Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 30 Aug 2002, p. 6

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6 - The Canadian Champion Frîday Auguat 30 2002 SCOMMENT THE CANADIANCHAMPION Box 248, 191 Main Si. F. Milton, Onit. 191 4IN9 (905) 878-2341 s905-878-4943 s905-876-2364 d: 905-875-3300 n905-878-5947 Publisher Ascciee i'Public/rer Eu/ieur rer C'hiefl Eu//irai Ar/rertirceng rMoura er CirileuicniMenaeg Offree c er' Prierire hinn lep' The Canadian Champion poilisired eery Tuesday and Fnday ai 191 MýaireSiSI Mîton Gril ,L9T 4N9 (Box 248) i erre of Tire Meroirohl Priirlrog Pirilishiiig & isîillutirOg Liii reui ci suoiriran compares WhlIIÈ includes Ajax/Pclierig News Advetiser Aistoi Heralil Courier Barrie Adivairre Bary's Bdy Tis Week, Boller Erierprise Bram pion Guarilian, Briigion Pos BurrirgnrrShoipping News iy Parent iyciof ork Suarririr Colngwuud/Wasaga Conreuion, East York Mi .Eri Adocale!Courliy Rouies, Eobcolie Guandian Famiroroiigir Postl Foevef Younig. Georgetown IdependenirAclufl Fee Press, HaTen Business Tmes Hurenea Business Times, KngsonThirs Week. Lidsay Thirs Week, Maîkraro Econronrsl & Sorir MidandPeneianguisireci Milice, Mimen Shopping News. Mississauga Bsness Tmes, Mssssauga News, Napanee Guide, Nassagaweya News, Newmarkeu/Aicura Ea-Banner. Norumbrland News, SNoBthork MrrorTOakiulie Beaver, Takile Shoppling NewsTirlimers Hockey News, rilia Tdaysirawa/WhiriyîCiarrngion/PorT Ferry Tis Week, PetrbroiughThi Bs eeic Pîclon Couniy Torde BRcirnoTd HiTiornlriiaugiranCierai ScarirîugO Mi r oullolle/xindge Ariuctrsrng is accepled onrie conditiron tliai iinire eeni ni a fypo- graphical errori. traiio0900fitlireadcerisiflg space nccriediry lire errT nieos item, Igerrer wilir a easonairre allnwance oi signatine. Wre 00nire inangedfon, ut lire ialanice cifrie aduerlsemenl cuir 5c pu irfrai rire apie canle raie Tire puirisirer reserces lh iregirlIo caegorlie aniornirserîrenîs mor declune Tire Milice Cacaeirac Chamionuer a Reeyclable Pruduci Let's make the long weekend a safe one \Vilh the last l)oli(iay weekend of the suimmier now lhere, vie'l like to otter one final plea to aiea inotorists t) stay sate aind act responsihly during their upcomning travels. Okay, mnany of you are wondering just when you'll stop being bur- dened by anti-drinking and driving messages. I's simple- as soon as drinking and driving ceases to be a problem. Unfortunately, that's flot quite the case yet. During August's Civic Holiday Weekend, Ontario police forces charged many a driver with being under the influence of alcohol. With so many alternatives to drinking and driving - taking a cab, staying over at a friend's house or having a designated driver - it's flabbergasting how some people still choose the option that puts them and others in harmn's way. And let's try to keep our tempers in check this weekend as well. Many of us wilI likely run into traffic tie-ups over the next two or three days and while this can be frustrating, giving in to road rage doesn't make things any better. In fact, angry drivers have become almost as dangerous on Ontario highways as inoxicated ones. So when traveling this weekend, let's rernember that every riyotorist or passenger is somebody's loved one- including you. *OUR READERS WRITE Reader asks cyclîsts to give some warnîng when approachîng walkers on Milton paths My Bushand and I walk each day with our duîg aluîng the path adja- cent 10 Derry Road lrointOntario Street to Thompson Road. We walk side by side and keep the dog on our rigbt on the grass. WBen we see someone approach- ing. walking or on Bikes. we walk beBînd eacB other. 