2-The Canadian Champion, Fnday, September 27, 2002 vMilton council set to get pay increase in January To wn couincillors' pay viil! jumtp 37 pec ent o f ncvi yeuir By RICHARD VIVIAN The Champion Rallying behind a new remuneration package, Milton councillors awarded themnselves a financial boost Monday. Starting in January, the mayor's annual pay will jump from $41,385 to $44340, while councillors will see an increase from $ 13,905 to $ 19,039. I1 didn't have a problem with what was recommended (raises)," Mayor Gord Krantz told The Champion. -1 would suggcst that if you take it down (based on hours spent). including myself, we might be lucky to get minimum wage.- Council approved the Town staff-recommended pay structure after hearing ils pay isn't in line with other comparable munîci- palities. 0f seven comparable municipalities, the Town of Whitby (pop- ulation 91,500) had the higbest paid mayor at $52,49 1. In contrast, the lowest paid mayor bails from St. Thomas (population 32,000) and earns $3 1,907 annually. The highest paid counicillors are from the Town of Newmarket (population 70,000) at $23,7 17. With the exception of Milton, St. Thomas pays councillors the least at $14,581. Miltons population currenlly sits at about 38,000 people and is growing. Increases to the remuneration package were necessary in order to attract members from the communîty to run l'or councîl. sug- gested Councillor John Challinor. m aIà .-q PM F4 ff q V và eE M 2002 - CLEAROUT Yeesl (what you'il say to these great offers) $14,420 MSRP Woooooo! $24,800 MSRP Veeeeees! 2002 Toyota Echo LEASE FOR $1 89.0 OMNYDW .8FM '.3,3'.CD wth 4 peak- 1 5L m.3338622 e 08 HP DOH00C VVI'.3538 2002 Toyota Camry LE LEASE FOR $299.20 .833233023FO 48032033S 0 ,& 33 23 G 3 Tý 333203.30.AIF' 03' , q- - .'p-d m-3al, .3 332--d-, A030, 033.2 433<30080 s26,315 MSRP 2002 Toyota RAV4 Ahhhhhh! LEASE FOR $299.00 CU E OT O O NTHS WIIH 3M 205N AM M sero 0 oD .5 pe d nl rasmor $31 ,990 MSRP Ahhhhhhl. Weeeeee! 2002 Toyota Highlander LEASE FOR s359."" 2G4 L. o16 .T3S3833155 33oHP3333. A3M FM cas5teCD wlh 6 pe33303.0 3o 333205 88ý333s . Atioc brke NEW 2003 Toyota Sienna Eu s29,335 MSRP 08 08388000coos S 2033 t hird0ro se a. AM FM cassetie CD. Dua aIr o-ing- Pwe 3 3ndos. ocks& miror Cus ontrol . 48208, ABS -3200o188203880203333 . E353383002000138'. WN Mli 84 Hury ix400 Steeles Avenue 905 875-1700 www.miltontoyote.com Leg8338lm 2030o2002 Com33 2002 9A4 2223.5888820 20 S ,ooooso83'.8g83 3, , ,g esfm 3t ,adtCooS,,, 0A C O253,o38,on,'202 moes 012 5,O 3 ,o38202-d ,o,'.2edbýSt 0 28 2002 Mote, BT3MAYB713PA8 58088,48,30 alaVit, ate888 4930 339ý 9.0,88520.885388208.'lacr ,nn,848, 832I08 ,302fH28 0 VPBZF9CSB 2.0 2A838 3 lol08303380 odg.o Cl3 40 ,8m$12 2 369 38 or '828' 88D 22 23 48$1935 3038 a 8,'o prh oio C 53 35 VS 0 5 40 $ 18 41 '5 r5$12 387 8 5 $7.$14374 15 baSeo on8a 83833of 9620 MO820 te 888380038o, 38 t$D ' 1c 3 aWCV MS Pt8$ 4033$5 4M3 $ 24 $263858o $2 F 5S30 29 35 mo,'a, 0$820 00,al 0 .2 0%2020 5ý le arm 4$5 89 835UC453 p20 ' . 332 O 28820B $ 2718 $90 64 $1 '022R 2 7 31 8 i!W 8glo2080332 227 88 $ 22î272639 038 ' .8o8'8838, te 5.sse 3e y380303888 2503 s<'38 202 820 8.8.3338 .8830 W37833$2 0 0 4 2100,3803225 88 22 823 al mclo' , mmn 0l801 y , 3333 8 E!,e e , U 5 8'38a 5e,23. i33e Io, 880w y8 2le20888 108'H8S0 , 8 40m8 0.80' fal 383 CShens or88 03 e-1,, 5 MI m %I p-1 %cf "F.4Vw M f P% d %e -2.11 lm euCUR Iam mriEm 4OMER jý81C7ES, 1 c0: (. 1111 ,«r ' 1 .4-- o -l dontt hirk thiîs s out of ine- given the gýrowth scenario," be told .20.. 803oi 18IL 5 is 2.tSI.88.ýCýjj Cj L L , , 5 \5. <52 50212,5<5 who considers it (running for council) through this compensation package." Mr. Challinor is the only councillor flot currently accepting the full remuneration package. According the Jim MeQucen, Milton's treasurer, the councillor accepts 56 per cent of what is available to him. Councillors saw a raise in January, when a new policy came into effeci, increasing council remuneration annually hased on non- union Town staff pay levels- which arc themselves based on inflation. Through this policy- approved hy counicil last November -a 3 per cent raîse was awarded ail around the council table. While the majority of council supported the new increase. coun- cillors Art Melanson and Rick Maîbocul stood in opposition. Councillor Wally Hunter was absent from the meeting. "Our mayor is the highcst (paid) if you look at a per capita basis. If we approve this recommendation, without reducing the si/c of counicil, Milton becomes the second highest counicil payroll. We will have the ighest per capita costs of the survey group.- said Mr. Maîbocuf. admitting he would accept the raise should counicil approve it. "I would accept it because I feel I work just as bard as anyone here (at council>." Downsizing recommendation rejected In a motion that died after failing to find a seconder, Mr. Malboeuf recommended downsizing the size of council by two counicillors and creating two additional wards. With six wards - each of which would have one representative on counicil, along wiîh two regional counicillors - the town's pop- ulation could be better distributed, the counicillor argued. Population data from 1991 indicated the population of Ward 1 to be 2,946, Ward 2 to be 11,066. Ward 3 to be 5,232 and Ward 4 to be 12,107. But no other counicillors agreed that ward boundaries should be re-drawn or that council should be downsized. -Talking of a reduction in size when the population is growing s completely irrelevant," Mr. Challinor responded to the motion. "This is silly. This discussion is old news.- In addition to approving the new remuneration levels, council also approved a resolution of their intention to, retain a one-third tax free expense option. The provincial govemment had given municipal counicils until January 1 to decîde if they wished to keep the tax-free allocation. f WE'VE NEVER MET A MOMI m ýFw4R ýýý KeWeMýý à 9010 ,ý d9exez [ýý 0 Ken dLexem m m m a