The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, September 24, 2002-25 199 PLMOUTH Acaîr, whte, 't avvr 4 ciser, QS9000 & IS014000 Auteamofw Parts p.m. WORKING SIHFTSIJPERVISOR An exoeptional communicator with t lenst 2 yeans experienoe working in a mannfactuing 1982 CUTLASS, parts car. UtCt55envivonmen must be wlling to work $1,000. Ptease phone 905-878-6229. w frk J and seha: Heonan Renounce Manager - Box #3038 ç1o 71r Canadian Champion 191 Main Sreet Miton, Ontsmk L9T 4N9 THE 500 STAFFING SERVICES Expanding our services into Burlington - Oakville - Mississauga The 500 Staffing Services Inc., a partner with Ian Martin Ltd, is one of Canadas leading organizationa providing fu- time and tenaporary staffing solutions to compauies across Canada. Esabhished in 1953, The 500 Staffing Services Inc. ta welI positioned 10 assise both thse job seeker and client organizations. \N -vlo e u nues Permanent - Contract - Temporary Register with us on-ine or in person. It's that simple. *Administrative and Clerical Support. *Acconnting. *Human Resources. Contact: Sloan Fleet Email: TEL: 905-815-1600 Ext. 2257 FAX: 905-845-2100 465 Morden Road, 2,d. Floor Oakville, Ont. L6K 3W6 Oua BRock Haallh Care Canada Lid. is a progressive Proshelic and orlhoic supply comnpany wiIh immadiale openings for friendly, conscientious, organized individuls who wan Io loin a dedicated Ieam for the following positions: Cusomer Caroe Rorsenhtitive: As a liaison between sur Custumer Strvict and Sales & Marketing teams ysu will strict to understand and respond tso ew and eisting costumer needs. With a minimum f 3 ers experisncs in an off ice setting pou witl utillut peur skills with Microsoft Office Suite, custsmsr databast management together with language skills fo provide tht highest tatil of customer care. Only individuals abs want fo make a difference shosld apply. Comfon ouir Organized, energetic driver to pick-up and deliner fabrication werk from sur Okille site to our local customers within a0200 km radius; To meet with customers t each pickup and delivery point te understand their needo and answer technical questions about tbe work. Training witl be provided lu facilitat discussions aîth customers. Excellent communication skilîs art mandatory. s meli a an exctptîonal driving record. Tht succesotut indivrdual wili have cvmpleted pool secundary eduction. AIR Cer Must have minimum 5 ers experience ailh collectîocuits usé cash applicaiov. Shvuld e detailed, organiseé self starterlther duties ai include nvoicing, nd credif notes. Pîoficievcy wilh Microsvft Evcel mavdtsrp. SAP wold e un ssel. Compensation fut al these posiions aill he aseé vs vvperiencv Pieuse fax resuma tv905829-1811 c/v Humas Reources. bp Sept. 30, 2002ý We thankil a pplîcan/!S.hawfeer anly those seeutes foian f//tfrviewsw/1! ne cor/a:ted PROJECT COORDINATOR fu f5, if -s stsr i v'eýh al. 1o rrK'ie'n'er, af/suonf CariigeNoûaA a/iHunf/ii', 55/ar/q gc/ov î uwt Ourof vais sf rivct Ca id ins ors yot/ w i asistin a /kisg Our0/wovmne Prchaovio rr/ t4int paîsî 0eo rey lîsulîze t//eir prchoon /ifra01/ ta the i /asiindaIsta.s uwil/ asit to reiew and apdala O se/fiisoas/d svkv changs to s sv thams orders o Ysavi camm/inicatv Isese chags as Gu IraiircDa rtla' uic fi'tev Persnlv ,ec fjý h if/ If/if Pieuse tfapusi c 'r-,IVGari., 5le9 -654-9746 Sts: Humas Reseerces epatrnntt r ,d ii-r;;i,ïce 510 General' Help Wanted Bahn Saddtery r Harfrh v (Mura/n /qiires i2' Fî Pusition 1: Position 2: Cus-oactcSoRVsCF.& We are oeeking sePt -motivated individuats avd/vr equeutnian knuwtedge wvîrtd be an asset Benefif package. staff disoaunt 905-878-8885. EI P MILTON Restaurant requiren Cashiers & Janitonat Staff at our bssy location. Ose tulltime or tao part- tint postions 10 filtt Excellent mage & benetits. Pteasant, mature people ati- corne to cati tIb Manager and arrange an 1 nterview. 905-693-0657. $20-$251HR National csmpany wati lois of werk loskîng for: REMODELLERS RENOVATORS HANDYMEN Oan vehicle/leols. +10 ers sopeience CatI Mr. Arhur 905-578-M40 spherîol. Light Assemly/ Packaging Spherion needo people for dlean climats controlled production plant located in Hamilton/ lurtington, $PIhr. and up Pleast tas resume: 905-525-3331 cati1 : 905-525-7111 emait.: setter Bitters rewing Company regires general help and cvtomer service help. Mont be haréworking, ambîtiovo. wanilisq l tart ca/von in thc Nn/ & /,een ',ak/iat 905-681-2739. Milton Sinoco is looking for part-time weekend help. Contact Tanya at 905-876-1054 ;'anns c.rtnticr /r Xfrr' Fax resume .equirec. to: Tiha positionis i 905-876-1519 pvrmanvntltul tinme