30-Tht Canadien Champion, Friday, Auguaf 30, 2002 n Loving Memory ot CHRISTOPHER HEIPEL who eft us September Ilst, 1995 t has been 7 years but time will neyer lessen how much me miss you and wish you were stili here. You eft us wth a lot ot great memories though and we cling to those. Love Mcm & Dad, your brother Brad. sdater Paula, Bob, Robyn & Tyler HUNT - In loving memory of Cecil, who passed awey September 1, 2000 1 love 10 think of y0u, dear Cecil n mansions bright and fair, There Jesus reigne in glory, There is no sorrow there. From your Ioving wife, Lis n Memory of MURRAY DEAN PARR0TT who was taken from us August 31sf, 2001. The Measuoe of a Man Questions for famîl & friends to 'ponder' one year ater ....fhe resi units' by which f0 messure the worth of a mari... NOT- How did he die? BUT- How did he live? NOT- Wht did he gain? BUT- What did he give? NOT- Wht was his station? BUT- Hsd he a heart? And, did he plsy hs God-given parIt? Wss he ever ready with a word of good ofleer, To brng back a smile, le banish a test" NOT- Wht was hie church? NOR- Whaf mas his creed? BUT- Had he befriended those realiy in need? NOT- Wht did the sketch in the newspaper ssy'? BUT- How msny were saddened he was faken away? NOT- Wss he rich, or was he poor BUT- Did he have an open door? NOT- Was he good or as he bad? BUT- Wes he a very speciel Qed? NOT- Was he slow, or in a hurry? BUT- Jut that we dearly loved our Murray.... Deeply missed by Pat, Matt, Ken, Grace family & many friends PAUL SCRIVER Augusi 4,1972 - September 1, 1996 Beautiful memories, Are wondîurful thinga, They lest tliiithe longeat day, They neyer wear out, They neyer get losf, And cen neyer be given away. To some you mey be fergotten To others a part of the pat. But te us who loved and bast you Your memory wil always lest. Love Mcm, Dad, Greg & Nanci LOST: Omial whýite/fabby cet. Cebot/Freser erea Greaty ised ewerd. 905-878-9637. CANADAS mot active outdoor/ social/ sports CIuL for singles is coming f0 town. (905)471-7843 www.singlehorizons.com BEFORE snd after achiool dsaycsre available for Sam Sherratt ares. Cail Pam 905-878-5328. ences. Pivase cail 905-878-9482. DAYCARE evilabie. Hi, my name is Briena. 1arn 20 monfhs old and need a friend. 1lke kids of al ages. Se if you're parenfs work and you need a ba- bysitter and a frend, please caii my momn - Marie 905-693-8952. ENERGETIC Gramme available for babysîttîng in my home. Two years and up. References. Cali 905- 876-4733. EXPERIENCED daycare provder tas openînga in a timulating, nurturing and earnîng envronment in the Eff. Poster area. CPR, Frst Ad+. Jeannine 905-878-7701 PART-Time Nanny nvedvd for baby. Refarences. Camptellilie. Cal Karen 905-854-3441, e.22. QUALITY daycare avalable in my home. Stevies & Merin area. Excellent references, receipte provîd- ed. Cali 876-3557. RELIABLE daycare available. Wilson and Wood- ward arva. Please call 905-876-4978. 47Lurier Ave. Milton 878-28811 APPLIANCES - fridge, 2 door; Stove; Maytag auto- matic washer, dryer. Also epartment set. Under warranty. 905-637-8328 CARPET I have several 1,000 yrdv 0of new Staîn- master & 1001/ nylon carnet. Wîll do lvingroom & hall for $349. ncludes carnet. pad & installation (30 yards) Steve, 905-639-2902 FOR Sale: 3-piece black ail leather living room su- ite-lîke new-offered eit $2500. Caîl 905-878-1588 abter 7:Op.m. FOR Sale. 302 Ford Short Block Rolier Cern. $100 or beat offer. 905-876-1090. FREE estimtes... Gof wobbly or broken chairs? Weak sofa or chair springs Sof oam? lired look- îng wood finishes? .. then caîl Fields for ail furnture repaira and custom wood refinshîng, 9-9 daily, 905- 875-4427. GIRLS 4-piece white bedroom set for sale. $300. 905-876-2212. HAY for Sale. Regular square bales. Pick up in field or delivered. 1-877-218-2488. LOVESEATS (3) 1 pair both ruef colour wif h dewn- filled cushions, $200 each. t floral, $100. Teak bed- room set-headboard (double/queen) atrached night fables, triple dresser with mirrer (9 drawers). Single dresser (6 draers), $500. 