. Tcîp-îsîteclicicîsse v, aspro\i cecib\ tise cîtire iack i icici-ssiii stansdout effîils Ilîxen hy Acians Biay ansd Eric Sbroedcr. HiesP cive y@ii<J'A. VOic Mitonl Mayor,'s Youth AdVISOrY CounCil Looking for a volunteer opportunity where you can haflg out with people your ovi'fl age, share Your thoughts and the ideas of1others on what matters nmoSt to youth i Our community? Are you betweefl the ageS of 13-24 years? Then iget involved, gain valuable experience- 1on the Milton Mayor's youth AdvisOrY Couricil First Meeting ta take place Tuesday, October 8th, 7,30 Townfl l For more information, contact Janet Davidsofl, Coordinator, Comnmunity Programs 905-8787252 ext. 2188 or emnail at jant.dVldon@ town rmiltononca CARRIERS WANTED IMMEDIATELY FOR FOLLOWING AREAS; *Wilson Drive *Hemlock Drive *Beaty Trail " Ramshawv " Gowvling Terrace " Kearns Drive e Trudeau Drive *Tuxford Drive *Maxted Crescent e Bronte Street ,@ White Drive e Also looking for carriers in the new Mattamy a rea CALL SANDY IN MILTON AT 905-878-5947