Caîl 905-878-8926 SERVING OUR % communityV FOSTERING ACCESSIBLE cEe MEnsering the smooth delivery of he'alth care ervices in the regbon, theCommunity Care Access Centre ofPeel (CC4C)s a non-profit organhzatbon thatprovzdes access to iongeerm careplacement services, as we11 au communiy-based, in-home and school hea/th care services CASE MANAGERS (Permanent Ful-time, Casual) Respsnsible fur enauring that et ghIbe clients recece tervices in accordance mith relevant legistation, pou wilîl use creative and innuvative orategies nsoersee cost-effectce resource management. This miii involve asseuoing clients, developing and documenting service pano and ensuring appropriate services are provded, montoring ressurces, maintaining accurate documentation and ecaluabing care plane. This nle involves both adcocacp on behaîf of clients and familles. and fiocal eapsnsibility fer rensurce management. As an ideal candidate, pou have a taccalaureate degret from a recognized univeroity in a health-related field such as Nuringii, Occupational Therapp, Phpiotherapp sr Social Work fMSW requiredl. You alsu have an least ose pear of relevant experience and curnent registration uith a college recognized bp the RHPA. Kvoledge of communitp organizationo and resources; effective asseosment. interpersonal, cummunication, srganiuational and planning okilto; and excellent computer abilities wilI ensure pour succes n thias oe. A valid drivers licence and acceso 10 a vehicle are required. MANAGER, CLIENT SERVICES (Permanent Fuil-time> teporting to tht Drector of Client Services, pou mutl overeee tht ungoîng management, planning and evaluatisv uf case management, placement coordinatiun. and information and referral program/services. This wilI involve morkîng mith a Client Services ean to enoure team members provide quality service to clients and communîty caregivera. Additionatlp, pou mutl identify oaffîna requiementu; counsel staff regarding case management issues; participate un commttees an a local, regional and povincial level; initiat activities that resond ns community needu and CCAC objectives; and paricipate in tht RFP proceuu. To qualify. pou must have an undergraduate degree in a health discipline uupplemented bp graduate work on equivatent management experience, as meil as five or more pears of relevant esperience fIns of which incolved direct supervisorp experience, prefenabîn nn a communitp healsh encîronmentf. Computer proficiency and knswledge uf relevant legislatisn and budget procesolfinancial monitoring controts are also requred, and pou must be able su conceptualize and implement opecial projecto. A proven leader with tnong inserperoonal. public relations, crtîcal thinkîna and conffict resolution skillo will thrîve in this frontline management position. These posiions offer conpvnitive compensation and a conprehenuive benefîn/pevuîon package supptemenred by four weeks' vacation, a uiion subsidy pro gram and fret parking. Please forward pour résumé, indicating the pssitios&of interest, ta: Human Resources, CCAC of Peel, 199 County Court Boulevard, Brampton, Ontario 16W 4P3. Fax: (905) 796-7057. ~ COMMUNITY CARE ACCESS CENTRE 0F PEEL Centre d'accès au x soins communautaires de Peel w vvvv.c ca cp e e 0rI 510 General HeIp Wanted 510~ Generai HeIp Wanted Immediate Packager Positions PICKER/PACKER GENERAL LABOUR Day, Eveîiag. Oacrnicjht shitts vaiesS YOU HAVE: -/6 f os. aaperiencn -Sut,. ty boots shores- Civai comnmunication ski//n A posirive. coo peratise attitude - Acensa to n sehicla a detinite asset. WE OFFER: -Weekly paycheques- 4% vacation tpaid meekipi -Consistent opportunîties - A vote. cdean norkploce. Caîl 416-306-3390 to inquire or Fax your resume to 416-306-1449 SEAMSTRESS I PERSONAL CARE AIDE(P. Respensihîlfeies ieclue SC it S F PNOIRE 1921 Ssske Ruad. Wferdoan. UNt Lits <'51 E-mail: kirstesgrehic/ 5-10 Generai KeIp Wanted 510 G.-ra lletp Wnted WHY PAY TO WORK OUT? Part tîme days. Moriday no Frîday 9-3. Glias marehouse needs env'rgesio indivîd uat. Appty wth resurne. KALEIDO GLASS 2 Lamb Street GEORGE TOW N FT BUILDING MAINT UCE ASSISTANT Requitvd tir Daka 1/' finn G" 'a/ mainenancev o/ ofice ieniraî//fes/ Candidate ass/ kv service otiet vd a s" abl o i sii and car e np eilc Cnnark Personnel. 586 Argus Road. tlakniile- OntrioîL6J-7S1 Cor-ne s joi aîasç te r' j ls'ed hoe 78231: ssfid ax87-26 Gen" ljelp Wanted Vetaicle tflspect'ifs and Driveîs Require.l t' Toronto Auto !XuctioisFuel uic Sales Department. Training provided. Vatid drivera license. Full time outside work. Apply 10 John Pas-m Fax 905-876-2364 50 place your employment ad today!