The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, September 10, 2002 -5 vDespite new doctors, town stili has shortage By RICHARD VIVIAN The Champion Despîte the arrivai of several new doc- tors iniMlton this year, the community is stili considered under serviced by the Ministry of Health and Long-Teni Care. bIcludmng new doctors to town and those who've committed to corne, Milton is still one doctor short of losing its under-serv- iced designation. But once that last spot is filled, Milton will still actually be under-serviced because the cuitent designation is based on a population of 32,000. Milton's unofficial population currently sits at about 38,000 residents. "Now, when we fil this asat spot, we'Il go back and re-apply for under-serviced area designation based on the population at the time that we filled the last spot," said Cindy McDoneil, chief operating officer at Milton District Hospital. "We'l start the process now so that we don't lose the momentum of recruitment." Physician service designations are based on a ratio of 1,380 people to one physician - thougIh many doctors see more patients. Already this year, doctors Sujeewa Foneska, Joseph Yuh, Markus Schatzmann and Glen Hunter have joined the commu- nity. Dr. Hunter's retum ni July marked the re-opening of the obstetrics unit at Milton District Hospital. Previously, Dr. Hunter operated a famnily practice in town. Two additional physicians are scheduled to open practices in town this faîl. A further two medical sehool students have commnitted to opening practices in town upon graduation, during the summers of 2003 and 2004. As a designated under-serviccd commnu- nity, Milton is permitted to actively recruit ýWt.k nIA r i h o 'f 11nwdIC il o hools in the province. The ministry also offers tuition reimbursement programs for gradu- ates who locate in under-serviced aras. "It's been an amnazing success," Ms McDonell said of the local recruitment efforts. In rry opinion, i hw'l'one hitter than we anticipated and 1 think theres a couple reasons for that. One of them is that we'vc had a very strong, multi-disciplinary approach. We've had physicians and hos- pital staff very actively recruitmng. But also, we've had key people, volunteers within PITCH UN ~ CANADA ' 15 FOFF Our' frewlum W.42 Bronte St. S. #2 Milton ý 0)8769 à the town community that have helped us with tis.- Along with doctors Foneska and Yuh, several physicians currently operating ini Milton are stili acceptmng patients, mnclud- ing doctors Mustafa Kamouna, Markus Schatzmann and Michael Gilbert. - ADULT LINC/IESL PROGRAM FM 1 NO CHARGE - START ANY TIM ucÇAI Bishop Roding High School (M<a MY 01nW iuiJu m m Suw Pu'wY) çau (805) 848-7555 or (905) 875-8851 rFor Dotais IUCUff Mr. Mark Mil olsiuP kiku LBVCIS1-3 20 &»012:80 Mul.i' 1000 R» L OL b" sWIi b bl Wm e acs O 100-:00 MaffWud Filn cbnvumunpPmIUCUIdam110400 ls-1u Got a hot scoop? Ca#! aur news- room at 878- 2341.