14Te Ganadian Champion, Fniday, September 13, 2002 Public defibrillation programn gets initial approval By RICHARD VIVIAN The Champion Halton Region is moving forward with a new public accets defibrllation (PAD) and CPR prograrn, though somne councillors feel it's tino much too soon. ' lie pangiattia---apptovoŽd by the 1Ikaittn Iîcatth iand socilî,îl l ices coîntee Tuesday - would sec compact computenized defibrillation machines situated in public areas in case of a cardiac arretit. Voice prompting leads users through the process of prepar- ing the machines and computer monitors prevent unnecessary shocks. "Early defibrillation is the defmnitive answer (to cardiac arest). Defibrillation within dree to four minutes offers the mont favourable survival rate," Greg Sage of the Halton Region Health Departmnent told the committee. Calling for an ambulance, Mr. Sage added, often takes up go 10 minutes before arrivai at the patient's side. Prior to any defibrillation machines being installed around the region, a steering committee would be established to determine the mont suitable locations. Initial locations would ikely include municipal offices, recre- ational facilities and mails. A CPR education programn would accompan>' the installation of PADs, as CPR is alnto vital to the success of the machines' use. "Some of this s exploratory, some of this is documented as something we want to go forward with. We've heard the experts tell us that there is value in what's happening here," said Regional Chair Joyce Savoline. "We're nos jumping into this up to our cars, by any stretch of the imagination. This is putting our foot in the water to sece if the water is fine." The committee-approved motion alto included direction for Region staff to explore the possibility of also providing home defibrillators for high-risk individuals. A $38,000 budget - which would come from the existing health department fundit - is intended to pa>' for staff time bo mi- tiate the programn. Budget consideration for 2003 will also be Halton Region's non-profit grant application process to be formalized By RICHARD VIVIAN social services committee approved the point," said Regional Chair Joyce Savol The Champion polie>' framework for a new Human "This raises awareness wthmn the c, Halton Region is looking to formalize Services Capital Assistance Programn munity that we know how to pantneri the application process for grants to non- T 1uesday. thc community to make these projects1 profit organizations. "We're charting new waters here. Do we pen." Members of the regional health and have it ail right? Probabl>' not ot shis Tog the specifie policy bas yet tg Bob & Kim would 11ke to introduce * a new team member .. hiq stu.ol offers ever>lhing a traditionot bank acco0unt couId offor & more: ATM/Debit Corci, Choques, fuit phono & internet banking, M in onemonthly ocd a bnkoooufidputs LO n *rWs1OOtt Ale. :om- with hap- tobe series of goals that must be met for funding to be considered. e ueo ALI on page 31 In the article "Discovering Downtown Milton, Style with a Smile" on Sept 6/02 the advertorial stated that Jo'Leen's cardes Alfred Dunner. Jo'Leen's no longer carnies this le. We apologize for an>' inconvenience this may h ave cauaed. Season Endling Game Highlights Milton 3 Erin 4 Tiis seoni final match tumout to Se tht montexctng andl Ssst-planl mnatch Sy Mihon of the 500505. Finithing 92 i n points 1il Semso, th ifion teamo was pomped up atan lng oit one to Edio throagitoot titi seasan. BSthe esliofthe tost hatt ihmSovaiSahiad 2gals. SauToomas snthgi tpaceain itont othei, nt andl put oes. tnaig Harding pt o tttsacntothait goal on asoi lboncertnmTlontouiotbe, wio isc Tii pap tt uyintntealtt mttiispositions ahted p eckitrtitoWenn anoa, oi Smlithtaliao Manotato, Choi oidooolii, oil Smn, mnii Ggon, Jte an PsEs, ad MieailBaEs ti tis ttaS nintesto t nmulo ,ayMion t an ..... 1s1,htiRit oatitegantoth ae sacondi osioinx pinoliandS an inertasnts otitah ts sldpessre. 1 tittsnute lintin th sac- od oniotme piol, Sisvols ableeto capturezios acornekic andsoint- hon knthttbaSnin, Titougiout te ganeand In tat tbtoughot te tea- son, Mitons Boys tit7 piaptal st ase an sd w n al cet sportsmnan- liti asnd tiis o pitili miann. Wi5 oseksl - v given to spending $1 28,000 for personnel to oversee the program, as Weil asdCLI. llol mtdctia. Each PAD costit about $5,000. One unit hati been purchased to date. That unit is mntended for use at the Halton Region headquar- ters on Bronte Road in Oakville. White the committee was generally supportive of the program, a pair of counicillors did raise some concemns. The program is much more aggressive than Burlington Councillor Mike Wallace expected. Mr. Wallace saSini on the com- mittee meeting and waan't eligible to vote. "My vision was to coordinate education plans and have PADs in regional buildings with a significant population," he said. "We're in the public health business, not the health provision business." Fellow Burlington Councillor Jack Dennison suggested the funds ma>' be better spent reaching those considered a high-risk in their homes. "l'm concemed about putting ail our efforts on the 15 per cent (that have cardiac arrestit in public) and forgetting about the 85 per cent (that happen at home)," he told the committce. lnstalling PADit could raiite the survival rate of cardiac antotit from 5 to 30 per cent locally, said Dr. Stempien, emergene>' direc- tor as Joseph Brant Hospital in Burlington. "Though moitt cardiac arrestit occur in the home, those 15 per cent (that occur in public) are the unes we can have an impact on now," he told the committec. 'Is would be very complicated so identify those who would be a high risk at home." Regional council hasn't endorsed the PAD program at this time, however counicillors are expected to coniider the issue Wedneitday. 2:00 - 4:00 pm 4*Small Classes (14 max.) -ý Qualified Teachers SEnriched Academic Programn 4~Individual Student Attention SBefore & After School Care 4J.K. Full and Half Days SReasonable Fees For Further Information ~' Phone 905-693-1557 ir ii 8560 Tremaine Road, M Milton 6 6 A, P ýýF ioi RN ..oGAE8