14-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday September 17, 2002 Dreamlift kids to head back to Florida in spring J Plans are in the works for a Dreamlift to U.S. thwarted the trip last year. 'We are very happy to be able to give the fam- ilies this news," said Sandy Payne, national dream fulfliment manager for Sunthine Dreamns for Kids, which puts on the trip. Ul ý kl .w wanied to make it up to these kids. And now we're ready to invite them back." The one-day, aIl expenses paid visit to Disney World for children challenged by severe disabil- ities or life-threatening ilînesses turned into a September 1l tragedy. The 95 Dreamlift participants from Ontario, including one from Milton, were in the air when hi-jacked planes crashed in New York, .i.gum SIMPLIC1TY AND CONVENIENCE Nanulif e one offers everything a traditional bank accounit could offer & more: ATM/Debit Card, Cheques, Full phone & internet banking, Ail in one monthly statement, and a bank account that puts YOU in the driver's seatl MORTGAGE AND MONEY MANAGER Manulife one consolidates your debts at one low rote of interest, eliminating the need for separate personal ons, uines of credit, and more. Then it puts your money to work, rolling in your chequing and sovings balances to drive down your debt (and your interest costsl) KlIm Mitchell Im@roberUssnsurance.Com bS Lee bob0roberWsnsurance.com i M 5WEEKS FOR$ based on full program, excudes products, expires Sept 24/02. l05e Up to 2-7 ibs. per week decrease appetite & boost metaboiism guaranteed resuits grocery store bought food energy stress & tension migraines smoking addiction sexual drive snoring arthrifis & Injuries coid & dlu... i ear after Herbai Magic®l Ja lie now 4 years later & sf111 maintainingU 17 pr2fore balMagic®l Juielost 40 pounds on the Quick-LossTm PLUS program weight bosenuriionelierbal remedies 15 Martin St. CARRIAGE SQUA www herbalmagicsystems co"m 905. 693-959$ Washington D.C. and Peansylvania. T!h, imPt p!t jtn i 0i n <1,!' but instead oi meeting Mickey Mouse ai Disney World, the participants were held up in an area hotel. They neyer got to visit the park and retumed to Ontario September 13, 2001. ,, Meetings on school Iclosures Bob & Kim would like to intS'froduce a new team member.. Fr11à The Halton District Sehool Board will host a series of public meetings to discuss the possibility of closing Martin Street and Perey W. Menry sehools. The meetings are part of the Sehool/Area Study Committee initiated in June, when a report i)utlining low enrolîment figures ai the sehools was presenîed to the sehool board. Members ni' the public are inviied to attend each meeting. The first meetings on October 1 and 3 (both starting at 7 p.m.> ai Matin Street and Perey W. Menry schools respecîiveiy are designed to receis'e infor- mation f rom sehool board staff on enroîl- ment, programs, operaiing cosis and more. Delegations from the public will be heard duning the second and third round of meeting,; - scheduled for October 8 and 15 ai Martin Street Sehool and October 10 and 17 ai Percy W. Merry Sehool. Al meetings stan ai 7 p.m. An open house will follow ai Milton District High Sehool on October 22 ai 6 p.m. to present information about possible closures, as well as review boundaries for proposed new schools in Milton. A committee report on the possible dlo- sure of the two achools is expected te, reach the sehool board duning a November 6 committee of the whole meeting. No action will be taken on the report until the November 20 board meeting. Vi~t.r MeQiade CONTACT US FOR MORE INFORMATION: ROBERT LEE INSURANCE AGENCY (905) 878-5786. new energy running errands, working out, racing the kids to the pool new attitude flot just the shy, quiet type any more... ee>&A) I9Mve Soodby plus sizes, e/bo tank tops... newin actuallrnake that 1tera me"y...