4-The Canadian Champion, Friday, September 13, 2002 Dea1s so incredible, wc&ve made a weekend out of it! t.. yht r '429. j LA-Z-no** STYA SOM oA '-899' Saura INW N ooO soAxW & DmatNo Ronta Smr NO GSI' BUT HURRY IN BECAUSE WHEN THE WEEK BEGINS, THIS OFFER ENDS. I'RIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY ONLY ENJOY TREMENDOUS SAVINGS ON QUALITY LA-Z-BOY FURNITIIRE. Do NOT PAY 'TIL 2003!0* .,Downtown businesses close for a few hours after five pipes break By FANNIE SUNSHINE The Champion Several areas in town were wîthout water Wednesday mom- ing after a pressure surge caused five watermnains to break, a Region officiai said. Bob McMurray, manager of system operations for I-laton, said workers were swabbing pipes Tuesday night to help rid the water systemn of manganese when the pressure surge occurred, prompting the breakage. The breakage meant business and resi- dential areas along Laurier Avenue, Main Street, Woodward Avenue, Mapie Avenue and Childs Drive were without water for several hours Wednesday whiie the prob- lem was ftxed. "When there is a pressure surge in the lunes, it couid affect ail the pumps or it could be scattered," Mr. McMurray said. "Every street in Milton has a watermain and they are ail connected. It just su hap- pened those speciftc areas were affected by this. Right now we are looking into exact- ly what went wrong. Our bet guess now ix a pump came on a! Kelso (Conservation Area) and caused a pressure surge." Andrew Casale, manager of Quality Greens on Main Street, said the store was shut down for several hours Wednesday moming while tht watermain was fixed. "We couldn't realy cook. The kitchen was shut down. Anytime business ix inter- rupted it hurts." He said staff used bottled water to wash hands and dishes. "This gots to prove how vital it ix to always have water provided." Andy Wilson, co-owner of Espress Yourself Caffé, said tht cofféetbouse had to tum away about 85 customers due to tht water shut-off. 'We missed the moming crowd but we were able to get tht tail end of tht lunch crowd. 1 was quite frustrated. Moming and lunch are our two busiest limes." Tht lvy At-ms also shut down for about two hours Wednesday moming. Roseheath Drive resident Kevin Powell said he woke up Wednesday mommng to "black tar" coming out of his taps. 'Usually when tht pipes are swabbtd theres a little bit of brown water tht next moming, su you just mun it for a bit and it clears up. Tht water this moming was black. Now that its settled I can set big chunks of brown stuff. This is tht worst Ive ever seen i. Mr. Powell, who's lived in town for 26 years, said he now refuses to drink tht tap water. It smells likes Javax. Its like walking into an indoor pool. Five (watermain) breaks ix excessive. 1 have to wonder what tht infrastructure is like if a pressure surge like this tan happen. How this happened is totally bizarre." THE ORPRATON OF TE TOW SF ML OMmNE jTOI905-878-1657 905-878-7252 Iton Milton and Area residents are invited to join Mayor Gordon Krantz, Regional Chair Joyce Savoline and Police Chief Ean Algar on site for the ground- breaking ceremony of the New Pire, Ambulance and Police Facility in Campbeilviile. Where: Reid Side Road (West of Guelph Une) When: Imes. September 17, 2002 Thue: llam (rabi or shine) If yon reqlure any &Md"io infonnation pleas contact Lealte Witiantsn at 905-78-7252 ext. 2138. Employment Opportunity The Milton Fire Department is accepting applications and/or resumes for Part TMme Firefighter Positions. Preferred qualifications "DZ" license, First Aid, CPR, Grade 12 and any other fie related courses. You must reside in the Milton/Campbellville aea to apply. Applications can be pcked up t the Town Hall Monday to Fiday from 8:30 a.m. t104:30 p.m. Pieuse forward your application by Seitember 26, 2002 in confidence to Coordinator, Human Resources, Town of Milton 43 Brown Street, Milton, Ontario L9T 5HÎ2 Or by fax to (905)878-4231 An information Session for alLawjiiula wilI be held at: Central FIre Station 405 Steeles Avenue Thesday October 1, 2002-7:00 p.m. Please note: You wilI be required to register for the written entrance test (10 be held October 5, 2002) ai the above noted Information Sesion. Wr woutd ike ta thaok al applicants who apply for this position, but we must adrise that only the appttants chuen for th hring competition wl!! be contacted. in accordante wth thte reedom of Information and Privacy tegstation. applîcant information is colected under th authority of the municipal Act and witlbcusued utity for canddate selection. 1T* met" tbat nEvery owner of a dog shal, with- in seven(7) <aya of owtsership, cause each dog to te liçenSed and registered with dhm Clerk's Office. The owntr sha keep tihe tag securely flxed on tht dog ut aOB times; n Bvery cal owner shahl place on tht cat a collai on which is per- manentiy inscrthed the name and address,of tht owner; n No person shahl keep more than two (2) dogs in tht Urban ares; three (3) dogs in tht Rural area; " No person shall keep morethan three (3) tata in tht Urban area;,Five (5) cats in tht Rural area (unlesx in bains and other agrtcultural buildings); " No animal owner shahl permit is or her animal to be at large on any public place;, " No animal owner shahl permit bis or ber animal to be at large on any private property without the con- sent of tht property owner. Note:An animal shal te deemed to te running at large if found in .any place other than the premises of the owner and not under con- trol of any persots; nThe owners of d.p andi cats shall b. responuible fer the rensoval sMdsanikary disposai ef aMyeerueut 0etltheanimal front amy private or publie lands and failingto do so is gmilty of au offense. Ail residents are requested to adhere to the requiremnents of the By-law No. 70-95 DOG TAGS ARE YOUR PET'S PROTECTION. By licensing and ensuring that the tag remains on the dog at al times, increases the chances of having yotxr pet returned home. Pieuse note there is a 'Lifetime' License fee for dogs with microehlp. Animai Contrai Services ix provid- cd the Town of Milton by tht Oakville Humant Society (905-845- 1551) Helen Lisi, Town Clerk Town of Milton -. a Notice to Pet Owners DRy-law, o. 70-95, as .wwd guev #the liceasftg oesdconm~oPit keeping of dgs and anùb oMter Mmi dog withM Meh Town of Milton . A * mittoN