The Canadian Champion, Fniday, September 27, 2002-21 For your eyes only.... /'IMEye Make-up consultation on 1ýturdiay, Sept 27/02 from 1Oam - 2pm with certified cosmetician josi I~mi Caniage Square ~ dan~ 90578.1133 Purchase 3 glasses a $1899 cach gel ihe 'liS glass freer.'Al-9,, 4 coloues. 5 styles i. choose from. Fine Tahleware * Giftware * Table Linen * Bridai Registry 227 Main Street E., Phone 905-878-0050 Cone in andl#tffout you' tfr List 9 pieeM hcken, large fries, large salad, medim grvyJay 's Ice Cream Open Ail Year 'Round Jay's Ice Cream, located customers. Kool Aid i5 flow the sole 1l8.90 at 146 Main St., Milton, provider of the Slushy flavours has now completed its that Jay's carrnes. The most recent add 5 more pieces of ~ % W~ second full year under addition to the menu is fones chicken for $5.00 '4 %j~ the ownership of Jason Soda. which Jay hopes will be as 276 Main St. Van Der Veen, 25. This successfui as the Stushies were. 905-878-4171 Mi lt. il WelleuCnr Natural Healing iibid Bodr ,and Spirit * Rikifor umans& SAnimais é Reflexolégy Trealmenis 0 Terapeutk Toucb 111 # Craniocara brp 0 Ear Coning Worksbops available ReikilandRikil Animal Pet Tberapy 416-738-9443 190) Main Street (Entrance off Mary Rt, Psld Centuy 21) JAN MtRS àeitce Massage Therapist Car Accident bqudes *Neck & flack Tenion Hieadu0 adi* cica 18 Muin asieC4 Milton TUES. & THM. (905) 6933546 GCASUA SATIMYS oe business would like to to the Milton cornmunity, and invite them to corne down and taste one of the many mouth watering flavours that are offered. Jay's Ice Creami caters hard ice cream exclusively, supplied by Nesule and Mavpo/e. In the summer season. customers can choose from the extensive FORTY flavours thai are available, while the winter season provides a hardy sixteen flavours. A continuing tradition at the store is the ever-popular Frequent B uyer 's Card. One stamp is received for every ice cream purchased. and once the card is fuit ( 10 stamps), the consumer receives a FREE medium regular cone. A fuil card is also eligible to be entered in the infamous Cake Draw, which entities the random winner of each month's draw to a free ice cream cake. The monthly cake draw has now been occurring for one fuit year, and wiIl continue to be a family favourite amnong regular customers. Last summer, Stushies were added to the menu, which proved to be a huge hit with the unique soda are available. with possibly more to be added! ' The store has also received some cosmetic improvements. which includes a new face for the store in the form of a new sign and logo.*W New chairs and interior signs have heen added as well. Jay's Ice Cream is weil known in the communît> . for maintaining a cozy "smail town- atmosphere. This enjoyable aspect is unique to a sole -propri etorshi p, such as Jay's. Jason is a self-made entrepreneur who en.joys talking to customers, and he has become a loveable icon for the downtown business cote.j Jay's is also known for its friendly staff, which includes Danielle, Sara, Rachelle and Melena. Customers often comment on how nicely they are treated when they are at Jay's Iee Cream, and how the service is always efficient and completed with a smile! Ice Cream Cakes for Ail Occasions 48 houri notice 0Summer Fiavours Siushles a Cones -aIÀstom1 John dePass *Investments * Insurance - Mortgage Life Critical Illness Group 69 Main St. E., Suite #3 Milton P) 905-875-1771 Fx) 905-875-1989 Email: website: www.johndepass.comn ýý sIMbb154M64M Daity Speeio Award Winning Pub, Restaurant, and Garden Patio LIVE Litertaloment Thur#, & dunday Ask about... new CR% L COOL, RICH AND ABSOLUTELY RADMAT HARCOLOR. Enjoyi MATRIX ,155 Moty St-s nerease VOUR BUSTUNEI - exc5asvto klMgt * osdtcs 905-878-9533 4 1 1 1 L ing CIM"