The Canadian Champion, Fnday, September 20, 2002--9 Ican't help but feel a littie guilty sometimesn Adi.mvuay Here 1 was having an emergency double tooth extraction carlier this week and right in the middle of it 1 asked if 1 could hold onto o teddy bear that wos sitting in the dentit's office. I don't know what came over me. Ah I1 know je that 1 was desperate to get my hande on that funry fellow and have him comfort me while 1 was being worked over in the dental chair. The dental assistant laughed and said that they would promise not to tell anybody, but 1 think they thought 1 was joking because they neyer did hand me that cuddly bear. 1 wasn't joking, but 1 would have been even more ashamed had 1 actually guI it. And 1 doubt they'd keep their promise not to tell anybody about the overgrown mon who needed a teddy bear to help im through his dental visit. I'd tell, even if 1 said 1 wouldn't. My dentist is the greatest. For some rea- son, one word out of is moutb and 1 start tu feel calmer, even witbout the teddy bear. But, here's the thing, and 1 don't know why this is so, but 1 feel as if 've let im down hecause 1 baven't taken care of my teetb properly. 1 don't imagine he could care less because be bas hundredo of patients, but 1 still get that feeling of guilt. 1 notice that with other things, too. For example, wben 1 go to the library and bave to walk througb the beeper tbing witb my books. The beeper sometimes gues off for whatever reason and right away t want 10 crawl up in a cumer. 'Hey kids, look at that criminal over there. Thts what a criminal looks ike. Hes une of those book steal- ers!" Its traumotic, and just how many peuple steal books they can gel for free, anyway? Il's the samne when 1 go lu a bank machine and il's being tended lu by people from an armoured car. I just want lu tbrow position j .ust so chcy dont think 1 rnight be thinldng about how nice il would be to have ail that money in the back of their truck. The only thing 1 actually ever did steal was a Roman Nougat bar when t was a lit- tde kid. My friendo told me it was easy, but tbey didn't explamn the guilt 'd have to live witb for 35 years afterward. 1 even went bock later and stuck a nickel on the shelves where the Roman Nougat bars were. You sometimes bear about good old Catholie guilt. Since 1 grew up Catholic there might be something to t bad îhing you did was like or door lu bell. 1i ncein sshcc wants te)i nsrixîse iheir ccl gikiig Ici cl? Back îlcn, c. lc ing that Roman Nougat bar just about sealed my fate as far as 1 was concemned. j How could 1 carry on? t's a good thing we ntehad confession because 1 spent a lot of timte there as a kid just trying to get back to a loose level playmng field in tebtl ewe heaven and bell. ril YM I've often wondcred what 1 would do if 1 found bags of money in the wildemess or a hat. Every buge sum was mistakenly deposited into penîng the my account. 'm sure I would tell the bank esee WE an page 10 Townsend's Lifestyles column published every second Friday in The Ganadian Champion. At Sears, we are big enouqb to have what you want... but small enough to care who you are. SALE PRICES START SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 AND END SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 2002, UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED , WHILE OUANTITIES LAST. SOME ITEMS MAY HAVE BEEN ON SAL E DURING THE PAST WEEK KENMORE super capacity washer and dryer. ,0 79 3.2-cu. t. washer. Dual-Action® Ifow 49 flow 79999 agitator. #z3652. Sears reg. 699.99. 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