The Canadian Champion, Friday, August 30, 2002 -3 Teachers will be returning By KIM ARNQTT Special to The Champion The head of fltons pub- lic high school teachers' union is pronîlsîng patienice __for a while. IThe [Ilion District School Boards secondai y school teachers wiii return to the ciassroîîm Tuesday without a conlract. Their current collective agre ment expires at the end of August. as does the deat beîween the board and its elementary teachers. Joe I-arwood, president of District 20 of the Ontario Secondary School Teachers' sides ss il ,osil stdoîvAn iIdsu' But deaii mîKînu s large sIllo hoid uhîtui a res îevs iiithe pi osit- ciai fuîiding iornsîuia or edîîcatîon s coînpieted in Nov enier. And if thai reviess îoesni resutt n more inoney for schooi boards io pass aiong to their teaciiers, union officiais are promising a ditficuit second term. Lasl week. Eari Nanners. presi- dent of OSSTF. wamned that mem- bers couid be prepared to strike as eariy as February, if new collective agreements arent negotiated by then. Lîke utet i ,îitîîîboar, r.nîaîîy io lie PO prvnies 69 schuîuîibhards iuuse passed haiaîîccd budgets tiît ni lude noi .dditiuînal niîîney lii cîlîti ait neootiations. "Wcrc flly assare ihai we're patient until November andi then we'il doi some analyzing and if thîngs are nuit positive, we'l cosn- sîder scîme action for Fehruiary," saîd Mr. Harwood. H-e said he betieves Haiton teach- ers agree with that plan, although he added that Februarys "action" could take a variety of fonns aside from a strike. Mr. Harwood said he was disap- esee BIG on page 23 Some Calculations Are Complex. Ths Isn't One of Them. Save $35 to $450 Today; qftnousw 're makimg il easy ta sne fwm $35 ta $450 at £a-Z-fBoy 'TFumdatre 5afie-e.'The more pieces yau buy, the more you sauts. Cf base flvm the widest selection of quahity £a-Z-'Be flîrniture in the area. Sa naw you cati get te end table thatgoes itûth /e ~"""reclmner, or the lamp t/at goes D o wit/ t/be winq chair, or mabe 1,1 isteadl of waitmq tage the leseat, go aûead and bu>' i naw WKithte sofa u ntr eecin T IL 1 ia-Z-"Boy quait>' and ail at prices you can be sure are t/e best. ePhiis at La-Z,Boy '-Furmitare APRIL Sjaâ-erws aur sales staff as knowledgeable as tuby came. ý-From desýqn assistance tafinancing options, ourgoal is talet you slbap ifi confidence. X-urin mtLa-Z-<Boy'TFumifriregalleies us'ere t/e mare 20031!* yau bit>' t/e mare you sait. t's t/at simple BURLINGTON POWER CENTRE sN Q.E.W. & BRANT STREET; (905)331-7600 G.p j & n-FI? m-9 p., So. 9 .m-6PmnSm 1mn-S Pmn Have a Safe and Happy Labour Day Weekend!1 1 1