The Canadian Champion, Frday September 6, 2002-11 v-Necklace stolen from youth in store parking lot A I i yeaî old Nliltiîîy îjL)u îh a iuhli. Saturday in the parking lot of the Macs conven- cience store on Wilson Drive. At about 9:45 p.m., the youth was approached by four males in a four-door gray Taurus. They asked 10 tee the victim's necklace. When the vie- tim got close to the car, one of the occupants grabhed the necklace out of bis hand. One of the suspects is described as white and heavy set witb a shaved head. lHe was wearing a bloc bandanna. Another suspect is described as white with a slim build. He was alsîr wearing a blue bindan- na. The silver necklace. along with the 'P' pen- dant, ix valued at $55. N5îotofl. ý t. le violeIý A 20) Kawasaki motorcycle was stolen lrom G&D Tank and Trailer Repairs on Steeles Avenue Saturday at 10:30 a.m. The motorcycle, which was parked at the front of tise business. is valued at $6.000. Jewelry stolen Jewelry, valued at $7,500. was stolen lrom a Sixih Line residence Saturday at about 2:30 p.m. Taxi driver scammed A taxi driver was scammed oui of a $150 l'aie afier the customer lie dropped off in Milion froin London bailed on the payment Sunday. The driver dropped a womnan off as a Lyndsay Police B/o Uer Court residence at about 5 p.m. Halton police say the woman told the driver she had 10 go into the home to get cash, but neyer came out. The suspect is described as black in ber early îwenties, five-foot-six and 129 pounds. She also had a pierced nose. Tires, rims stolen Aluminons rims and 17-inclh tires were stolen from Richardson Chev-Olds sometime between last Friday and Monday. The stolen items, valued at $2,500, were taken Car damaged The roof and trunk of a 1991 BMW received $2.001) damage while parked at a Wilson Dnive resîdence ovemnight Saturday. Unknown suspects climbed over the car then defecated on the roof. House broken into A Jasper Street residence was broken into ovemnight Tuesday. Suspects stole a TV. a coin collection, a wheel barrel, firewood and batteries. The combined value of the items taken is $750. The St. Louis Rams ended last season with disappointment, losing in the Super Bowl against the underdog New England Paîriots. RB Marshall Faulk, the most versatile back in he NFL was nowhere 10 be found in the second haif and QB Kurt Wamer, last season's co- MVP along with Faulk, did not have a strong game. 1 arn picking the Rams 10 be back in the big dance at the end of the season, seek- ing to atone for past failure - the moti- vation is there, the rookies are now vet- erans, the veterans are now more com- fortable in the coach's systein - an improved defensc combined with their potent offensive firepower will make the Rams a difficuit îeam 10 beat. Who is your îeam? Let's kick off! As the NFL focuses people's attention on football, 1 thought of how many of the technical terras surrounding that sport could be applied in a congrega- tional experience. A quarterback sneak is when churcli members attempt 10 leave quietly, leav- ing during <lie altar invitation. A draw play is what many children do with their bulletin throughout the Worship Service. NEW-LIE SenieoPstor Assmb. Df ana a Chilciren Mr*. Natlle Rogue Worship Mr$. Esther Kestle'. Youth Mr. Tim Stevens 9 amn - Early Worship Service 9:30 amn - Sunday School for Ail Ages 10:45 amn - Second Worship Service "DARE TO SE A DANIEL" Srmon Series a09 KPJOW9 Wl-A T TOMORROW IIOLI2... 6:30 p.m. - Sunday Night LlVE Sarvl* u & ynamlc Chldren's idaring ail services! Haif-time refers to the interval of lime between the Sunday School and the Worship Service. A bench warmer is someone who does nol contribute 10 the service in any way. Sadly, this individual does nol sing, pray, work. or give and is quite content 10 simply sit and do nolhing. Having a backfleld-in-motioii is wliat happens when younger children in the congregalion begin t0 make frequent resîroom or waler founitain trips to the back of the sancluary during the serv- ice. Staying in the pocket is what happens 10 a lot of money that should be