10 give the per- son or persons more roofli Unfortunaiely. we dont Bave eyes n the back ol our Be.tds, sur we're ai a disadivuîtoîgc wben soimeone conles up bebind us. excuse mie. buti with bikes there's no warning and wesve been rîîn down quiie ofien. Doi they îlot make Beils f'or bikcs anymore? Wouldn' i i Be nice if the bikers would Ici us know they're coming through'? 'm hearing impaired, so it's even worse when 1 venture oui alone. Sunday nighi I was walking the dog by myseli' on Laurier Avenue near A&P on the sidewalk. A faîber was rîding is bike witB is young daughier's amis around bis back. A young lad followed closýe behind and both were travelling like îhey were in the Indy 5M1). The mother came after and she saw a couple walking toward her. sur she took the road. Since I couldn't see nor Bear them coming. I was quite upset when îhey wbizzed by me. Please lei the walkers know you are coming. We dont mind if you ycll ai us. Barbara Aikenhead Ontario Street E-mail your letters to the editor to miltoned@hatoflSearch.Com. A '01 19W -b A F -,7 -- - - -- Wouldn't it make more sense to butIld IIVL parxu The Town Bas missed the mark ni i heir plans for il new skaic park. Originally. the skate park- whicB carnies a $3(X).000 price tag- was 10 be designed bo serv- ice skaleboardeis. n-ine skaters and BMXers. Now. the Town says thats not possible and the BMXers ave to find somewbere cIsc because the uses arenit conmpatible. According 10 ihe Town, ibere are two reasons bikes are being rernoved from the park. its skate park consultant said so and ils insurulnce compa- ny said s. In order 10 properly maneuver a bike. ihe rampir bave 10 Be signiicaillly Bieper than ibose used by skateboardcrs and in-line skatcrs. And consid- ering ibal, the insurance company believes il would Be dangerous 10 mix uses. I dont chal- lenge this îhinking. On the surface, eliminalitîg tbe bikes doesn't sceen overly misguuded. It esein Borders oncon- siderate nii enons of pleasing skatehoarders. i donit doubi that aving a Bike land on somneonie would Burt. But when you look ai the people who use the existing skate park, the majorily of îhem are BMXers. AIl you Bave 10 do 10 sec ibat s stand By the park f'or a litîle while. BMXers ouînumbered oîBer users when the Town Bosted a public meeting Io seek design input lasi mionth. Since ibis is tBe case. wouldn'titî make more sense 10 build a BMX park? Insîead, the Town iir moving forward witb the skate park- for wbich construction is slalcd for ibis faîl - and Bave îold the BMXers ibat if dcmand s significant enougB and money eau Be found ai a later date, mayBe they'll gel a park, From my And for now, the bikes can be sbippcd down 10 Druruquin Park and used ai ihe BMX Track 200(0 facilily. Howcvcr, the îrack caters 10 racing bikes only and not the free-style ridcrs ibal need a park of their own. So when the temporaiy kate park - which bas housed ail tbrce uses in relative peace - is to find enjoymnent. EiîBer ihat. or useoBrsuic turcs around tucwn lor tricks. it's offeen said the youthi of Milton doni bhave mnuch 10 keep ihenu occupied. 1 wonder wBat impact kicking the maJority of users oui ic' ihe skate park will Bave on that. And by saying iis, Fim not labeling BMXers as delinquents. Iru merely pointed oui iBat enter- lainent options f'or youth are shrinking. not growing. 'Mis scemns lke reverse progress 10 me. WBa's your opinion? We ai TBe Champion would love Io sce your opinion ini a letter Io the editor. And il neyer burts 10 give your local councillor or mayor a cal cuBer. TBey're the ones who will decide the final design. Editorial Fa: Advertising Fa. Classified Circulation Ian Oliver Neil Oliver Jili IDavis Karen Smith Wendy McNab Steve Crozier Teri Casas iim Coies

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