Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 30 Aug 2002, p. 7

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,,-H llo een ath r un ven fuiThe Canadian Champion, Friday, August 30, 2002-7 in terms of crîmînal actîvîty, O RR A ER RT carrîed off from local homes Provincial government's increase of lon g- temcaecst s iu ou- a arede Time Capsules' are geinf infimatiwi cxtracted inoni past issues o!Thé, Chamipion and other publications to pro- vide a wvindowi into Milmoîi's past. Explanatoirv commnent i. s otiectinies pio- iided to place the situatin iniii oitext. November 1897 Halloween passed off very cîuietly in town. with jusi an odd gate or so being car- ricd off. The boys seem to have more sense than their fathers had when they were boys and apply their time ai snmething more creditable than upsenting iheir neighbor's outhouses and other foolish work. Or per- haps the fear of the police kept them in'? Col. J.P. Whitney, the Conservative leader. addressed a good-sized meeting in the town hall last night. A large number from the surroundmng district came to town to hear the new leader of the party. Mr. Whitney arrived on the 5.55 p.m. train on the G.T.R. accompanied by Lieut-Col. Kems M.P.P., a deputation meeting them at the station composed of Mayor Dice, Wm. Clements, President of the Conservative Association, Senator McKindscy and J. Elliont. Quite a number of ladies were present. Wm. Clements acted as chairman and on the plaform were Mr. Whitney, Lieut-Col. Kemns, David Henderson, M.P., Mayor Dice. Warden Hutcheon. Messrs. Fred Kemns, J.W. Ellioti. E.W. Boyd, D.F. Elliott, Gen. Allen. Gen. Winn, Wm. Patterson. Wm. Little, R.L. Hemstreet. Phillip Walker. Jas. Henderson. J.F. Richardson. G. Joyce, T. Henderson, Mat. Dice and G.L. Henderson. The band, in years gone by, after the fal faims were over, discontinued practice until late in the following sprioeg and were there- fore unable to take up anything when they sîarted again with quiekstepo, simple waltzes, polkas, etc. Now its about time that they should make a change and practice duning the wmnter months at least one night in the week. Members who will ont attend regularly should be bounced bodily as they keep bei- ter men out of the band and keep the others bebind. Let practice start at once and we will have a first class band for the next sea- Milton Timze Capsules son. The bandmaster has made them a l'air offer; why not take advantage of it. December 1897 The Guelph hotel keepers have adopted and published the following tariff: Owing to the advances in the pnice of liquors the hotel-keepers in this city have adopted the following price list:- Brandy, rum, gin, Scotch and Irish whiskey and ail case gonds to be 10 cents per glass or three for 25 cents. Ginger beer and whiskey and ginger ale and whiskey 10 cents. Collins drinks, 15 cents or two for 25 cents. Ail hot liquors 10 cents. William Johnson, a shoemaker, who has been in the emplny of Thos. Wilson and Son f'or a few years, died on Sunday. H-e had heen suffering for some trne with can- cer. Hi', remains were interred in the ncw cemetery (Evcrgreen) at the expense nf the tosso on Mnnday. 'he deceased ceaves a widow andI one child in very poor circum- stances. Here is a chance for those chanitably inclined. as Mrs. Johnson is n poor health and the hoy is a little fellow about six years of age. At the enîertainmrenî at Ligny Sehool on the evening of the 22nd a numher of youth organized in an attempt te, hreak up the gathering. The chairman, Rev. Mr. Finney, called them tu order but was treated with contempt and insulted. Some sehool furni- ture was smashed and the decorations pre- pared by the teacher and pupils were tom down. About a dozen of the young men will parade before Mayor Dice tomorrow on the complai of the trustees of the sehool. This material is assembled on behaf o the Milton Hisorical Society by Jim Dilîs, chair nf research, whn tan be reached by e-mail at jdills@idirect.com. Dear Editor: Wbocîpee, I jusi got my firsi made-in-Milîon parking ticket- $30) for parking longer than three hours on the street. I phnned the clerks coffice and was told that the three-hour lîmit is anytime - not just îîvemight, which talîs in a separate category. Think abcout it. You go il) a friend's bouse for dinner but unless thcy have a big encîugh driveway you can only stay three hours. And what about parties'? There's aà three-hour lîmît for those who can't fît toto your driveway. And forget family dinners and birthdays. as youlIl just have in catch up on family gnssip with e- mails. For those of you in the oew developmenî where available parking is a disgrace, you have a grace pcbi- od, or su I'm told, until the town assumes the road- ways. We in town are generally tbree-car families and (The' j'ollowiic/ lctteî is addres.