given t0 the Lord's work. Thse two-minute warning is thse point aI which members of thse congregalion realize tIsat the sermon is almost over and begin 10 gather Up their personal belongings. An instant replay is used when the pas- tor loses lis notes and has 10 fall back on last week's illustrations. Sudden death occurs when the preach- er goes mbt overtime and is often evi- denced in tIse attention spart of congre- gational members. A trap is particularly effective when the individual called on to pray for the spe- cial requests failed 10 pay attention as they were listed. An end run allows people 10, gel out of church quickly, wiîhout having t0 speak 10 anyone. A flex defense is incorporated far 100 oflen making il difficuit for individuals t0 personaHly apply the sermon's Biblîcal truth. A blitz best describes tIse pressing rush for the restaurants that follows the clos- ing prayer. Ilope you enjoyed those parallels! 1 St. Gieorge's Anglican Church, Lowville 7051 Guelph LUne, just north of Derry Road Summer Service schedulc hegins Sunday, JuIy 7th and continues ihrough to Sunday Sepiember 1tsi 9:3Oam atîemating Momîng Prayer ansd Holy Communion Nursery and Sunday School provided 9:30 Youth Service in the Auditorium Service of Prayer for Heating: 7pm Sunday, Juty 281 ad Sunday, August 25" Rector: The Reverend Canon Chantie Masters For more information rail the church office 878-1363 or Visit the websîte IKEND remember readtng a creative church sign posted on a giant biliboard which proclaimed: Meet Me at My House before the Game!" ~ God Wîîh ail the frenzied activities of a new fail season, let's nol forget t0 meet Godi at His House! Consider visiting a local church this week! Consuit the Religious Directory below for service limes and location. Submitted by Reverend Dan Rogge, Senior pastor of New Life Church, Milton1 % MitonBopfist Church 900 Nipissing Rd. (905) 875-1626 9:45 arn. Sunday Sohool 11:00 a.m. Worship Service Ail are welcomel Sermon Tle: Why do we need encouragement? P*v. Grog Macaly - B.A., .Dw. SOUTHSIDE COMMUNIT!CURCII MILTON GOSPEL HALL~ BAHA' 1 dfThe Christaf & Mistouiry Aliince 306 Ontario St. N. e 878-3873 _______ 2850 DEBRY RD. LQ Phone 878-5664 10:00 arn. - The Lord's Supper WEEKLV INFORMAL DISCUSSION Pastor: Greg McCombs 11:45 arn. - Sunday School "Bahai Failli and Ils Teachings" Pastor of Youtb Ministries: jack Ninaber 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Ail Welcome Wednesday 7:30 p*m.* Info about activities: 905-875-2923 10:00 A.M. SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE Prayer and Bible Study Wihout doubeach bengsithe centre of thesainirg face of he gaory &"ADvENTuRtELAISD" for kids 3 - Gr. 6 ai Gad Fo eachnonme, each annaiue, each perfection wSich (Nursery rare provided Up 10 age 2> Behold the Lamb 0f God afin fma God ihere exist ao sgn in mon. Ifii weîe oheNise. mon coulai For more ino n ur euarwel which taketh away flot imagine tese perectonn, and couid ni sndersiond them. riitis laecâtegur wofie.lvthe sin of the world. Baai Seripture minsîie, peae ailth eurc ofie.John 1.29 1-800-433-3284 Grace Anglican Church We welcome you to... 9 RACEWAY GBAPTIST CHURGH 317 Main St. E., Miltonfi . the Church on the Hill ST. PAU i'S ~ 4 103 Martin Street Tel. 878-2411 Fax 878-3005 UNITED) CHURCH iN. 905-878-1629 w;ww.gracechurchmilton.eom 1 23 Main St. E., Milton Pastor Walter H. Isaak Rey. Dr. Mark McDermott Re.Amy Cousineau Sun. Sept. 8, 10:30 a.m. PENTECOST 16 1:0 ar. - FMoingSibervice SUNDAY SERVICES Nursery facilities available 1:0am onn evc 8:00 am - Holy Conmmunion Church School Registration, 6:00 p.m. - Evening Service 10:00 am - Sung Eucharist Veggle Tales Movie Day & Sundas Sunday Church School & Coffee Hour Tues. Sept. 10, 7 p.m.. 'Remembering 911' THURSDAY ______________Thursday 10:00 am Hioly Communion Rev. John Benhan & Rev. Ge"r Hofstetter 7:00 p.m. Bible Study & Prayer Judy Hunter, Director of Music Wleelchair Access Tlîrough Parking Lot Doîîrs Church office: (905) 878-8895 d"You'Il always find a friend at Graceway" THE NFL KICKS OFF THIS WEE