- 18-The Canadian Champion, Friday, September 20, 2002 Tips for planting flowering bulbs in containers Fait is the timne to plant Plantec in pots and wmclow boxes, flower bulbs bning the bnight col- ors of Spring practically inside your home. And there are plenty for you to choose from! drops, and crocus- es. Remember to always use a free- danng compost, kand place large stones or coarse - gravel at the bot- tom of each pot. hulbs can be plant- ed so that they almost touch; oth- erwise, plant them as you would in the garden. FIower bulbs are great mixers! They can be planted in seemingly endless varieties in two or three layers, or in combination with shrubs. In areas suffening from heavy Minds and harsh frosts, group patio pots together against a sheltered wall, To ensure y'ou always get thie best resuits.... a Plant flower bulbs in pots for a unique look. - Mix flower bulbs of different hieiglits to get a visualix' stunning effect. , Starting froîn early spring, flower bulbs can give von a dazzling array of colors. a Mixtures of bulbs with overlap- ping flowering times ensure con- tiiîuous, long Lsting colors. e Shady corners can be brighitened considerahly wAith flower bulbs in Pots. e Plant f Try planting double and single or cover them with materials like- early dwarf tulips. Triumph, bubhle wrap. You cars also move or pereri greigii, and kaufmannaina are also them to an unheated shed where wvider rai superb choices. Mix them whith temperatures remain at or below Brougi colorful hyacinths, narcissi, grape 13 degrees centigrade. The only Depot, hyacinths, Anemone blanda, after-care required is watening Visit oui Chionodoxa, hotanical Iris vani- during dry speils, and removing 905-87ý eties, puschkinia, scilla, snow- faded flowers. advice. flower bulbs among shrubs nnials to guarantee an even ange of colorful effects. ht to you by Country )28 Bronte St., Milton. ir Garden Centre or cati 8-2391 for expert JL JL Cy Cy trees, shrubs, & evergreens Planting Instructions You have purchased a healthy living plant. Keep it that way by taking the foiiowing steps: 1. Upon your arrivai at home, place the plant in the shade and keep moist until planted. 2. Dig a hole, minimum 30-40 cm larger that the pot, bail or root spread. 3. Rough the sides and bottoma of the hole to help drainage and root penetration. 4. Clay soil: Plant minimum 10- 15 cm above the surrounding soil. Backfill with a mixture of topsoil, manure and peat moss. 5. Sandy soul: Backfill with a good gardening mix. 6. Before backfilling: AIl restraints must be cut away from the trunk, (wire, burlap, plastic con- tainers). Fibre pots should be cut off. Unless plant is rooted, then remove rim and severely cut pot. Root bound plants should have the rootball cut lengthwise. 7. Trees should be staked and tied. 8. Spread mulch or compost around the base to keep plants moist. Feed twice yearly at the sur- face. 9. Roses should be planted with the bud (bump on stem), 2" below the surface. 10. Water as needed 2-3 times weekly during lst year. Brought to you by Langholm (905) 878-3100