22-The Canadian Champion Tuesday September 17, 2002 -A o h r M r h n e ,Under- 18 girls clinch fourth AohrM canse with season-ending blowout By STEVE LeBLANC - The Champion Talk about a fierce finish. Milton's Under-18 girls soccer squad puncîuated league play with an embarrassment of riches against Cambridge Tishursday night - scormng at just about every tum for a 9-0 blowout victory at Lions Sports Park. Amy DiPalma and Ainsley Kent delivered isat- tricks to fuel tise mismatch, wiicis represented a stark contrast tctise 3-1 defeat suffered at tise iands of Cambridige back in July. The Sargent Farm Magic's regular season-ending triumph- wiich followed back-to-back lottes late last monts - allowed thens to squeak past Mount Hamilton for fourtis place in tise nine-team South Regional Soccer League Elite Division. Their 8-7 overall record includeti a near-perfeet 6-1 run at home. Saîd iead coacis Louie DiPalma, "It was great to sec the girls play up to tieir potential. They execut- ed tise gante plan extremely well with a lot of sharp. short passes that they (Cambridge) just couldn't defend againtt." Emma Goddard inercepted a couple of cross passes in front of tise net through tise second half, but otherwise she and goaltending counterpart Davida Denicis were relatively idie between tise pipes. This was due in large part to tomne exceptional play by tise entire defensive unit. StandQut performn- ances in tise back field came from Rutis Hamon and Ashley Grant - who not only ttymied opposing attackers but initiated quite a few rushes as well. "Tisey (Cambridge) barely got mbt our zone. We were just constantly putting pressure on them" Milton's skipper explained. DiPalma notcised tise game winner about 20 min- utes mb tise contest, and from tisere tise local ladies exploited tise visitors' defense and goaltending wisenever possible. Chipping in single deposits were Erin Grevstead, Amanda Kiuper and Sylvie Nooland. The Under-18 girls will close out tise year this weekend attise Global Soccer Toumanîcot in Michigan. Meanwhile, Milton's Under-14 boys were stilIl in line for a second-place finish in tise SRSL's First Division ieadîng tto last nigit's showdown with Brantford. Tis was due 10 a remarkablecieght- game unbeaten streak engineered afier a soîaewisat shaky season stant. Sec Friday's Champion for full resulîs of lasi nigit's contesi. MILTON YOUTH BASKETBALL "MADD DAWVGS"I FALL INSTRUCTIONAL PROGRAM for Boys and Girls 2 îighîs/week I-Hr. Sessions each LOCATION:To be confirmced k' Sept. 24/02 Ages 7 - 10 . . .. 7:00-8:00 p.m.i Ages Il - 14 . ... 8:00-9:00 p.ni. FEES: $110.00 for first child in a family-$100.00 for each additional DATES: Play commences October Ist to mid-December 2002 REGISTRATION with fées on Tuesday September 24, 2002 at BISHOP REDING HIGH SCHOOL, 7 - 8pmn Registration based on first corne, flrst served basis. Milton Youth Basketball 420 Main St. E/Suite #558 Milton, ON, L9T 5G3 For more information cait: Phone (905) 691-1675 Fax (905) 875-4684 to nwcome ivy The Merchants' lvy League roll cal grows on. Delenceman Shawn Mole is set to beconie the tcam's fourth player in eight yeatrs to join academias eite ranks- hav- îng recently committed to Yale University for next fal. lvy League rival ComelI University was also in the running for tise sophomore blue- lîners services. However, Mole felt thai Netw Haven, Connecticut-based Yale oliered a more appealing overal package n tcr-ms of both schooling and hockey. lm just relieved to, have it over with and look forward to, getting the year starn- cd.- saîd the 6'l ", 175-pounder- a main- siay on Oakville's Appleby College honour roll who finished last year with a 90 per cent ascrage. "Hopefully we can get beyond the firsi round thîs season.