Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Sep 2002, p. 7

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The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Septemnber 17, 2002 --7 Officiai Plan revisions at public-input stage Some concerns raised hv landowners at meeting' By RICHARD VIVIAN The Champion Following months of review, proposed revisions to Halton Region's Officiai Plan (OP) are headmng out for public comment. Halton's planning and public works committee received an OP directions report from staff Wednesday, sending the docu- ment forward to gather public opinion. Included in the report were 15 directions for inrproving the OR "l'm happy to say there is a 'greening' of Halton in tise directions report," said Jane Cloisecy of the Region's planning depars- ment. Amnong tise directions in tise report are to annually assess the extent of homnelessness and introduce programes accordingly, pro- moto Halton agriculture, inclusion of non- fanrn businesses on agricultural land and nos to expand tise existing urban envelope. "The directions are purposely broad eo as not to exclude possible other directions received from tise public," added Patrick Murphy, Haton's commissioner of plan- rang and public works. Oakville Green - an environenental group tisas bas routinely said tise OP does- n't go far enough to protect tise environ- ment - epoke favourably of tise directions "soes a ra tpforward. This gives us sentative Mike Lansdown. "This is a good start. We'll provide tise rest of our commente duning tise public consultation procees." Public consultation is scheduled su begin * laser tiis montis, following the council selection of an OP review steering commit- tee. Tise com-mittee wiIl include members from a variety of Regional advisory com- mittees and members at large from eacb of tise four municipalities. f Individuals interested in taking part on tise committee will be asked to apply to tise Region. Ine addition to a series of public meetings, open bouses and committee workshops on tise issue, tise staff directions report is avail- able for public viewing and comment on tise Region's Web site, www.region.bal- tonon.ca. Wiile still generally supportive oftise directions report. concems were raised by a pair of speakers representsng landowners in Tutors needed for the Halton school board Interested in working as a pars ime tutor? Tise Halton District Scisool Board, in partnership with tise Ministry of Education. is ofering college and university students tise opportunity tir work, as pare-ime class- roorn tirtrs in elernentary ansd higt sebhools. Tus be eligible to rutor. candidates 1IruSt be enrolled in natiematics, science, applied science and teclsnolog(,y prograflv in Ontarior. Tutors \Nili lx- required to woîrk cîgis isours per week for 201 veeks (Nos creuer1 to April 28) and wilI be paid $2,000t fos tiseir services. For an application torn or nsore itor- nmation. caîl (90t5)I 335-3665. development areas. "My client han significant (property) holdings in Halton and we want to bave meanmngful input into this procese," eaid Scott Snider, representing Paletta International. progress made ro-date wsithout input trom the public." Upon conclusion of the public consulta- tion procees in November, OP anrend- ments will be prepared for regional council coneideration. tf rî(uoprt(.(I, flic ww-rtînrî- Aît h included in the OUP and userA duning thse coneuderation of developments. Regional counicil han yet to addrese the directions report, but je expected to consid- er the issue tomorrow. 547 Main St. E. MILTON 878n0931 Infoine: 1-888-780-0333 Website: wwwfabricland.ca Got a hot scoop? If so, please cai our newsi'oom at (905) 878-2341. C 'l FA CANADA'S MLARGEST ABRIC DISTRIBUTOR ~S:Milton Minor Base-bali Assoitn Rookie - Born in 1995 or 1994 Sunday, Sept. 22, 2002 10:00 arn - 12:00 pm Rotary Park Sunday, Sept. 29, 2002 10:00 arn - 12:00 prn Rotary Park Minor Mosquito - Born in 1993 Sunday, Sept. 22, 2002 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm Rotary Park Sunday, Sept. 29, 2002 1:00 prn - 3:00 prn Rotary Park Major Mosquito - Born in 1992 Sunday, Sept. 22, 2002 1:00 prn - 3:00 prn Rotary Park Sunday, Sept. 29, 2002 1:00 prn - 3:00 prn Rotary Park For more informaition, cail Jeff Harper, Rep Convenor 905-467-5358 or 905-876-2288 Poe Wee - Born in 1991 or 1990 Sunday, Sept. 22, 2002 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm Bronte Meadows Sunday, Sept. 29, 2002- 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm Bronte Meadows Bantam - Born iD 1989 or 1988 Sunday, Sept. 22, 2002 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm Mapehursi Sunday, Sept. 29, 2002 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm Maplehurst **Dress weather appropriate 1 Moére 15 just a sample: Special Selectioni 'Bradbury UPHOLSTERY COLLECTION 140cm wîde Our Reg 14 98 m NOW 5 09 m SAVE 66%' Special Selection' 'Springfield DÉCOR COLLECTION 140cm wide Our Reg 18 98 mNOW 639 mSAVE 66%1 Special Selection! 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