4-The Canadian Champion, Friday, August 30, 2002 e e^l-* There are ys many . wai [-ý.* -. dààsjà%um By KIM ARNOTT Special to The Champion A $48,000 retreat held last week for Haions 160 principals and vice-principals was an important and worthwhile team-buliding exercise, according to public school board officials. Nalton istrict Sc hiol Ni ard Educatîitx Dîtectuir tusty Papkc anti hoartdChair Ethel Gardiniei hoth adarrianil s dciended te cîînieteitc. nvhith camne unfici attatk thii neek hv Burlintgtîut trusI.tCe Peggx NI' Russell tuttuiitoedli te Jet siti l iîîîd te coîxierence ai the T'alismran Mountain ski tesort rt aier than usine a boartd tactitix bere in Nation. "Ve basve iigh scitoots n.ih îiî condi- t ieniîtîanti ice tact tues ibtis couid hase beeîî iteiiai. sie said. "l'ni serrv. but we've ail got lii gel smarter about buts we spcttliimuney." The protessitînai deveiopment conter- ence. which has been hetd annualty since 1969, offert the school administrators a chance tri discuss important systemn goals, attend workshops and hear tromn keynote speakers. said Mr. Papke. it bas traditionaliy been field ouiside ofi Nation Io allen' people iii tocus. avoid dis- tractions and bud a sense ot' iean, le added. T he boiard aiso bas a cuinractuai oblita- lion with is principals and sîce-principais te proide prel essiimnai des eiupmeni i pper1uriie. lis ýa s'er'1imputant pari of oui- sx Sti gruînth." s.iid Mi- Papke. '1 ihink i 'Pays dis'idends for u.' Ms Gardiner adiced tbai board staff man- agcd hi keep fice cest of the iVwîî (av cui- lcrence down n 0 per person andi exen suuhi corporate sponsoir,, luheip ucoveci fli cxpeflse. i xxclx c corporale sponsui-s ciuiîriuîed iii the cuiniereilce. n 1h doînationsianic t rom 's 100 lo $2,500. Mi. Papke said the conilerence. n hidi Aa n os cd 10 the summer iminihs about tour years ago 10 avoid disruption Io ihe school year. allows school administrators a chance 10 conneci and create menioring opportunitles. 'These are critical leaders in our sys- tem," he said. "Theres a realt eam-building *see DIRECTOR on page 23 W-1 1 -M Trustee questions nrhic dil' $49000 retreat at ski resort EVERY DAY Savings c( À> EVERY DAYI, JOIN TODAY. Cali 1 800 263-8599 Join on-line and SAVE the sl2 initiation fee on your nevv membership. www.caasco.on.caleveryday Hamilton - Dundas - Stoney Creek - Burlington - Oakville - Brantford