- Mole ssill compete in the NCAA L)îs iion 1 Easiem Collegiate Athletic Conlerence (ECAC> witis the Yale Butldogs nexi year. sshere he'lI gel a chance tb play against fellow Ivy Leaguer ion - Gleed - a local * , delenceman with last year's league c h am p ion B r a m p t o il ' ~ Capitals who 110w skates for ComeJI. Until then, he'll Shawn Mole look to help Milton rebound t'rom a rather uninspired 2001/02 cam- paign. Now among the îeam*s top four rearguards and far more assertive with the puck, he should have ample opportunily to build on a 20 point rookie season. Mole hegan the year with a goal and an assist in Thursday's 8-3 rout of Brampton and iselped anchor a penalty-killing unit that allowed the Merchants to squeeze by Bramalea 4-3 during home-opening play at Memorial Arena Sunday aftemoon. BR's Cdrop) w Tier 2 nieans renewel of By STEVE LeBLANC Thse Champion Tise baille tior local gottîrtîn supremacy is tinally setto c otinute. In t1)97. Bisop Rdngsupstatijunior loothaîlleIarn shoekcltheir 'sllton District cotinterparîs I13-0. Sinc e tisen. tise M1ustangs ihas'c lad Ioss dît patiently lfor a s,,hot ai res en-c -sîice tise cruss-toss n Royal s quickly loutsd a honte ssithin Flatonis I ier 1 seniuîrdtivisioii. Tsati s.util nott. Witis such standout perforrners as Ryan Taylor. Chrîs Casa. Chris Dumencu and Mati lsisoy losi to graduation. BR's seniors have been relegated to division two wisicis now sets up a long-awaited local rematcîs sciseduled for regular season-end- ing play on October 25. In an effoni to deliver a pay-back vicîory - and fare well overal-tise 'Stangs will no doubt rely ieavily on an offensive line tisat's gol a lot more suze and experience compared Io last faîl. Coacis Keith Pearce is isoping this will open up a few more isoles for ninners like Todd Arruda. Brandon Byers and Dan Cordner - whose efforts will likely be a bigger factor now with tise lots of top receiver Louis Delprant. "We're probably going to run tise hall more," explained Pearce, who's got some more coaching iselp tbis season witis four new assistants. "MVP Craig Harding 1s up from tise juniors tiis year, but il may take him a while t0 being able 10 replace Delpratt." Defensively, coordinator Dave Curk has a number of big weapons in tise lineup including 63", 265 lbs. retumee Alan Moe.Henri Deepleels. 1 Lce lritteiibtiig,. laines %1lacîntoslt. itîsisSier. Mark Pereira and Dan Greenfland-Perrs arc arnong otît- ers-s bhoit 1be couted oit heas iîly is year. Fit i ,îr senior Jay Price and Ryan Page --tast vlers senior hack-up ss ili ptatoîtn ai the quanierback post. M'veanwisile. BR \vill tikely otp for a dîf- ferent plan et attack sînce tise tîss of Taylor te,îses ils grotind gaine a ittilC sLspect roglis flo\v. And a tscaltisv Andrew Pepper expected Io be tise staoling pivot last fait untit a season-opciting injury crushed tisai hope -altsss tise Rto .ls more air-sîrike potentiat. Stggested coach Jice Jurus. -Welt prois- ably go 610-411 îrunrîirg-passing). Rrght no\t, \%ere stitl searcising (for a top nis- er>.- Tise Royals' skipper said tise drop to lier t\vo means ise likely won'l isave to play as many guys botis says -wisich was neces- sary just Io stay competilive in tise upper class. Among those who'll work botis sides of lise baIl anyway is veteran Rusty Partons, wiso's currently on injury reserve but expected to be a standout for tise latter haîf of tise season. Otisers Jurus expectst 10 tie include Luke Antonelli, Mike Bankt, Rory Joisnston and Michael Winiarz - wiso'll attempt to flîl tome of tiseisole left by Taylor. "We've still got a lot of talented guys isere. If we stay isealtisy we sisould be rigist tisere initise cisampionsisip," said Jurus, wisose only iselp on tise sidelines will comne fromn Dan O'Hara of tise newly built Christ tise King Secondary Scisool in Georgetown. Reding opens tise season at home Friday against Oakville's White Oaks, wiile tise 'Stangs isost Oakville's TA. Blakelock Friday. Bots games start at 3:30 p.m. P'lease fax ail of your team reports and sports story ideas to Steve LeBlano at (905) 878-4943, or drop them off anytime at The Champion, 191 Main St. E. --Milton's senior football teams, start year Friday Make cheque payable to MILTON YOUTH BASKETBALLJ "Managing Parkinson's Disease" Presented b y. a Langlotz from the Parkinson s Society Su nday, September 22, 2002 .:00-3:00 p.m. Allendale Auditorium 185 Ontario St South, Milton For more information or to reserve a seat, please cati: (905) 878-4141 ext.8017 111 reteRodOa.ile OtiOMU 1FO