îed to Prenmier Eruiie Eies anid a -o;,-v Ias ilc'd aiti Thce Chiampion.) Dear Editor: l'm absoluîely appallecl andl ouit rageil by the receni announicernent trcim Qucen's Park regarding the unhelievable increase in raies for resîdents in long-term care facîli- tics. Firsi cof aIl, I rcceived the notifi- cation July 5 from the director nf long-termi care facilîties thai stated the lacilities are requered to pro- vide at leasi 301 days written notice and that the rate would increase August 1, 2002." I believe that", îîot a 30 day notice. Secondly, many of these residents don't have the large pen- sions that are received by more recent retirees or that are paid to reîired elected govemment offi- cials/employees. Many of them are alscî veterans whn have already serveil their ccuntry and don't receive recogni- ticon for ibis as their income excecils their means. Now our elecced cfficials stab them in the back, igncîring their own advisers and tlcmanding resiclents who are able to pay, subsidiLe those who are unable to pay. I understood that this is the gov- emment's responsibility and why we already pay sucb hefty taxes. Rates at Allendale. in the region of Halton, have ini our case risen frnm $1,764.18 to $1.977.80 per month -12 per cent increase or $65 more per day. On top of ibis, we must also pay for those drugs not covered by the govemnment, which amounts to approximately $200) per month. As well, where one spouse resides in the facility and the other in the cnmmunity, the cost for accommodaticon îs îotally out nf cîîntrol. lits totally ludîcrous to put ibis burden on people wbn are already vulncrable, non longer wage earrers and that are already experiencing a vast decrease in any investmeni interesi income they may have. Il appears the govemment will ensure there are non funds let, and make them more dependent on the govemment taking away what- ever dignity and independence they may have left. Shame on Queen's Park. I believe one must remnember this when election time comes around. If the private sector ever tried thîs, I wonder how long they would get away with it. This should be recoosidered immediately. Rita Ward R.R.6 Milton teenagers can add to the oumber, yet we're building as if everynne can take public transit. ln spite of comn- plaints of congestion by emergency services our coun- cil approved hîgh-density housing without adequate parking. It was tax greed rather than common sense. Parking on busy streets or during snowfalls, which can impede traffic or prevent s00w clearance, should be addressed and fines issued. Other than that, ibis rampant tickeiing jusi seems like another empînyment opportuniîy to boîster our already-bloated Town staff. This is just one of the many poorly-handled issues we're facing as we grow, and the many complaints are due solely to a lack of hands-on govemmeot from our municipal council. As I've said on many occasions, I think the staff and their consultants mun the towo and the council are merely along for the ride. It's a puty. Patrick Kelly Milton There's more newsworthy things than Exxxotica: reader Dear Editor: l'm a 39-year-old mother of three. I've ived in Milton for 10 years, loved il 10 years ago and still believe it to be the ideal place to raise a famiîy - pomn stores and strip joints or ont. 1 don't believe it to be my business or anynne es' business who frequents these establishments, nor do 1 feel tIsati lowers the tone of the towo. I've readMTe Champion twice weekly for 10 years, but I've neyer read sucb a bunch of crap until recently. Could we please gel 0010 sometbing more newswor- thy? Michele Brown Milton zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom MIME VAIR l AUIV tiavf vvuDv RARE JVMi NOVl Nia 20OHP 3.OL V6 Engine -Poser Windows é Power AMFM CD Cassefte Stereo Tsmble Under 3rd Ros Se Great Lease $0 Secority De, K RYVE M b6& C *I qi ON AT ACIILLES' Aichilles 20A PV'O @0MITIBZDBÇ;£ 019% 351 quesiSt. (1w, 1) Acton, ON for 6 mothsII9*853*O300 ie 5 Speed Aulomalic Transmission Tht 2002 Protege LX Includes: Poserful 2 DL 4 Cylinderh '* r Lodes - Poser Healed Windows Engine- Aulomalic Trans a Air condiion è Poser Lodks lii@aiC h 1i n i a aci i Excssise Roll Dosn Rear Windows -*60/40 Rear Seals - Keyless Enlry , AMIFM CD Stereo est # Mazda's Leadership Warranly Duat Airbago # 15, Wheels - Mazde's Leadership Warranly ;e Rates Available Or Cash Purchase from $17,363' Pus FreighUPDE and Taxes.CN Ior details ,posit required on IMPVs Add îîhy $1.515 tir incredibly equipped ES Medelll Purchase Finandng oetly Reader says rampant ticketîng is merely another opportunity to beef Up Town 's already bloated staff You are invited to your award wÉjýî~ng dealer to test drive any of our awad wnnnqIneup.. &%.Pu REN %P"g %ff %FOPWS%7 gqbe 8 e&4fe 9

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