905-854-4234. MARKETr ambe available for meat. Vrieus weights. Phone 905-877-2523. NEED a Compuer .Dont have cash? The Ongirnal IBM PC, jut $1 a day..no money downl Unlîmited AOL & infereat Fret for 1 yeari The Buck A Day jCompany, caîl 1-800-772-8617 wmw.bucka- day.com SAMSUNG FIat Screen TVas 2T, 20" & DVD PIlay- er ail for just $999 or $1 a dey ... no money down! day.com SPAS ..Spas...Spas... Broken partnership forces sale. Oiver 30 spas still in wrapper. Mut be sold et csorbelow. 905-567-9459. b) 2001, 30 FOOT TRAVEL TRAILER Treil-lite Super Light Weight, model 8302. IAvaleble Oct. 15, 2002, in time to go WANTED AI-China, Silver, Crystai, sewîng mia- '*wIP %WW 1 chines ... Doultofl, Moorcroft, Quille, Glass, Watches,' 3 Whvel Scooter - Unîcare Elecîrîc 3 Wheel Scoot- 'mrera .'u,,dîc 'Quir)mpnt 8011e aintings coliecti- ,, ., ~w ew nr ,35001 sale pice $1500 ANTIQUES WANTED!^ lialesA ivl C <)i -(>v-, i Garge aleso uFinfadelGfuh centume- . e4 this weekend! e 4F Cal 905-87533o Place ou Garage Sale il THE CHAMPION FOR Sale: 1985 buick eabre U u ïýwe 905-875-3835 . a e i RICHARDSON Now you can CHEVROLET OLDSMOILE browse To lease or purchase your car or truck Hwy 25 S, et Derry Rd. 878-2393 SALES & LEASING NEW & USED 410 STEELES AVE. A FAMILY BUSINESS WITH FAMILV VALUES f WE-_8UY -SELL -LEASE LARGES? SEILECTION 0F L9501 VEHICLES IN MILON 905-875-2277 www.gorrudsautogroup.com 1 . Affernoon Dock SUPervisor Miasiasauga, Ontario A welI established LTL carrier is tooking for a dynamic individual te run their afternoon cross-dock operation, managing a emaîl workforce ensuring a timely and efficient tranefer of cuatomer frieght. Qualifications: Indivdual muet he experienced with crosa-deck opera- lion. The individual shouîd te computer literate esperience would be an asset, and te conscientious and detail oriented. Muet te able te work weIt îndependently as weil as wth a group in a fast paced environment and cope with wett high stress situations. Escelent communication and cus- tomer service skitts ar e required for the position. 1lours: Mfternoon shift thours to he arrangedi lnterested applicants should send their compîefed resumes witli satary expectation to: PO. Box 41086 4141 Dxie Road, Mssissauga, Ontario L4W 5C9 HUNT CHRYSLER LIMITED New Car Sales Manager reqsired fer busy Car Dealership. C " Leadership " Gsld Key Lease knomledge ~j " Abilify te ýappraîse used vehicles " Validi OMVIC licence " Good driving record " Reynods & Reynolds Autometive esperience - Chrysfer experience preferred (but miii look et manufacture knomledge) Hunt Chrysler offers e meekîy salery, monthfy bonus, comrpany vehicle, commission, benefifs and a groing customer base. Fax or ornait resumne in confidence te: * Gary Hunt (F) 905-876-0297 (P) 905676-2580 C Iiuntîfd@cogOCO-flOt cL HEALTH AND SAFETY a C SALES EXECUTIVE -= o SafefyCare Inc. is an international cumpany 003 mhich prodeces and distributes ifs oms range j of Safely Training Vdetapes and Mansals. .Sà- Workîng ouI ufouer Brlîngto oficecm provide cumpanies throsghost Canada rnîth . on qualily aide te help train their staff in heallh and * safety. We are lookîng te add oe more sales persan 10 - CD sar sacceenfal leam. The position involves * - sellîng sar prodacîs toexeieling castumers as= well as dtveluping niem business. Ail tht sale actîvity ie doetoser tht phone. Tht persan me 0 > art louking fer doe nul need e pecîfic e 3 qualifications. bal raîher should be able te demunsîrat a stable hîstory mîlh a personal or ef business background thal inidîcates persiel-ai ence and determînialion.Z Wt uffer a basic salary, plus commissions and C tealh benefile, ilfi pulenliai firel yeare ean so 3,0- $40.000. tf Iis position interesîs yos, please ceil Ed Aasman et SAFETYCARE INC. (905)631-6070 coninued on the nert page! century