"'W te rut Pil nome & Gardon lipsl' .Comîng Soptomber 2Oth JR yur Cnda hmi The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, September 10, 2002--31 Canada' s UV Index ar -wi~ world standard (NC)-OT1'AWA - The Ultraviolet (UV) Index celebrated ils t0tb anniversary tbis year. Environment Canada scientists developed the index to keep Canadians informed about tbe strcngtb of the sun's UV rays, and to raise awareness about the need to take action to protect akîn from damage. Over-exposure to UV rays can cause sun- hum, skin cancer, skin aging, cataracts and may suppress tbe immune system. Twenty-six countries now use the index. Tbe World Meteorological Organization and tbe World Healtb Organization adopted the index in 1994 as an international standard for weather services around tbe world. The UV Index uses a numerical scale to inform people about tbe strengtb of tbe sun's raya. The bigber the number, tbe stronger tbe sun and the greater the need to take sun-wise precautions. More than 80 percent of Canadians are familiar with the index. It was devel- oped in close L c o-o pe ration witb healtb partners including the Canadian Dermatology Association, the Canadian Cancer Society and Health Canada. Environment Minister David Anderson congratulas- ed bis department's scientiats for "creating such a useful tool, one that bas belped save lives in Canada and around tbe world." i I I i I GREENHOUSES Colour AcId Texture ln The Fail Gamrcle CMolMW"ghtand iwarm à"aoeofItheMý fie Oeigof fau frM obt w fi.t hawy mumtoflW minds, os t*u aumn ffdFl teaa t opportun4tyto fMN #w PWM g OMWof IM. dMume Wcon ia ralntow ~o ormwW aM maomoegoet wm Opiated twasthe f f thepdbM kaUoWe*" MW Mt Mwtk oIxk a o MPdIant.iauWuth tmr ListenTro GREENHOUSES ~ 102-9 For More DurIington Waerdown Miltoni located on Hy#5 btween o"eteon tecorer of ocate atîriSania brat Stret and Guelph Lme Hy#6 at Sti Cocesion Est: aidirafaltar 905-332-3222 905-68b9-1999 905-b76-4000